new event mode is epic. excited for next reward.
nah prefer the new one way less of a pain
event 45k for 2day better than crafting event… crafting event u should play eve
ry day… change my mind
You have to play every day for this event unless you commit unreasonable hours.
It is already a lot to ask to log in daily in terms of engagement. They also want us to play 2 hours every day for 2 weeks for a copy-paste vehicle. It’s scandalous
if its such a worthless copypaste vehicle for you then dont play the event no one cares
i know im gonna get it and im happy with it and if youre not then just go away and let others enjoy it
Your reasoning is flawed. Gaijin is the one setting the requirements. And the requirements are ridiculously steep when compared to other MMOs
if you dont like playing 2 hours a day for an event vehicle then you can pay like 20-30 bucks which you can make in 1-2 hours work time considering you are an adult. if you dont like that then go somewhere else. youre wasting your so precious time complaining about stuff on forums when you could be spending your time with your family or doing something productive, after all you clearly dont have enough free time.
It may not be convenient for you, but it is convenient for those who are still in school, they are now the main consumers for Gaijin. Lol, your words are lies, all the equipment that was in the events were always clones (except for the Losat and the like) molded from different tanks with the same projectile. Object 292, which you allegedly consider unique, is a clone of the T-80, but worse, except perhaps for the high-explosive shell, but it is not needed here either, soon there will be a self-propelled gun with a 5-7 second reload for the USSR.
Maybe the model not, but the playstyle or the feeling of the vehicle is just like other vehicle you can found at British TT
You are absolutely right, they are clones, everything that has a new tank is already in the game on a more beautiful and convenient platform with premium status. I look forward to your promised riot when all of Asia will be in China.
As a vehicle that’s in the game, basically using the same Challenger 2’s armor layout and composition in a slighly more mobile platform, I don’t think this is adding much to the game.
I guess the poster meant the old event vehicles were better, considering Gaijin having to work monthly to add a vehicle for a event, the chances of a unique vehicles would decrease, one of the first event, Object 292 actually added something to the game, the first 152,4 mm cannon and the best performing APDS FS ammunition;
In other hand, the Shir 2, uses, as I said, the same armor layout as the Challenger 2, example, the Challenger 2 Desert Storm, same cannon and with other ammunition as other Challenger 2 uses;
Another example: T-80UD/Object 478BE, in-game currently, is exactly the same as the T-80UD on USSR tech tree, which, in reality it had to feature a better transmission and engine, a Pakistani-made APDS FS ammunition and, the camouflage is missing some things but doesn’t affect the gameplay.
Crafting event only happen in a period and not a whole year long event
Craft Events are the most diabolical creation Gaijin ever made, it’s not informative and it’s time consuming, only the sweatiest would easily grind these event, glad it was removed.
TBF gaijin could have made it a lot more unique instead of just slapping L23 on it and calling it a day munitions wise. Ammunition is 100% copy-paste when it could have had unique prototype ammo developed for Iran or been a lower BR early challenger without darts.
Though I will say that the new system is imo, better, it has become more of a stress system due to the 45k RP and insane requirements to get the coupon which is sadly going to just get worse if we use gaijins history against itself (EG battle-pass).
Like, say you get around 2.5k per game after manipulation via the modifiers, pretty average number for a decent player especially given we dont always see enough combat for more?
18 battles, round it up to 20 in case of a couple really bad? To get decent points, about 10 minutes a battle? 200 minutes, 3 hours 20 minutes.
Do that 8 stages, so 1600 minutes, or 26-27 hours? Take the lower end number, times that by minimum wage in the UK, thats £312 if you had an actual job.
Sure, its always better to have a real job, but its a tad excessive, they could reduce it down to 40k max, which would knock a chunk off that in time relatively easily.
Then you have the souls who grind for selling the coupon… thats like £700 plus if put into a job.
Its a lot of time and energy to put into getting a vehicle thats relatively “the same” as those in the tree, especially when the option to make them more unique isnt taken. Arguably, I would say the word “clone” is better, clone +/- thermals has been a real issue in my view and you can see similar in the BP as less vehicles are added and they just add say, “a box” on the front.
Though back to the topic, new system was superior when gaijin wasnt putting the grind so high, the old system taught people to be selfish and aggressive to their own team, not the enemy (not waiting to cap and then quitting out to new game new cap zone, tking for bombing bases, etc). They were very stressful especially if you ran into bad luck and unable to get the 6 kills plus in a game.
PS: I really miss the fun tier low tier stuff of ye olde day, a rank I/II tank, or the top event vehicle being rank III or IV or something like the Lorraine 155.
I really don’t know how the crafting event work, I just can’t get any thing to craft during the event. But I more prefer to the old grinding event, 4 vehicle per event and you can get one already after 4 star is more reasonable than now for me
If you go by playstyle that’s worse: “Ariete is just copy-paste of Leopard 2A7 cause they’re the same playstyle.” - Hypothetical take from that reasoning.
Obviously tech tree vehicles tend to be a regular kind of gameplay, but, considering the thread’s subject, event vehicles, nowadays is not entertaining, and considering you have a short time period/2 days to grind each stage, you also have to consider this;
If the only option is Great Britain, I see the AS-90 self-propelled gun as a nice option for a event vehicle: It’s a rather modern vehicle, it would have laser rangefinding and thermal imaging devices, shooting good ammunition selection and on top of that, would add more for the Britain, as Germany, Italy and Sweden currently holds the best self-propelled guns that are easily suitable in any BRs.
I would say thats more a TT and would go for something like the VSEL GBT Vickers are a event tank, 1 off and not everyone wants/likes Vickers tanks and if necessary, can add a TT version if popular.
Or the CVRT MLRS vehicle, bring back rocket/MLRS event vehicles!
Or Bhim xD
Though your overall point I agree with, interesting vehicles which add an interesting role like ye older days would be neat.
Anything is better than a crafting event . . . . lol
I’m considering only Considered vehicles, obviously from all accepted suggestions, Great Britain have a lot more options like the:
Evolutionary National Tank: E.N.T: Evolutionary National Tank
Matilda III equipped with the Cromwell’s turret: Matilda Infantry Tank Mark III with OQF 6 Pdr Mk.III
Vicker mk. 3 SPG: VSEL GBT 155 (Vickers MK 3 MBT)
Those are some interesting vehicles that could add a lot to the Great Britain tech tree in my opinion, most of them are original and unique designs compared to any other British vehicles currently in-game.