Major Update "Hornet Sting" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Time for Ajax

There are 2 vehicles equipped with it in the UK right ? Warrior and Ajax if memory serves.

Can’t remember which one is legacy and which one is still being built to this day

If I remember correctly naval RP got massively buffed in last years with the 2024 roadmap.

sorry, that lines already reserved for the budget leopards from india

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Yea, and thats the sad part… because the RP gain is still pretty much 0

Warrior Verdi II would be awesome fun to have actually as it would give us a Hybrid like the LAV-AD is

is the new IFV that has just entered service


Ok got it, that’s clearer now. Thx !

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we still havent gotten the Stormer 30 which uses the same turret as the VBC-30/80 so I doubt we would lol

there is also the boxer CTA-40 with the Javelins as well

yeah some british IFV seem overdue at this point

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Yep, plenty of options

Yeah. the Desert Warrior is a good start, but its incredibly weak for the BR and more on-par with some a full BR below.

We still lack something like the Puma or 2S38 in terms of good gun and with or without decent ATGMs

do iowa class and vanguard have torpedoes?

also, ASMP-A has variable yield up to 300kt, going against land targets on a much smaller map

mk23 has a yield of 15-20kt (probably going to be 15), going against large battleships on a far larger map.

ajax or recently bought boxer probably

No, but submarines and destroyers do.

The US navy has great destroyers right now, they will have great submarines once they get them. You don’t need a one-to-one counter if you’ve got an asymmetrical one.


will destroyer even get in range of torpedo before getting blown apart? and submarine are also quite easily countered with destroyers no?

the only good non-nuclear way to deal with yamato would be a lexington or midway class carrier

Warrior Verdi II seems incredibly useless considering the Starstreak is still as bad as it is

Ajax would be nice for the Javelins tho

Arjun is perfect for Britain, it’s underpowered has a crap armour and worse fire power than 3BM42…It’s what we have been waiting for! 12.0

Started playing 10.0 more and using the Desert Warrior and it is does alright.
Also quite relaxing using the Jaguar and Harrier GR.3 for CAS

But yes would love a new IFV one that’s an equal to what other nations have

But, who will be able to resist the…
Penetration Cum Blast?