VIDAR must be increased in BR

You are not listening either. It’s capabilities are much stronger than anything at 8.0. Why should the M60 be the same BR as it? Why should it face 7.0s, like the T95?

T95 usually getting bombed by CAS more often than anything else, I think it will only remember getting bombed but not the few times it was derp by Vidar lol

I am talking with a wall here.

You are just having frequency illusion due to recent sell.

You were not caring about vidar before. It didn’t got suddenly OP now.

Fair enough. The VIDAR is a fairly recent addition, but the point still stands. The T95 is good at long ranges, just like the Jagdtiger. The Vidar just completely outmatches it.

I find the T95 a horrible sniper because it can’t zoom, unlike Jadgtiger is an excellent sniper due to having long range scope. The Tortoise also has crap zoom, anything above 800m will appears to be a dot for them. I would rate the Jagtiger and the Object 268 being the most effective sniper, one of them even has a range finder and better sight zoom.

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I’ve been talking about it since May the 14th. Sure, the sale happened before that, but this simply exacerbates the issue that is the VIDAR at 8.0.
It used to be 7.7, and it had been uptiered to 8.0 since then. I can tell that the VIDAR is still not balanced at 8.0, hence the post on this forum.

It used to be much worse, where its shell’s muzzle velocity was abysmal. Thankfully, T13’s muzzle velocity helps with it playing as a long-range tank destroyer. I agree, the optical zoom is pretty bad, so I would recommend using binocs to check where you’re landing your shots.

So you care for it for a week, but not earlier. So after the sale more vidars popped out and you just took notice. Hence you have cognitive bias.

You probably did not even played it. But the grass is always greener on the other side

I didn’t complain about it past that as it had already been uptiered from 7.7 to 8.0. Sure, I could’ve complained further about it not going to 8.3, but that’s besides the point (Seeing if it would be balanced at 8.0, which seems to be far from the case).

So, you achieved what you wanted. It already got uptiered. Now let it go.

It is unique vehicle with unique playstyle. Don’t try to crush everything that is not currentgame meta

The problem is it IS game meta. Actually more than game meta.

Anything with overpressure is pretty much a game meta. The fact that this thing gets Thermals and a LRF along with an insane HE round and a great reload is ridiculous. Having it sit at 8.0, where it routinely faces early cold war heavies like the IS-3, T95, T-32s, etc. simply isn’t fair. As you said, nothing should have it’s fun killed, especially not a whole series of tanks. In this case, the VIDAR is killing the fun for all of the 7.0-7.3 vehicles. And, as you said, “don’t try to crush everything that is not current game meta”. Which is exactly what the VIDAR is doing to a whole slew of tanks from 7.0-7.7.

Especially given the fact that the VIDAR is almost an impossible one shot for anything that doesn’t have a 155mm HE round or a giant HEAT-FS round, it shouldn’t stay that low. I’ve even tried with HESH, with the OF-40, to no avail to one shot kill it.

It would be fine at 8.7, as it would still do well, BUT it wouldn’t face the 7.0s and 7.3s, which would be highly beneficial for healthy gameplay.

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Yeah, no point in reading further, you just simply didn’t played it.

As someone who is actively using the VIDAR to grind Sweden, it’s absolutely busted at 8.0 and I would love to see it moved to 8.7. A LRF, Thermals, and HE round with a shit ton of explosive filler absolutely belongs at 8.7 minimum.


i guess normal people need to play vidar as much as possible then, before crybabies gonna beg out the nerf for it

If that thing would not have thermals and Laser it could be in 8.0.
But that thing is seriously busted in 8.0 in current state, it always has been.
It truly deserves to be in 8.7


The VIDAR is unbalanced, point blank.
Hell, moving it to 8.7 would actually probably benefit it, thanks to the generally thinner armor found there.

As i said - normal people need to enjoy vidar as much as possible fast, before crybabies will cry out nerf for it.
Thankfully, vidar stats shows clearly, it does not overperform.

If you want to argue your feelings against facts and stats - well, go ahead, but i will not be reading tha

So what? You really think that achieving a little BR increase means that the vehicle in question should be left alone, even though it’s still undertiered and overperforming?

Winrate is useless and should not be used to balance.

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You’re missing the part where Win rate is only a small fraction of what tells you how overperforming a vehicle is. Not only that, you yourself said that the May sales caused a huge influx of people who bought the Vidar (most of which are probably terrible at the game or at least average compared to other players).

Let me ask you a question:

The Vijayanta is a relatively new premium vehicle, near the same BR (8.3). I don’t see many people say it’s good, and I don’t see many people with it in-game after the sale. Do you see anybody complain about it? No? It’s because it’s already balanced at the BR it’s at, or might be even slightly underperforming. VIDAR, on the other hand, still is very popular, and a good reason for this is because it’s still very good. Why would people spend 40 dollars (30% off) if they think the vehicle isn’t good?

You already don’t read what I, and other people, have to say about its performance in an objective manner. It’s pointless talking to you either way.