High Tier - Top Tier SPAA Mega List

here it is

And another one


The Swedish 120mm AA gun on a truck at 9.0 perhaps.
80 rounds/min

No radar but HE-VT.

Filmen - Bofors 120 mm luftvärnsautomatkanon



Another one for USA, an Avenger turret with 9Xs, Hellfires, a 25mm and a DEW for use against small drones. Also compatible with Javelins an Stingers because of course it is. link

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mfw they also have one without the gun but MORE MISSILE

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Yeah it can hold a few different weapons, including a laser to shoot down drones + unguided rocket pod
System has also been mounted on the Stryker and the JLTV

Yeah but I didn’t know there was one with 3x 9Xs. Now this would be cooking.

Germany desperately needs a new spaa even with the addition of the OSA-AK, they are still underpowered. The Flarakrad 8x8 would be a welcomed addition to the tech tree, as I find that the main gripe of the Flarakrad now is that it can only fire 2 missiles before the need to reload.


Anti drone lasers in war thunder… Some day i hope… I hate the sound of them overhead lol

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Btw, are you planning on making a separate multi-vehicle thread?

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I never really thought about doing any other threads but now that I read your comment and think about it, I could move a-lot of the Multi-Vehicle SPAA to a new thread and make room on this one.

So probably.


Generally I think it’d catch people’s attention more, since you don’t need to scroll down to the Patriot-like systems

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Update #37

Moved the Multi-Vehicle SPAAs to my other Mega List which is dedicated to them. Helps clean up this list.

Moved SPAAs

  • M1097 / M1085 / LAVRAAM (US)
  • Enduring Shield (US)
  • IRIS-T SL-M (Germany)
  • TLVS/MEADS (Germany)
  • 9K37 Buk (Russia)
  • S-300V (Russia)
  • EMADS (Britain / Italy)
  • Akash (India)
  • QRSAM (India)
  • Umkhonto GBL (South Africa)
  • Type 03 Chu-SAM (Japan)
  • HQ-6 (China)
  • TC-2 (Taiwan)
  • LY-80 (China / Pakistan)
  • ASTER SAMP/T (Italy / France)
  • Indigo MEI SAM (Italy)
  • SPADA 2000 (Italy)
  • VL MICA (France)
  • RBS 23 BAMSE (Sweden)
  • NASAMS MML (Norway)
  • SPYDER-SR (Israel)
  • SPYDER-MR (Israel)
  • KM-SAM Cheolmae-2 (South Korea)
  • Mala NAREW (Poland)
  • HISAR-O (Turkey)

Part 2 Additions

  • Arman (Iran)

Might be PLB625E/PLB625

Same vehicle but changed missile to 6x FB-10A?

Also need more imformation to TN-2 SAM which developed by Guide Infrared, the same company of QN506



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you can say so. or you can say it’s a upgraded version.

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Link to it on this forum —>> VERDI-2 Warrior IFV/SPAA

If we really want to scrape the barrel, I guess Israel could get a TOR, but I highly doubt it.


That will be nice, but even then Tor is not top tier. Maybe it should but I think there are better options.

No the greates source be still something interesting if it get made.

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this thread brings a tear to my eye every time, i cannot wait to see vertical-launch ARH platforms one day. Mica VL, Slamraam that kinda stuff.

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probably something for the lower BRs (around santal BR i’d say)

They really seem allergic to the missile + gun + radar combo for some reason, which is a damn shame

oh well, i’ll be waiting for that one :

I hope we see the SAM vs strategic bomber test soon