These BR changes are absolutely ridiculous. Gaijin has zero clue what they're doing

No they haven’t. Air has had a substantially higher top BR than tanks for a very long time now, there was quite literally nothing stopping them from continuing to increase that limit and move planes further up. Ground far from suffers when CAS vehicles get moved up, especially at above 8.7 the guided munitions are still far too low compared to what can counter them (Eepecially now that Gaijin has decided to murder the VEAK).

This is also wrong. The AMX was supposed to move up to 10.7 from 10.3 in the first edition of the patch notes, but is now no longer moving up. And that was in both modes, the split BRs isn’t happening until the next content update, which is long after this BR adjustment goes live.

And to be clear, the AMX needs to go up even further than 10.7 in ground. 11.0 bare minimum. It has 6 GBUs and two AIM-9Ls at a tier where the vast majority of nations don’t even have a SAM yet, and of those most can’t point high enough to hit the AMX, sitting at 6km above your spawn, dropping GBUs with impunity. Can’t even counter it with CAP, as many 10.3s lack countermeasures, meaning attempting to climb up for him results in nothing more than getting an AIM-9L to the face. Try doing that when he’s top tier, and you have a subsonic Saber as your best CAP plane.


AMX is overperforming in air RB, which is why it was being considered for 10.7 to begin with.

Still not be fixed even if 11.3 has been decompressed. Problem is having same BR with F-4E and Kurnass. If Gaijin decompress 11.0 as what do you want to see at 11.3BR, decent 11.0s wouldn’t some share with “bad” 11.0BR jets such as F-4EJ, F-104S, J-7D.

…Yes, it is also overperforming there (It and all it’s all aspect equipped ground attacker mates), but that doesn’t detract from the issue that it’s even more oppressive in ground.

Not that it matters either way, because Gaijin (The people you’re attempting to defend here) cut that change. Apparently they think the AMX is doing just fine at 10.3.

Whatever, It can be moved to 10.7BR even with the current meta.
I don’t know about Mirage IIIE because I have never played it before but, When the MiG-21SMT/MF arrived in the game, it was quite OP, but when the F-4E arrived in the game, they acted as counterparts to each other and thus balanced each other out just like MiG-17 vs F-2 Sabre in old 9.0meta.

At that time, the F-4E/EJ did not yet have BVR missiles in the game, so F-4 players brought only AIM-9J/AIM-9P to fight against SMT/MF.

With that in mind, the current F-4F is quite close to the F-4E/F-4EJ in v1.97 “Viking Fury” and should work very well as a counterpart to it when the SMT/MF is moved to 10.7BR.

Y’all didn’t read the entire post did you…

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Oh boy do I love coming into a thread and not knowing what OP said because it’s flagged, love me some censorship.

Either way, balancing without context is insane, balancing an SPAA or MBT or fighter or CAS by the same formula is also insane, this entire game just gets ruined due to Gaijin’s inability to balance things properly and their refusal to listen, because they always know better.


Probably because there’s a recurring theme of something wrong with the BR changes, blankly declaring these are good doesn’t really make it so.

To borrow an example from Alvis: ppl wanted the old Korean War era top tier to be 9.3/9.7 even before the MiG-19/F-100 were in the game, now they’re 8.7 and some being moved down.


That was beyond my time. I said I came in mid->Early spring 2017. The near end of that era. One more thing related to what’s above.

I did not say these are good if that was implied cool. Not my intention.

And it has a place fighting Me262s, Kikkas, and P-80As? Aircraft it outflies in any situation?

Does a regular Mig15 belong at 8.0, the SAME BR as the R2Y2s?

Out of all the aircraft that didn’t suffer, the Mig15s didn’t suffer the most.


IMO 2017 7.0-9.0 was most balanced in ARB ever because all MiG-15/MiG-17s and Sabres were 9.0 back then.

Balancing in jet RBs at that time basically placed aircraft only in 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0 BRs, and with exceptions such as the F-84G, there were no aircraft in “intermediate” BRs such as 7.3/7.7 BRs.

Gaijin wants a part 2 with how they’re rolling out these changes, i swear to God


and the sad thing is we move all of these ultra powerful russian vehicles to 10.3 but leave the 2S38 at 10.0?!!? why?


The bottom line is that this is all by design, to think different is not thinking at all…

Gaijin will NEVER implement true BR decompression.


The veak will become pointlesss, might aswell bring the zsu to 8.0 since it can still kill most tanks :/

The only chance we would have of the consideration being taken seriously would be a similar revolt as we had last year, and I doubt very seriously that would do the trick.

It would get their attention and it would cause them to take “some” action, but I, like you, don’t think they would ever implement “true” BR decompression.

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A year ago you said that air and ground RB did not need separate battle ratings. You’ll never figure out where the goalposts are will you?

Edit: Why was this flagged/hidden?


That’s not what moving goalposts is.
Then again, it’s obvious your posts are just trolling everyone on the forum.
Not sure why you’re here arguing against decompression…

Weird of you to oppose BR changes…

Unreal. Remember this?

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