If they had the ability to spawn CAS then they did get points.
I think you have with your Victorian etiquette : )
Gaijin set the rules of what is legal and what is not and that is it.You don’t need to add to them and if you do it’s for yourself only.
The game has changed a lot by people trying to play gate keeper.Many of those who J out are simply hitting the off switch in disgust,who knows when and if they will return.
Much could be done to ease the frustration and losing CAS is one of them.
You should know, then, that J’ing out to deny someone a kill is against the rules.
Not really, otherwise one would be punished for breaking the rules.
It is if you report it correctly as unsportsmanlike conduct using the Replay Report Function, which I did for the offending individual.
Sorry but You can’t ban someone because he left his vehicle.
You don’t know why he have done it
That’s up to the moderators to decide. Report the incident, explain the context, and leave it up to them. Simple.
If you saw the replay the reason for it is pretty obvious.
I needed to stop playing at exact moment because of reasons.
You can do it but it wont work unless there is exact text in game rules which specify one cannot J-out whenever one likes even to prevent from being killed.
The rules against unsportsmanlike are broad enough to allow moderators to interpret player behavior at their discretion.
Also I don’t think the anyone should be banned for breaking a rule one time unless its using cheating software. I just want the guy to get the on screen warning over it and hopefully make him think twice about doing it again because its wrong.
The unsportsmanlike rules are more of ethical guideline, those are not strict rules which gets you punished/banned.
Whatever the case the player in question violated them and deserves to be reprimanded for his actions.
But he wont. Punishment/ban is only and only for game breaking rules. Ethical rules are not bannable.
I don’t want him banned, I made that clear.
If you get reported for something like this then when you join the game you get a pop up window that tells you people have been reporting you for unsportsmanlike conduct.
That is the outcome I want for this individual. An on screen pop up telling him he’s done wrong.
Why are you defending him?
I am not defending him just saying nothing will happen. I play WT since closed beta and I have never heard someone got any reprimand because of braking ethical rule.
Well it does happen. I’ve seen it.
Well if you have seen it what more do you want? System exists.
Short answer: TO wouldn’t work because it’s extra time, money, and manpower spent for a mode that would bring 0 returns, and if anything, negatively impact the game due to longer queue times.
Long answer, I’ll just paste what Eftwyrd from the Steam forums said.
I’ve tried it and I can tell you how inconsistent it is, you are not going to be quick enough with the ESC-leave the vehicle combo when the bomb lands, unless the pilot is stupid enough to set the fuze >2sec.
Well the fact that I had to do 2 passes over the area to find him probably tipped him off that a bomb was coming and the bombs do make a noise when they are falling.
I find it extremely unlikely he just decided to J out at that exact moment for any other reason, he was doing well in that tank and when he J’d out it didnt even give anyone an assist or any credit for the kill so no one had even crit him.