- Yes, improve and expand it to look more like the subtree presented here
- Yes, improve and expand it, but it should look quite different to the subtree presented here
- No, leave it as it is
The long-awaited Hungarian ground subtree for Italy has been released, but it includes too few Hungarian vehicles, too many unnecessary copy-paste vehicles, and has too many gaps.
I present to you my Improved Hungarian ground subtree for Italy which includes much more Hungarian vehicles, much less copy-paste vehicles, and helps fix a few problems that the Italian tech tree faces, such as a lack of SPAAGs, a lack of heavy tanks and original WW2 tanks. It includes 28 researchable vehicles (only 4 of which are copy-pastes) and 1 more premium vehicle that could also be added if needed!
Compare that to the recently released Hungarian ground subtree with just 11 researchable vehicles, 6 of which are copy-pastes!
HERE YOU CAN SEE MY SUBTREE FOR YOURSELF: Improved Hungarian Ground Forces Subtree
My subtree in image form (unfoldered):

My subtree in image form (foldered):
The purpose of this post is to show what the Hungarian ground subtree for Italy could have looked like on release and how good it can become with some improvements. Hopefully we can get Gaijin to improve the current Hungarian ground subtree by adding some of the Hungarian vehicles they are missing, both WW2 and postwar/cold war/modern vehicles. This can be done in future patches, improving and expanding the Hungarian subtree in multiple updates to a size and quality closer to what I have demonstrated Hungary can reach.
I would like to thank atta26hu for finding and researching some of the obscure/forgotten vehicles shown here.
So, what do you think about my improved subtree? Is it better than the one introduced in the “Sons of Attila” update? Should Gaijin work to expand and improve the Hungarian subtree and make it look more like mine?