Black and white version here.
Black and white version here.
My personal favourite from your suggestions is the M113A2. It is probably the most 9.3 SPAA I have ever seen: often used chassis, no guns, only 6, kineticly defeatable missles which allow it to be 9.3, Radar (and maybe Thermals?).
It would fit really well into the 9.3 area. Do you know what radar it uses?
I want his thing in the game and add it to my 9.3 lineup hehe :)
There’s a suggestion about it made by another user with radar stats.
so we got the Rapier Alas
Oh yeah that’s something I have to cross off the list.
Then we can finally have an SPAA for 10.3 :P
can we get something after the Skink :/
Sure, theres some more Marksman SPAA options for 8.3 that are available :P
8.3 is nice, but how about 7.7?
Might be possible, but only for a few updates before its BR must be increased.
Then, do you have any options for 6.7
Give it a few more months. Im sure the Skink will be 6.3 by then :P
But joking aside. Yes. We need something at that BR
What will be the criteria for a 6.3 spaa?
Based on Gaijin br.
20-30mm gun.
Decently mobile
Decently armoured
Fast shells with small drop
With AT capabilities
Wouldn’t the Scorpion S530 work just fine?
I have no idea.
20mm guns
Decent armour
Decent mobility
Not sure about the shells
Considering things above it might just be it
The thing I dislike about the Skink for the 6.0 to 8.0 region is its poor tracking. Doesnt feel like it can actually keep up with a fast jet bombing past.
So I would say
Vickers light AA Mk II tank (“Ack ack” Mk II light tank)
The falcon should have its apds belt removed and put back to 7.7, Gaijin should stop making spaa into light tanks