Whether to add EJ200-01A TVC engines for Germany and Spain in the future and on which versions of aircraft

EJ-200 with TVC

Testing of EJ200 equipped with 3DTVC ITP R & D:




CAD visualization of the ITP nozzle in deep view mode:

CAD representation of TVN during the p/y vectorization operation (3 actuators:

Document Set

page 149 or part 11
page 161 or part 12



The history of UHT on the EJ-200:

As well as the potential for increasing the EJ200’s thrust there are also plans to incorporate a Thrust Vectoring Control, or TVC nozzle.

The EJ200’s TVC nozzle is a joint project lead by Spain’s ITP and involving Germany’s MTU. Preliminary design of the system began in mid-1995 at ITP, the proceeding years involved work by both ITP and MTU to deliver a fully functional EJ200 integrated system. The outcome of this research led to the first 3DTVC equipped EJ200 undergoing rig trials in July 1998. The nozzle requires relatively few modifications or additions to be made to the EJ200; a new hydraulic pump, reheat liner attachment upgrades, casing reinforcement, new actuators and associated feed equipment. More importantly the equipment fits within the engines current installation envelope and therefore no changes will need to be made to the Typhoon to accommodate the system.

There are essentially three types of vectoring nozzle; ones in which the entire post-turbine section is moved, those which feature external nozzle attachments for directing thrust (e.g. the X-31 paddles) or ones in which thrust is vectored within the divergent section. The ITP system uses the later design requiring no external equipment (which adds weight and offers relatively poor efficiency) and reducing distortion on the major engine structures (a problem with using the first method).

The new T hrust V ectoring N ozzle, TVN is a convergent/divergent type containing three concentric rings linked via four pins forming a unified Cardan joint. Each of these rings serves a purpose, the inner ring is connected to the nozzle throat area with the secondary ring forming a cross-joint connection with the pivoting outer ring. This outer ring is in turn connected to the divergent section (green on the CAD diagram) via several struts or reaction bars (black on the CAD diagram to the left). The outer ring is controlled by either three or four hydraulically powered actuators situated at the North, South, East, West, South West and South East positions. By minimising the number of required actuators (either three or four) ITP claim there is little additional weight, reduced actuator power demands and increased reliability over previous systems. Additionally the nozzle utilises a partial balance-beam effect to minimise the actuator load requirement. This effect uses the exhaust gases themselves to close the nozzle throat area, according to ITP this gives a 15% reduction in actuator loads in certain circumstances.

The baseline vectoring configuration uses three actuators (North, South East and South West). By moving each actuator either in or out the outer ring (red) can be tilted in any direction (see CAD diagram to right, top picture) thus offering both pitch and yaw control. Any net directional movement in the outer ring is then translated via the struts into a larger movement of the divergent section, vectoring the thrust. As well as vectoring control (via movement of each actuator) it is possible to alter the throat area directly by moving all three actuators outward or inward in parallel. In both cases the outer pivot and the inner (green) throat area ring are fixed in the axial direction which reduces the required number of actuators.

Beyond the baseline case the TVN includes a pro-baseline configuration offering the ability to alter the divergent section exit area as well as vectoring thrust and altering the throat area. To achieve this the outer ring is split into top and bottom halves and four actuators (in the N, E, S and W positions) are utilised (see CAD diagram to right, bottom picture). By moving each actuator in a unified/combined manner the thrust can be vectored and the throat area altered. However by moving just the N and S actuators the split ring hinge can be opened and closed. In turn this moves the upper and lower strut series either in or out opening or closing the exit area. In a traditional Con-Di nozzle the exit area is directly related to the throat area. The problem with this approach is that it is extremely difficult to optimise the nozzle shape to different flight profiles, e.g. subsonic cruise, supersonic dash. By allowing dynamic control of the exit area the nozzle shape can be altered on the fly. According to ITP this allows for significant improvements in achievable thrust in all flight profiles.

The three ring system is not the only unique feature of the nozzle. In previous convergent/divergent systems the reaction bars or struts have been connected to the divergent section at a single point. This limits their deflection range thus imposing limits on achievable thrust vectoring (typically to no more than 20°). The ITP TVN however uses a dual point hinged connection allowing a far greater range of movement to be achieved (according to ITP, studies indicate 30°+ can be achieved). By careful placement of the struts, problems with the nozzle petals overlapping or colliding are also removed.

