VIDAR must be increased in BR

I just cant get that, how single tanks win % can tell is that thing busted or not?
win% is afterall affected by team and lineup what that tank is used.
It still doesnt remove the fact, that it got good cannon, decent fast shells, (proxy), laser, and good thermals. And just sitting in 8.0 That is just a joke.
Gaijin has moved even worse tanks in 8.7 just because having laser range , shit optics, no thermals…


VIDAR would probably be fine at 8.7 in RB, needs to go down a tad in AB imo.

That is not the vidars stats, that’s the Swedish 8.0 lineup stats. Winrate can’t be used to balance individual tanks.

Winrate shouldn’t be taken into consideration when balancing. KD, Kills per battle, and objective stats should be.

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Even this you have to be careful with due to playerbase differences.

Win rate is an exceptionally poor statistic to use when balancing a vehicle.
What you actually want to look at is K/D ratio. Put the VIDAR in the hands of a decently experienced player and you will find that they will do well with it.
Additionally, take a look at the average VIDAR player, especially after sales.
Many people who buy the VIDAR are inexperienced, and thus die often in it.

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And clearly you haven’t played against it.

If it were a skill issue, I’d be the only one or one of very few complaining about it. However, notice there are a lot of people in this thread who are saying that it’s broken. So. Worth considering.

Here’s more info if you want to take a look at it.
Source: WT Data Project

When there’s more new players (unskilled) the data will get skewed towards a worse performance, however, that’s not the case.

IT IS for the most popular vehicles (USA, GERMANY and RUSSIA) since they have over 10k+ battles per time period.

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I don’t like it so much. Turret and gun handling is too sluggish, even the LRF. Put it lower, I struggle.

Just my two cents on the VIDAR, from my experiences fighting it and from seeing it used by teammates:

Currently, HE overpressure is not exactly consistent vs a lot of machines the VIDAR faces, moreso the ones it sees in a downtier than an uptier. It is ironically harder to kill heavy tanks with derp HE than it is MBTs.

Now how could this be resolved so that the VIDAR goes up to where it probably belongs?

Reintroduce a limited form of hull break - “Turret Break” - to the game. The game engine is not able to handle armor deformation physics well, and even if it could the processing required would melt lower-end PCs. Thus as an alternative, large explosive rounds impacting the turrets of tanks would be able to damage the turret ring of said tank even if they do not pen. Damage would be cumulative until the turret is broken off of the tank, instantly killing the tank.

The larger the turret ring on a given tank, the higher its threshold for being damaged in this manner would be, and the more force it would require to tear the turret off. Thus an SPAAG spamming 57-76mm shells would NOT damage the turret ring in this manner, let alone trigger this mechanic.

100mm and larger HE rounds, however, would. Artillery-caliber HE would in most cases one-tap anything they connect such a large round with the turret of. Maybe a superheavy could survive one shot like this, but would guaranteed die to a second.

Have you experted it?

No, Sweden is looking bad with Crew Levels for me, VIDAR has only lvl 4 Crew. But it will take a while to level them.

Well then I believe that it’s not a problem about the tank itself, but your crew level (and the lack of expert / aced crew). Almost all vehicles feel abysmal when the crew is level 1.

Indeed, my Sturmtiger for example is level 73 and I think Expert Crew as well, and the vehicle plays awesome.

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So it looks like VIDAR is FINE where it is.

Only strv103 can be considered for BR increase

It is misleading to go about BR changes via winrates only. Other factors need to be considered as well.
If we were to do that, all top tier USA vehicles would be lowered in BR. Do you think that is reasonable?


READ the posted data, literally 10 posts above

This is Germany and Russia 8.0 same BR as VIDAR


Notice how the majority doesn’t even reach 2 KD
Funny the Obj120 out performs the VIDAR lmao but only has 400 battles instead of the 2000 from the vidar.

Not to mention that Vidar is constantly downtiered to fight Maus/105 Tiger/Conway and such tanks

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One thing that plays into this is the following. It happened to me. Many people choose the German tree first.
At 6.7 they experience their flight of fancy because the Tiger II forgives many mistakes.
Everything after that goes rapidly downhill because you have to adapt your playing style. You suddenly have no more armour and have to move around a lot. And we know how keen many players are to find fault with themselves.
I don’t want to say that this speaks against raising the VIDAR in BR. It’s just a fact that flows into these statistics and why they look so bad.