I can turn my console off anytime I like,I dont need Gaijin’s permission or yours
Being able to punt tanks with utter impunity is already unsportsmanlike. Expecting ground players to sit there and just accept it is kind of perverse.
Imagine using CAS to bomb defenseless vehicles and still have the nerves to talk about sportsmanship lol
I’m okay with CAS in GRB, but let’s treat it like GRB. Lower the cost for CAP. At this point, your best defense against CAS is now planes.
So let’s stop locking an a2a loadout to combat CAS at the same threshold as CAS for points. CAS can bring some a2a to try and defend itself. It is a threat to everyone, and should affect the points as much. but if I only want to fight other jets I shouldn’t have to contend with the same SP cost when I’m only a threat to other jets.
I make a joke of what you say to a degree but I also in all seriousness understand your frustration in what is designated as a combined arms game. That is the point I kind of make and again I refer to the OP and their original point to a degree.
Overall I strive for a NO plane GRB game variant so those who want, accept or even enjoy CAS in GRB can play it with out facing the kind of issues you underline in the clear understanding that planes are a thing and they are not balanced ,they are a well earned smacking tool in the right hands and of course a waste of well earned points in the wrong hands.
Far too many players hate planes in GRB ,wish them gone(or maybe think they do) and have come to truly resent them and those who play them in the GRB game.Hence you have the issues you underline with people leaving , J-ing out,ODL whatever.
If Gaijin offered a No CAS GRB to run along side the existing GRB then I am sure all this silliness and resentment would vanish. Talk about “Flyers” and " Tankers" like two opposing teams in a game that is meant to be combined arms is simply ridiculous yet after 12 years that is the reality of the situation. We have two separate camps now ,something we have to acknowledge even if we cant accept it.
I have no interest in hearing old history about what the game was , what it was made for, whether it was TO at some point or always combine arms, it’s all moot.
I am talking about moving forward and the sheer hate for planes and the fact many see the best tank game available ruined by the very thing that was supposed to set it apart from the other tank games in the first place.
I wish I had the money to make a game that was basically WarThunder but without the planes. I would have an ass kicking game that was better than WoT and War Thunder.
You’ve not tried the methods they are using then.
Unfortunate for you to be spouting all this ‘knowledge’ and excuses, when you actually don’t understand the methods being used to make this sort of thing happen.
No disrespect bro( said prior to incoming disrespect :) ) but that is a huge pile of horse pucky and its been smashed a million times on million different chats on this subject.
Numbers. Let me post a “The Game is dying” thread on here and see the masses ,the moderators and even the forum managers rise up and tell me that the game has millions of players and is far from dying. I think that says it all and punches the numbers argument square in the tits. Either that or you can tell Stona he is a liar.
All that time and effort better spent elsewhere? Premium CAS. I like many are crying out for Premium CAS when playing Israel, Japan, Sweden or China in many BRs.
Take my money ! But guess what ? Nobody is.So, so much for that argument about how much Gaijin would lose from all those CAS premiums most of which are sold for use in ARB anyway.
As for Gaijin man hours ( or woman!!! ) well what could be cheaper than creating a whole new game mode by simply cutting planes from an already existing game mode? Total no brainer even for a guy with no brain.
Then of course Gaijin will make an April Fools event like the Dune or Mad max scenarios they did and really blow your " Time and effort" and your " Oh the numbers and queue times" argument out the water simultaneously so I don’t have to.
The forum itself answers your steam quote in every way. I don’t really need to be clever, just read the forum and remember what I read.
No CAS GRB exists every time GRB is played with no er…no CAS. Don’t forget that .When you play regular GRB and you are sat in your SPAA with no takers ,that is TO GRB right there.That is all a TO mode is.
You would be creating nothing the game has not already had for years.You are just boxing up a popular segment and selling it as a whole. Hell you could even introduce towed/static guns as premiums for a TO game or take any other money making opportunity from it.
I suspect Gaijin know how to rinse cash from every aspect of this game.
PS what if the New TO game had thousands of ex WoT players flocking to it ? What then in terms of revenue for Gaijin?
Your want to peddle this as the sole solution is ignorant to the true reasons people are listing as to why they leave the matches in the first place, and shows your prejudice to ‘need’ your want put in.
I’m sorry, but you’re ignorant to the point that it’s genuine delusion.
We’ve got people saying that they quit because they don’t like the maps, don’t like the upteirs, don’t like the fact they have to be aware… None of this will be fixed because of your precious wanted mode.
And your mode would be ‘fine’ until the next instance someone finds something else they can’t handle, then we’ll end up in the exact same position, with people wanting to fix a game they can’t play because ‘reasons’ (Being anything and everything they can produce as to why they shouldn’t have died or lost, as with every ‘reason’ for anyone having trouble with the game.)
But I suppose those of us who genuinely don’t have issue are just shills, and absolutely delusional… It’s just we don’t have the issues you proclaim to have.
It’s not about the game dying, it’s about Gajin being very self consience about queue times. as Eftwyrd said, they don’t care about the few hardcore players on the forums saying “I’d be fine with a longer queue if it means better matches”
All that time and effort they could spend on the main playerbase. TO fans are the minority, and again, there’s no money to be made from them anyways.
