Since Gaijin needs evidence for the Hungarian army having used German tanks, to add said German tanks to the Hungarian sub-tree, I started this thread to provide evidence for it.
Personally, I would only add the Tiger I and Panther as tech tree versions so that hopefully alongside the TAS we could have a nice lineup. The Stug is iconic and unique but since Italy already has one, this could be a good premium for the tech tree.
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F1 of the Royal Hungarian 2nd Army at the Don river with German troops and StuG, Russia, 1942.
Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F2 in service of the Royal Hungarian 2nd Honvéd Army’s 1st Armored Field Division, Russia 1942.
After the fights in August 1942, the Hungarian 1st Armored Field Division got 10 Pz.IV F2 tanks from the Germans to refill their losses. These tanks were operated by Hungarian crews and received Hungarian registration numbers; 1H-834, 1H-835 1H-836, 1H-854, 1H-859, 1H-860, 1H-861, 1H-862, 1H-863 and 1H-864. All of them were destroyed by the Soviet forces during their winter assault in 1943
Hungarian Stug III’s all with Saukopf mantlet, manned by HU crew’s. Newsreel from 1:28
note the Hungarian cross/marking on the side
List for foreign made tanks in Hungarian service with service numbers
Tiger I tank in Hungarian service with Hungarian crew + add-on track armor at page 134-136
Tiger I with extra track-add-on armor in Hungarian service

Panther in Hungarian service.
Rare photo of a Pz.Kpfw. V “Panther” in Hungarian service. This Panther was one of the first five which was given to the Hungarian 2nd Armored Division on September 1, 1944, Transylvania.
We know that Panthers were in service in Hungarian units, crewed by Hungarian crewmen. In 1944 the Germans gave 5 Panthers for training to the Hungarian army but they also were used in combat by the Hungarian 2nd Armored Division in Transylvania.
There are sources that indicate that a Panther shipment initially intended for Romania was diverted to the Hungarian army in 1944 August. 23 after Romania switched sides.
Magyarország a második világháborúban. Lexikon. Főszerkesztő: Sipos Péter, szerkesztő: Ravasz István. Budapest, 1997. PETIT REAL, 377. o. (a továbbiakban: Lexikon), also, Bonhardt Attila—Sárhidai Gyula—Winkler László: A Magyar Királyi Honvédség fegyverzete. (Budapest, é. n.) 136. o.
We know for sure that there were Panthers under the command of the Hungarian tank commander ace, Tarczay Ervin and he himself served on one.