Why do CAS players so vocally oppose any suggestions

I do not think they listen to players not even willing to scroll down to the right topic:

I am not surprised at all it isn’t his idea.

The trigger queue idea was actually a beautifully simple approach to mitigate population splitting issues (by making it opt-in).

Now…the trigger queue doesn’t solve other issues associated with TO (such as split BRs, maps, etc.), tbut it still puts forward more thought toward developing TO successfully than “gimme now!” babbling.


And its supporters pretending those other issues don’t exist, much less coming up with solutions to preempt those problems (mainly maps and objectives), is why I will only ever at best shrug at the idea after the actual problems surrounding CAS get properly dealt with, which TO does absolutely nothing to solve.

The main thing is the maps - maps are generally campy, and keep only getting campier over time. Without CAS to dig people out, some other mechanic would need to replace it at the job to use current maps, or it would need a very limited map rotation consisting of non-city maps.

We have a mechanic that could fill this role, if heavily increased in lethality - Artillery. But then it would for all intents and purposes be CAS without planes if it was to actually be effective at dislodging people. No red warning message, 1-3 800mm Gustav-size shells hitting the location in question to make the person sitting there have to move or guaranteed die.

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Can you give an example? I’m not seeing any that show different BRs for air and ground, and that’s including things which are great for one but garbage for the other (like the F-8E, F-111). Maybe I’m not randomly checking the right ones, but most aircraft should have a pretty big difference between their air and ground BRs. Is this something Gaijin announced but didn’t actually do?

It should be virtually every aircraft. Almost nothing is equally effective in both modes.

Tornado MFG and Tornado WTD61 are 11.0 in air RB but 10.3 in GRB

Harrier Gr7 is 11.7 in air and 12.0 in ground

Su-25SM3 I think is 11.7 in Air RB but 12.7 in ground RB

The interface in the hanger isn’t very good I found. I don’t think they’ve figured out a good way to display the difference yet

But it’s only about 9.0 and above. below is coming next BR change

I do wonder what planes will see the largest disparity in lower ranks.

I can already guess F6Fs, P-47Ds, Corsairs, the F-82, and various other planes with multiple drops of large (1000lb/500kg+) ordinance will see the biggest changes.

I’m hoping some heavy bombers will go lower In ARB

They are much less used in GRB so their BRs/costs/rewards I assume are tied to ARB where they will be seen A LOT more (except Lanc, Pe-8, He111).

Yeah, its aircraft like the Lancaster that I think are massively Over BRed in air modes. 7.7mm MGs with very limited coverage provide no protection in ARB.

The another addition im hoping for with the split BRs is a bomber Mosqutio.

can be 2.3 ish in ARB (no guns) but like 5.7 in GRB (with a 4k cookie)

Yes please!

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Except other than the Pe-8 and Lancaster, aren’t those hardly ever used in Combined Ground RB? Even those two aren’t that common, I’d bet there are at least 5 Hellcats/P-47s/Fw-190s/Typhoons/Tempests for every one of those.

If we wanted to make (heavy) bombers more relevant in Combined, removing the 1.59 nerf would be in order. That nerf removed the 3rd person bombing cross from all planes which had bomb sights (and a couple that did not such as the BTD-1 and P-61C). As soon as it dropped, formerly-common B-25s, Do-217s, Yer-2s, Pe-2s, Tu-2s, and many others greatly reduced in number or went locally extinct in the mode altogether.

Another reason I support peeling back said nerf is because it hit very unequally - nations full of great fighter-bombers were essentially untouched (US, UK, FR, CN, IS) while others were either moderately harmed (GE) or severely harmed (RU, JP, IT, SW), some of which weren’t even in the game yet at the time as separate trees.

Because in all of the latter two cases, the only truly great fighter-bombers in those trees are as follows:

  • Fw-190s A-5/U2 and F-8
  • Bf-109K-4
  • A21A-3
  • Re.2005 serie 0
  • Italian P-47D-30
  • B7A2 (technically not even a fighter, and wiped by any half-decent pilot)

Then meanwhile various other 109s (250kg at most), A6M5s (250kg at most), N1K2s (250kg at most), and I-185s (250kg at most) are usable, but not exactly great.


Tank only would make the already sensitive queues even worse. It would also need major rebalancing as there’s no longer CAS to deal with campers or German/Russian heavy tanks. It’s too much work for too small of an audience.

Just go play WOT.

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Probably not. They will likely just go down 0.3 or 0.7 in ARB.

How is it sensitive in any way? We have over 150k players playing different gamemodes and we don’t know if the addition of TO would not bring new players.


Gaijin moves at a snails pace…

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I don’t like it, because it is very bouncy and has little post-pen damage. It is helpful for picking off crew though and has great ballistics.

If used correctly it gets the job done.

I once again remind You about the server replay/video ;)

I know, I am currently grinding the battlepass though and after that, I will grind top tier Air equipment, which I am not looking forward to…top tier Air RB is incredibly dull…

Imaginary problem. Nobody would mind to wait a bit longer but have peaceful gameplay with no bomb sniping planes

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