VIDAR must be increased in BR

And people clearly were very desperate to get this absolute garbage tier vehicle.

Ladies and gentlemen, what we’ve got here is an example of the low tier, low skill specimen who bought a VIDAR and now regrets it because even with it being OP, he just can’t get a kill. Congrats bruv, you’ve outdone yourself.

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The AMX-32 105 should be lowered to 9.0 or 8.7.

If it goes down to 8.7 then nobody will use the two that doesn’t even has stab lol

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It’s not even worth replying to this nonsense, it would just go over your head, again.

On that note, the VIDAR is pretty strong nonetheless, and it definitely deserves an increase in BR, but definitely not 9.7 (xD).
It should be fine at 8.3, or maybe even 8.7, but that might be pushing it too much.
At 8.7, there are a lot of vehicles with stabilized APFSDS with laser rangefinders, so the only thing the VIDAR has to offer at that BR is the great HE shell / Proxy HE shell it gets and the thermals (as well as the reload I guess).

The AMX-32 105 is worse than the AMX-32 120, and they’re both at the same BR, but then you have the MBT-70 at 9.3, and the XM-803 at 9.0.
Both of these vehicles are inferior to the AMX-32 105 in almost every way, other than perhaps the mobility. The AMX-32 (105) is good at 9.3, and the AMX-40 is at 9.7, which is also really good.
I think the AMX-32 (105) should be at a lower BR than the 120 but there isn’t much room to put it down, especially when there are inferior tanks at its same BR.

Issue is that the other HE slingers that are close to it’s BR and are a lot worse in comparison, lacking rangefinder, lacking thermals, longer reload.

The new PLZ has 15s reload instead of 6s, lower pen HE with only 30% the HE, no thermals, no rangefinder, even less armor that can be penned by .50s, lower top speed, only 25% the reverse speed… pretty much worse in every single way and the only thing that makes it useful is that it gets an APCBC.

Type 99, slower reload, fewer crew, less armor, less mobility, no rangefinder, no thermals etc.

VIDAR should probably be closer to 8.7 than 7.7… it’s still going to one shot everything and it will pretty much be played in the same manner, compression is just an issue for everything, and it has benefitted from it long enough.

Yes, that’s why stuff like the PLZ and Type 99 are at around 7.3 instead of 8.3.

If the VIDAR were to be put at 8.3, like I said, it would be closer to 8.7 than 7.7.

Yes, and that’s why I agree that the max BR should be increased for both aircraft and ground vehicles, then decompress top tier, then decompress the BRs below.

I mean, while it is under-BR’d, it’s not as bad as the 2S38, or Strela-10M, it’s got no armor, so it’s really just a “shoot first or die” situation, not a Mexican standoff. Gun-handling is dogshit from what I’ve heard, I mean, all that barrel and no stabilizer, gotta be as bad, if not worse than the PVKV II.

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VIDAR has totally fine gun handling lol

Yes, that’s why stuff like the PLZ and Type 99 are at around 7.3 instead of 8.3.

7.3 instead of 8.0 despite being massively outclassed by the Vidar and it doesn’t even require a full uptier to see them.

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No armor best armor, it’s what makes it so good, a lot of shells just pass straight through with minimal damage.

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In a BR where 60% of the vehicles it’s facing are auto-cannons, it’s no issue, only if your playing high caliber, non-chemical munitions, which HEAT/HEAT-FS, is the main shell of choice at this BR.

There are not that many autocannons from BR 7 to 8.

Every SPAA, the Ratel can be uptiered there, or brought there intentionally, the Marder, PT-76-57, and a few others.

Actually, the chemical munitions have a hard time one shorting it. The VIDAR doesn’t like to be Overpressured at all, especially by the Chem rounds. From my time in the OF-40 and R3 T106, I don’t think I’ve Overpressured a single one of the vehicles with those rounds.

You have to hit right above a snag point, so any roof or cupola, because the filler isn’t a lot.

Most aren’t though, and they will struggle to kill the VIDAR whilst it can one shot them, most SPAA isn’t that good either as a lot of them have very limited APDS.

You don’t need APDS to kill a ViDAr…