Should the BR Spread be reduced to 0.7 Maximum

Choosing to use it requires a huge amount of self-restraint? I didn’t say it does not exist, I said I am not conned into using money dumps and best of luck to those unable to stop themselves.

Agreed, hence “started”. Gaijin themselves have not stated the 0.3 bump up was the end.

Can we count on a dev team screwing it up? Of course!

Teams/players play terribly; the main reason people have issues facing x,y,z. And yes, sod all yoi can do about it EXCEPT hope Devs stop catering to the lowest common denominator.

It is not about you, it is about Gaijin and environment they create to push players to spent money.

It is nothing new, they expand BR range when they add new more potent vehicles, but the rest of the TT remained compressed as it was.
Now they did something new but if it ever will be decompression remain to be seen.

I cannot even see his posts anymore. So I checked the one above yours just to see. He is really saying that you cannot reduce the BR to 0.7 because that would eliminate full uptiers of some planes and that uptiering is the only way they are balanced? That makes zero since. If uptiering was the only they were balanced then they would be moved up in BR. So that argument is null and void.

I think the truth is in here. I once did a head count on uptiers and the number of times I got a full 1 BR uptier were far more often than the dev team was claiming. This is why sekrit dokument exists. Because the truth is far more cynical and an attempt to get you to buy up to avoid the frustration of getting stomped. Instead of the more honest way of fair play.

I have actually just used win/loss data to skip a generation before. I skipped 2.0 - 3.7 Sweden this way as it has an absolute abysmal loss rate. A frustrating one. The data says Sweden at 8.7 is a good strong spot to sit in for fun. This is why the data matters.

This is why they ignore the player requests right here. Especially when it comes to 0.7 MM.

The huge problem here, is that they do this, and then they back fill some nations with planes that just suck. Those planes had a chance when the expansion was happening, but by the time they drop in the other planes already in place just curb stomp them and they never get used. Its sad really and why they need to stop jumping tech without filling out smaller nations.

Do you know what definition of insanity is…

Not necessarily.
Let’s bring M10 into this. It’s 3.3, it faces 4.0 & 4.3 heavy tanks & kills them with ease.
It would have to move closer to the heavy tanks to stay going against them.

After seeing you say this at least a dozen times, I fully believe you don’t understand the term decompression—or possibly have a misconception of these BR ‘steps’ you keep referring to. I have a pretty solid background in statistical analysis so I made something that may help explain what (checks notes) 81% of the people participating here keep trying to explain:

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 12.54.22 PM

As you can see, the current system compresses seven BRs into a single matchmaking lobby. With a .7 BR matchmaker, the matchmaker decompresses the lobby to five possible battle ratings. It has absolutely no impact on BR steps or the existing balancing of vehicles.

I imagine that over time, a small number of vehicles who routinely experience full up/down-tiers would possibly need their BR revisited—in particular those at the edges of major technological advances. But let’s fix the foundation before repainting the walls.

How did you derive this (seemingly arbitrary) 50% number you’re using as a benchmark here? To that end, what in your opinion determines or quantifies a particular vehicle as ‘compressed’ or not and why do 50.1% of vehicles need suffer from a compressed matchmaker before a resolution is sought or implemented?


Here is RazerVons service record, they are a russian main and a ka-50 main. So anything said here would potentially hurt their game play. Something to keep in mind with the lack of diversity and lack of top tier game play. :

Edit: you will also find it is just loaded with premiums which are known to be slightly undertiered to make them more appealing to buy.




Thanks for providing that image that proves 0.7 has a worse stepping than 1.0.
The fact you don’t know what compression means.
Which is the higher more decompressed number? 4 or 3? 7 or 5?
More = more decompressed.

You want to make heavy tanks OP, I want decompression.

Decompression is and always will be superior to 0.7.

I don’t understand why you assume ALL people for decompression are ignorant.

Yep, thanks for proving I have a diverse statcard from all 10 tech trees.

It’s wild how invalid and incorrect your argument is.

In a .7 matchmaker, battle ratings of the vehicles do not change. The two at the extreme ends retain their battle ratings, but would now face a higher concentration of vehicles that are closer to them in balance, and subsequently, battle rating. This is decompression.

Now, If you were to take ALL of the vehicles within the 1.0 BR matchmaker example above, and CHANGE their battle ratings so that they are all crammed into five and not seven BRs—forcing the vehicles on the ends into BRs that they rightfully shouldn’t be, then yes, this would be compression. However, the exact opposite of this is happening with a move to a .7 MM. Vehicles have a much higher probability of facing a higher concentration of opponents that they are more closely balanced to.