Alot of WoT players don’t even know WT exist. The whole “WoT players flocking over” is complete bs.
No it’s not because nobody at Gaijin is self conscious about queue times or numbers. Like I said.
Its the main player base who are complaining and its the main player base whining about ODL and players leaving the game early.Like I said ,same you can post less and read more.
You would see how many players join this forum never having posted before to complain about some kind of CAS related frustration. I don’t need to say a thing I can let them do it for me. You are full of talk about fantasy numbers here. You don’t know them and I don’t but I am not the one pretending I do, but the amount of CAS related complaints on here can be found by anyone.
That is BS and again ,spend some time watching YouTube and WoT content creators .WoT has lost players in huge numbers because of stupidity and greed and a new direction old players didn’t like. It has become a comedy. A big warning to Gaijin who can’t be blind. Any fool with half a brain and a bit of business sense can see a wandering player base looking for a new home to play a tank game.
Look a bit further to Reddit and see hundreds of comments about how so many WoT long termers or even the fence sitters would migrate to WT in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for the "Damn Planes " WT insist upon.
I am not making this up, just reading it and relating it.If I can see it you can see it.
So much scope to make a game that kicks both games up the as ,as both are seemingly old and tired. Maybe nobody is even interested in tank games any more but it seems not a question of which game is the biggest but which will fold first.
Everybody knows WT is better that WoT so why do you suspect so many still hold on to WoT? I imagine its the damn planes like they all say. We all know WT has a better damage/kill model.
So why not run a very cheap test for a few weeks and find out what is what instead of shaking your heads? I ask that to Gaijin and all the nay sayers.
That gaijin is afraid of splitting the Player base is indeed B’s they added naval and despite it Being a completely different gamemode were you have to start over completely it does have a player base and is still maintained by gaijin no problem
And they even have rb and Arcade game modes
You see that for every issue. 1 death leaving, bad maps, bad matchmaking, OP vehicles. For every player complaining on forums, there’s 10 who have bought prem CAS packs.
Congrats, you’ve discovered observer. You only think there’s lots of CAS complainers because you want there to be.
A big warning not to make the same mistakes, such as TO.
Haven’t played the game but are drawn away by noobs complaining about CAS. Sorry but that’s the fault of CAS complainers, not CAS.
Because many WoT players don’t even know about WT.
Already tested a TO a while back and ppl didn’t like it.
So you saying we need another division?
Several year’s ago which is pretty much worthless
I still not sure which event it was. Can someone send me a link or old youtube video of it? What was the TO test about? I still cant find it.
didnt find that but found this pretty interesting
guess cas isnt has balanced has the cas players think it is
Like I said you are just talking out of your hat here.
I think a lot of criticism for WT from those who are WoT regulars is important to making WT a better game for WT regulars. If I was in charge of the War Thunder PR team (if such a thing exists) I would want to know why tank game fans are not picking WT as their main go to,not sticking my head up my ass pretending there are no other games out there like you are. Many of them have tried WT, seen a load of positives but still gone back to WoT. I am no fan of Reddit for any serious subject but its a unbiased middle ground for a WT/WoT discussion and there is a lot of good things being said about WT.
I think it would be good for all those who play this game to work to get fans from other games and maybe Gaijin are trying to do that but they are focusing on the wrong things such as trying to make GRB arcade when we have arcade already.
My attitudes that WT could have it all ways if it could be bothered.
That is my main frustration and criticism of the game and I suspect many others agree especially the adults. Maybe not so much the kids who just want to go boom boom but I suspect WoT is more for them anyway.
You have nothing much to add to this discussion do you really? Kind of just showing that so called CAS players are nothing more than jack asses when it comes to a discussion because : 1 you come out with the same old rubbish
2 You get arsey when your old rubbish is easily shown to be rubbish. Like I said a million times ,we do occasionally have games with no planes and they are damn good games so please don’t talk about TO being expensive or game breaking.
yea i wounder why they are so afraid of a TO wen they “know” its bad. why not let us suffer? would give good opportunities for “told you so”
Somebody on one site described war thunder saying" they introduced helicopters in the GRB mode to fight tanks …how do you think that went? "
I’m like “yeah,it went how you would expect” mass tank destruction from afar,No shit.
Now the WT naval brigade are begging for subs.Gluttons for punishment.Maybe I will start the Subs are ruining naval thread myself now just for somewhere for future naval players to head to.
Why do CAS fanboys sit there all day typing ways to Nerf CAS when they supposedly support CAS ??? I am a TO advocate who says he wants to leave CAS as it is cos its fun for flyers.
It’s hilarious you guys are trying to use Reddit to back up your argument here when Reddit doesn’t require active players of WT to comment - Anyone can comment on Reddit, including people who have never even touched the game.
Reddit is wholly invalid as a source to try and support your argument, and even the WT forums itself is limited because the people on the forums are a small percentage of the playerbase at large.
Your " source material " is genuinely worthless for your arguments.