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Hello 👋, Today i would like to suggest the Warrior VERDI-2 for the British Tech Tree. The VERDI-2 has been previously suggested on the old forum roughly 5-6 years ago.

The Warrior VERDI-2 (Vehicle Electronics Research Defence Initiative Phase 2) was a British experimental armored vehicle project initiated in 1993. It built on the earlier VERDI-1, which had tested advanced electronics and crew systems using the FV510 Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle as a platform. VERDI-2 aimed to further explore reduced crew concepts, improved situational awareness and anti-air capabilities through cutting-edge technology for its time.

Bit of History
In 1987 the Vehicle Electronics Research Defence Initiative (VERDI) Project followed up and built on two previous projects called The Systematic Approach to Vehicle Electronics (SAVE) Initiative and its The Modular Assembled Vehicle Installation System (MAVIS) Initiative. These projects were ran by the Military Vehicles and Engineering Establishment (MVEE).

The aim of the VERDI Project was to learn, research and develop modern Vehicle electronic such as sensors, cameras, digital screens and communication equipment could increase combat performance and reduce crew members in armoured vehicles. The VERDI project used to the FV510 Warrior IFV as its base testing vehicle. The project concluded in 1990 with the VERDI project successfully completing and demonstrating many technologies. One of these was the The Wide Area Surveillance Automated Detection (WASAD) which was also tested on a modified challenger 2.

(VERDI (1987) with WASAD)

In 1993, following the huge success and potential of the VERDI and WASAD Project, the MVEE started Phase 2 of the VERDI Project called VERDI-2.

VERDI-2 was a 2 man crewed FV510 Warrior with the crew sitting side by side with the intention to manoeuvre only using cameras and sensors. The WASAD on the vehicle was upgraded to allow automatic threat detection and identification systems including audio and visual warning for the crew.


The Turret was fitted and armed with The Starstreak HVM, Air Defense Alerting Device (ADAD) and the CTai 40mm Cannon.

The VERDI-2 trials were completed by Household Cavalry in 1994 and 1995.

CTai 40mm Cannon AKA Cased Telescopic Armament System (CTAS) firing 200RPM
Starstreak High-Velocity Missile
8x Smoke canisters
Air Defence Alerting Device

Engine & Drivetrain
ME: Perkins Engines Condor CV-8TCA (550hp @ 2,300rpm)
GB: Allison X-300-4B (4 FWD, 2 REV)
Max Speed: 71kph
Weight: 24.5 tonnes

FV510 Warrior

CTai 40mm cannon
Starstreak HVM


Part IFV, part SPAA, all cool! I wanted this back on the old forum and I still want it now! +1


I would absolutely love this, one of the coolest warrior variants out there and tbh one of my favourite AFV’s of all time, even if it was just a test platform


Worio. Hopefully with full size pole, instead of the mess Gaijin did with the poor soul RCV (P).

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that was an intentional choice

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The perfect hybrid, gives us another good IFV option, but also gives us a decent SPAA

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I want full size pole.


Considering most of our vehicles have giant ariels or other things that stick out the top. Would not surprise me if we did and it was permanent unless shot off

I would love to see this ingame, due to the part SPAA/IFV hybrid I’d probably put it at 10.3 at Rank 7, maybe in a folder with the Desert Warrior?

9.7? its basically a cv9040 and a starstreak combined, would probably not be lower than 10.3


Either this was suppose to use a dummy gun or the early 45mm CTaI went for originally

Absolutley yes. Especially with the comically giant periscope

Some more photos


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Would you put it in the SPAA Line or the kinda of IFV line.

I’ve always been really interested in the VERDI-2. I think it could be a really nice addition to the British tech tree.

this would be an awesome addition to Britain in the spaa line as the adats is alright but the american one has a gun so a top tier British hybrid spaa such as this would be an awesome recommendation and as its on the warrior chassis which struggles with armour and mobility that should balance it out. would love to see this vehicle added