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How you look bombing in high tier fighters
And I’m the bad guy for saying it’s a problem lol, the people defending these zombers are just as braindead lol
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On topic:
The “Base bomb or sneak attack without premium” in stock noobcrew kfir c10 seems map dependent.
Maps with lots of mountains/valleys, I get more consistent ~1000 (NPC kill only) - 2000 (1 player kill) games sneaking around with Derby missiles and going for people base bombing. Due to sneaking around and derbies being a choice between mk82 and derbies, bombing does not fee viable. Games where I died accomplishing nothing were ~500-600 RP just from staying alive for 5 minutes.
On flat maps like sinai, rushing a base seems most viable for consistent RP without chaff and without G-resistance to try and do missile evasion. RP income seems comparable between the two. Need more games tho to see what the consistent amount is.
You are absolutely right. Everyone has the right to play the way they find enjoyable. Personally, shooting down friendly phantoms loaded with nothing but bombs brings me great joy.
Not only am I able to kill a player for playing the game wrong, I know that I am objectively in the right for doing so, since he is actively making the game slightly worse for everyone else.
The SL penalty you say? The dopamine rush alone from seeing his shiny new premium fighter jet, loaded with nothing but bombs, get reduced to submolecular level is worth it.
Lehetne rosszabb is, ha “amerikainak” hívhatnak.
Honestly, I don’t play Realistic pubs anymore because it doesn’t require skill. It’s get a green box of sadness and spam AIM 120Bs until half the enemy team is gone. If I gotta stock grind, I’ll play enough until I get bombs, and then play Sim until spaded.
How is he playing the game wrong? Please tell us.
Abusing the ‘multirole’ status of his aircraft to steal bases from actual bomber/interdictor aircraft
Dang, someone better tell Buff that them darn F-16s are “takin er jerbs der der der!”
Fun fact, “fighters” have carried bombs to destroy targets too. The Phantoms are well known for taking down target positions, or did you forget about a little conflict called the American War (Vietnam War for Americans), where Phantoms dropped napalm on Vietnamese targets.
Bringing a couple brimstones to shoot at someone on an airfield I can get but base bombing is stupid
My pleasure.
The argument of “There is no wrong way to play the game as long as you have fun” is wrong. One must remember that whenever you load into a match, you are sharing the lobby with 15 other teammates.
Bombing bases is objectively a completely useless action in the scope of a match. It does not help your team win in any way. This is a fact. It’s made worse when you decide to do so in a fighter jet. You are selfishly taking up a precious team slot, sabotaging your team in a process.
The truth is: there is a “right” way to play the game. As long as you are enjoying the game and at the same time making it more enjoyable to play for your team, you are playing the game “right”.
Idc about real life context, this is a video game, which is pvp-centric and has various roles assigned to different aircraft.
If you want bombing aircraft like the Ardvark or Tornado in the game, then they deserve priority to the base, that phantom can go to town on ground targets, but the least gaijin could do is allow bombers to do their job, and not have greedy premium players snag up all the bases
The ‘right’ way in question, is literally playing the aircraft to it’s respective role, and this should be enforced by gaijin
Okay, well 15 other guys may not like a sweaty tryhard stealing all the eliminations. Are you going to oblige and let your teammates get their elimination before getting your own?
“You must play your specific role”
“I don’t care about historical roles”
Dude, pick a side.
If it’s a fighter in game, and has fighter ordinance, then for all intents and purposes imo it’s a fighter
Mate, if this game was about appeasing your teammates, I would never have to play on the same side as German players. Cry all you want, but I assure you, not all of us want to play to appease you. Most of us are just grinding for tanks and planes we want. I’m specifically grinding for top tier just to mess around in Customs with friends and do some tournaments. I could care less about Pubs. There is a right way to play, it’s called: playing the game.
Dang, so I should start reporting F-16 players for dropping AGMs from Jupiter since they’re a fighter and should only be fighting jets? Dang, someone better tell Gaijin to start banning F-16 CAS players.
When did this become about CAS bud?
Everything I have said in this thread is purely revolving around Air RB, people can do whatever they want in ground since it’s a different enviroment, and you have to earn the right to spawn an aircraft
You are mistaken. I am not forcing you or anyone else to appease me personally.
All I am saying is that the next phantom i see loaded with bombs, is going to eat a missile the second he loads into a game just like the dozens of phantoms before him. And I am in the right for doing so.
After all, I am not forced to appease you either just because you decided to make the game slightly worse for me today.