To be fair to him, the median age of war thunder players has dropped drastically since I started playing, plenty of kids in my air lobbies, especially at premium tiers
It’s not people’s fault for taking such measures for grinding/tasks etc.
It’s GJ fault that they don’t have gameplay. And it’s not that ARB is a deathmatch, we make it as one because it’s more convenient to see it like this.
But yes, GJ doesn’t deliver in terms of gameplay… in ANY mode.
So , keep going for eachothers throat who is right and who is wrong… while they won’t deliver gameplay for anyone anyway, because you don’t ask for that.
Actually, it is pretty simple:
We all have joined a game with Rules. These rules include not to teamkill. They don’t deny attacking bases with premium fighters. This is the status quo. Deal with those rules!
If you don’t like this, it is perfectly fine to partition for change, debate and ask for changes of the rules. It has happened before, it can happen again. But until that happens, rules are rules. Use them as you like, you are playing to enjoy yourself.
Shaming others for playing it wrong according to moi™ isn’t going to help. Much better to report those who break rules on purpose or get the game mechanics changed.
Breaking news…
You actually grind faster by being a good pilot as opposed to zombing!!!
Just dropped 7 kills while listening to music and scrolling on my phone
It looks like when i see this:
So from my pov you make this even worse.
Even if the game would be played by 18+ only and all players would have the same goals whilst playing the game there is simply no justification for intentional team kills.
I would even argue that i have a certain amount of understanding if you meet reserve tier bi-plane fighters at jet BRs or blatant cases of kill stealing, but your argumentation chain boils down to “i don’t like how others play my game” and “i feel good about team killing friendlies if they don’t have the same understanding how the game should be played”.
So even if you don’t try to educate others it looks like that we need an auto-kick after one team kill (currently 2 in Air RB) to stop you from ruining the game of others.
In any case - have a good one!
I did my due research.
I give up on gathering more jet data because
1: Base bombing against 14.0 BVR trucks in a stock kfir c10 is suffering
2: My Google sheet indicates I have sufficient data.
Ord x,10,B7A2 matches:,
Economy,1.42,Ord+econ: (RP / ord x / economy) O/E/damage: (RP/ord x/ economy/damage),
Kfir C10,4.3 game:,Damage,RP,Ord+econ Norm,O/E/Damage norm,
Ord X,6.3,Destruction:,8864,91,6.41E+00,7.23E-04,
Economy ,2.53,Damage:,1108,23,1.62E+00,1.46E-03,
,Damage: ,7756,158,1.11E+01,1.43E-03,
,Damage mean:,Damage stdev
,4.3 game:,Damage,RP,
,Destruction:,9999,102,7.18E+00,7.18E-04,Destruction mean,Destruction stdev
,Damage: ,8891,182,1.28E+01,1.44E-03,
,4.3 game:,Damage,RP,
,Damage: ,8892,182,1.28E+01,1.44E-03,
,Kfir C10 matches,
,14.0 game:,Damage,RP,
,14.0 game:,Damage,RP,
What do our findings demonstrate?
When we normalize RP gain to 1 damage dealt to a base, we discover that 1 damage corresponds consistently to
1.45 * 10^-3 RP for 1 damage pre-base destruction
7.23 * 10^-4 RP for dealing the killing blow to base with exactly 1 HP.
Now I just need someone to give me the damage values for a full base kill using napalm and with normal bomb to see if the predictions are aligned with reality.
Only plane of mine that has napalm is the P-51H and I’ve been unable to obtain a full base kill with the Kfir c10 10x mk82 before getting frustrated, so I’d welcome some jet tier base HP/damage data.
Also loadout’s ordnance multiplier would be needed as well.
There is no rule against killstealing and yet most people instinctually understand that it is wrong to do so.
Game rules enforced by the developer are not the only rules there are.
There are rules like “don’t wear a hat indoor”, but these rules are not part of the law. They are rules among like minded people. But they have no authority. They may even be harmful in some cases.
But they are not the rules of the game. Only of a group of players.
You confuse moral with rule. Or with concealed self-entitlement, like when the word “steal” pops up.
If bringing a biplane to 14.0 in an attempt to appear funny is simply “not having the same undestanding how the game should be played”, then yes - that is my argumentation. I will teamkill his squadmates and leave the biplane dangling behind simply because it brings me joy.
I agree that one should be kicked from the game after a single teamkill. This would prevent a lot of infighting between squads at the start of the game.
Would it stop me from teamkilling those people however? Probably not.
Keep in mind that there’s reward multipler for different planes, RP modifier, bomb load modifier etc
In the “Secondary Weapon” screen, what is the multiplier for score? I’m looking for something like this:
Thank you for the above though, that’s quite helpful.
8.0 for J-7D, not sure about MiG-23ML (2x ZB-500)
Best thing we can do is mass report his profile for TK
Sorry, but these statistics are somewhat of useless because the main problem is the reward system itself. It’s totally senseless to give an action with no effect to the goal of the battle so much reward.
In lower tiers where a base bleeds tickets or you can destroy AF it works. But the higher the tier the more useless bombing becomes. 200 tickets for a base, that’s 2 small pillboxes or 4 howitzer. Every player can make this even with 7mm guns.
The reward system should be adjusted to the effect your action have to the goal.
Gaijin has it in hands to guide the behaviour of the players by changing this system.
But they ignore it for years. And here we are…
Realistic, maybe. But that’s also heavily reliant on getting good matches. Bombing is repetitive, but you get similar results. People would rather get consistent 2k matches, over getting one “good game” with 2-3k RP, followed by multiple 200 RP matches.
Come on…
One of the best jets at the entire BR range and you do that…
Oh no, it isn’t. You are paying for having targets, which in turn are needed to keep the average fighters happy.