It’s unfathomable that you still fail to understand this.


Which means hundreds of vehicles become OP overnight.
Not only does 0.7 require more work to pull off, the negatives are so obvious that it’s better to support decompression.

And you seem to think understanding things is not understanding.
Decompression fixes the problems with no negatives. Why do you oppose decompression so much?
Less work, no downsides.

How though, if a vehicle needs a full uptier to be balanced then it’s not actually balanced


You are not the first person to point this out, it isn’t going to be comprehended.


How about you provide a few examples of planes in ARB in the 8.7 MM lobby that would become OP overnight with a move to a .7 matchmaker. That’s to say, what 8.7 plane(s) that currently face the aforementioned seven BR ranges of 7.7 –9.7 but would now see five BRs of 8.0 – 9.3 would become OP overnight?

Alternatively, free to do the exercise for any plane 7.7 and above. There are likely dozens to pick from given your argument.

You don’t understand. No vehicle is balanced based on full uptier, they’re balanced based on relative similarity.
& the fact that fox & Doc claim that decompression isn’t comprehensible is sad.
1.0 = 0.7 for all but 4 vehicles.
0.7 = 0.3 for all but 4 vehicles.
A 0.7 matchmaker is a 0.3 uptier for 75% of the team at most.
And vehicles are balanced based on the 1.0 which you only see 4 players 1.0 higher than yourself to begin with.

7.7 is fine against 8.7s currently.
Q-5A however will overperform instantly without change.
P51H5NA which already overperforms will overperform even more.
A-5C which currently doesn’t overperform will be almost untouchable with said changes never seeing 10.7.
"Boy, how can a 10.0 never see 10.7 in a 0.7 matchmaker?
10.3 - 11.0 being infinitely more popular protecting nearly all 10.0s from uptiers to 10.7.

That the thing with 3 steps of separation instead of the infinitely superior 4.

Why are you so afraid of supporting just flat out decompression? Decompression isn’t a bad thing.
And guess what? You can still have 1 entire BR between G91YS & A-5C in the current matchmaker with decompression, all with less work.

One final thought on this point.
Wanting something done without rebalancing is one thing. However, when there are unknown amount of examples exceeding 100 that would need rebalancing, on top of other inherent flaws, it is IMO better to support the more simple solution.

0.7 isn’t simple, and the manner in which you argue for a simplified 0.7 implementation causes imbalance, while not addressing the 4 player limit for top BR of the match, and so forth.

Decompression is easy, find hot spots, address those hotspots.

Why would this plane suddenly perform better facing 8.7 – 10.0 than it does currently facing 8.3 – 10.3?

Why would any plane suddenly get better for that matter? Is your argument that it’s fine at 9.3 because there maaaay be up to four 10.3 aircraft on the opposing team?

Is your argument that because it may not see the occasional (rare) 7.3 plane, that, that it will…it will get better? I don’t know how much time you’ve spent in the 5.3 – 7.3 matchmaker, but the P-51H suddenly over performing because it may not see the occasional 7.3 plane. That’s one of your wildest takes yet. I think most would agree that the opposite is far more likely, by not allowing it to see anything below 5.7 it wouldn’t be able to club helpless 5.3 planes.

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Ok, let’s go to .7 BR and throw the 4 player top BR of the match out the window. Can someone second the motion?

80% of players currently think it should be 0.7. You are arguing with a brick wall that understand analytics. I wouldn’t waste your time.


Cause you create an effective BR range of 0.3 unless you remove the 4 player limit, but if you remove the 4 player limit, then you can have situations where you’re the only 4.0 on your team and there are 15 4.7s on the enemy team.

No, 80% of the players do not think it should be 0.7.
And zero people that push the idea haven’t thought 0.7 through at all.

Decompression is less work for superior results.

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Wow, your bigotry is noted.
I’m American, and I’m not a “Rossiyan main” as that’s not a tech tree to begin with.
My first ever completed tech tree was Japan, and I still wasn’t a Japan main cause I was working on another tech tree, likely Britain. I’ve never been a main of any tech tree in WT.
So leave your xenophobia & bigotry at the door instead of antagonizing people that obviously play more tech trees than you.

Yes just cut off those top 4 players, that’s completely fine, because as a 4.0 I can already see 15 4.7 on the enemy team, or worse 4 5.0s and 11 4.7s, that first option is much more appealing to me and you know full well that it would be an outlier anyways

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