Since rig trials commenced in 1998 the TVC equipped EJ200-01A has run for 80 hours (February 2000) of which 15 hours were at full reheat (including sustained five minute burns) during 85 runs. These trials have included over 6700 vectoring movements at the most severe throttle setting and 600 throttling cycles under the most demanding vectoring conditions. These trials demonstrated full, 360° deflection angles of 23.5° with a slew rate (the rate at which the nozzle can be directed) of 110°/s and a side force generation of some 20kN (equal to approximately to one third of the total EJ200 baseline output). These vectoring trials have included both programmed ramp movements and active joystick control. The studies have also verified the MTU developed DECU (Digital Engine Control Unit) software and FCS connections.

During the summer of 2000 a round of altitude trials commenced at the University of Stuttgart, Germany. These are focused on determining the effects of temperature and pressure variation on the nozzle materials, shape and performance. Additionally ITP are continuing work on further reducing the weight of the system.

In November 2000 ITP announced that an agreement had been reached with Germany and the U.S. to utilise the X-31 VECTOR test aircraft for flight trials of the nozzle. This will see a modified EJ200/TVN combination fitted to the X-31. The modification work required will involve all members of the EuroJet consortium. Additional input is likely from EADS and Boeing as well as NETMA in providing the required EJ200’s and equipping the X-31. The Spanish government has agreed to pay for flight certification of the system and provide test pilots. The first flight trials are expected in late 2002 to early 2003. In addition Eurofighter and EuroJet have expressed a desire to commence flight trials of DA1 equipped with the nozzle sometime from 2003. How this fits in with the X-31 test phase is currently unclear.

ITP have suggested that a Eurofighter fitted with the nozzle will benefit in a number of areas including; reduced after body drag (through tighter nozzle shape control), an estimated 7% improvement in installed thrust for the supersonic cruise regime (M1.2 non-reheat at 35000ft) and a 2% improvement in maximum take-off thrust.

At this stage there are no definite plans to fit the nozzle to any production Eurofighter. However Eurofighter, EuroJet and a number of consortium nations and other companies have indicated a desire to include the nozzle (if possible) in Tranche-3 aircraft (due from 2010). This would fit with the stated desire of the four consortium nations to incorporate new technologies in sucessive Eurofighter production runs. The current Eurofighter struture has already been strengthened in anticipation of increased loads created by TVC as well as higher output EJ2x0 series powerplants.

The most important thing is that:

EJ200 engines with TVN nozzles can be installed on an aircraft without changing the airframe design.

The new system did not require serious intervention in the design of the nozzle of the serial engine, it was controlled by three or four hydraulic cylinders, depending on the configuration.


ТРДДФ EJ200 с изменяемым вектором тяги для истребителя Typhoon - Авиационные, ракетные двигатели и энергетические установки — ЖЖ

Thrust-Vectoring Upgrade for Typhoon Eurojet EJ200? - Defense Update:

Eurojet offering thrust-vectoring EJ200 for LCA ~ ASIAN DEFENCE

Eurofighter Technology and Performance : Propulsion

[1] : Rolls-Royce Online
[2] : Rolls-Royce, Press Office, Derby
[3] : EuroJet GmbH, Public Relations
[4] : Janes All the Worlds Aircraft 1996/97
[5] : Janes Avionics 96/97
[6] : Eurofighter 2000, Hugh Harkins, Key Publishing, 1997
[7] : Defence Data On-Line
[8] : DASA technical paper, Military Technology, December 1997
[9] : Engineering Materials 1, M. F. Ashby and D. R. H. Jones, Pergamon Press
[10] : Industria de Turbo Propulsores S.A., Spain
[11] : Smiths Industries plc.
[12] : Flight International, 16-22 June 1999
[13] : Bill Sweetman, World Air Power Journal, 38
[14] : EADS NV, Military Aircraft Division, Munich, Germany

From the information I found, the same EJ200-01A was wanted or installed for flight tests on the German DA1

“In addition, Eurofighter and EuroJet have expressed a desire to start flight tests of the DA1 equipped with a nozzle sometime in 2003.”

My suggestion is on the Ru forum, who is interested:

  • For such a move
  • Against
0 voters


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