The J35XS is overBR'd

In what world is the J35XS able to fight F14s??
It objectively does NOT have the capabilities to deal with SARH and advanced IRCCM missiles.
The F5E FCU is the same BR as the J35XS while having Python 3s!!, an RWR and a somewhat better FM
Im very disgusted that i bought a 70 euro premium and now gaijin nukes it into the ground to the point its unplayable. keep in mind theres no other premium option to grind top tier air sweden. either lower its BR or i want my money back!!


@Smin1080p_WT any plans to change this??

Ok, the J35XS should go to 11.0. We get it. No need to have 7382826482 threads about it though.


Not all Premiums are P2W. The J35XS Proves It

When is the J35XS going to get a lower BR?

J35XS and J37C can not & should not be the same br

Saab J35XS BR change to (10.7 -> 11.3)

Why does j35xs have to face aim54 even after br decompression

J35xs is trash

J35xs and f5c br are too high and do not stand a chance

Saab J35XS can't be on 11.3 while J35D is on 10.3

BR changes Saab J35XS

J35XS completely ruined after BR changes

Use literally any of those


im not making this post so you get that the J35xd should be lowered in BR, im doing it so gaijin sees it


Gaijin sees the 20 other posts. Making repeat posts is a good way to get muted.


Everyone agrees it should go down, but unless it’s absolutely critical (typically a new vehicle moving up not down) they won’t change anythings BR at a random time. Guess we’ll have to wait till next BR change (I guess sometime in September)

I have a load vehicles myself id like to see try and get moved since the BR decompress


35xs needed to go down for a long while. It is Swedish though, so if it’s even vaguely used competently, it stays where it is.

ok but tbf it could probably go down to 10.7 tbh

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cough Hunter cough S2b cough Desert Warrior cough

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It will go down whenever they do their next round of br changes. It went up because everyone was using it to get large amounts of sl/rb by base rushing.

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Nah. I don’t feel like arguing, but nah.

It is bad plane for 11.0, it should go to 10.7 minimum, or gets aim9L at 11.0

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Never carried AIM-9Ls and that would put it at 12.0 with the Kfir C.7

11.0 is a good MM, probably better than its pre BR change BR, 10.7 it will club and be unfair. The point was to get things DEcompressed, not compress further.

After so many fm nerfs and br nerf gaijin just should remove this jet from sales, imho

Cool opinion bro

What would replace it than

JA-37DI or Norwegian F-5/16A, there are plenty of options, anyway better than shitty j35xs

4 gen and AMRAAM capable jets aren’t premiums yet (gaijin please no).

So the options would likely be danish drakens or Norwegian starfighters/tigers, danish drakens would likely be better because they are at least Swedish manufactured aircraft.

Chinese jf-17 is kinda premium already and besides current ja37d didn’t get his amraam loadout so ja37di shouldn’t get it either

Squadron ≠ Premium

Ironically it’s cheaper than a premium but little Timmy’s don’t get that

The Ja37Di could be foldered at 13.0 in the tech tree with AMRAAMs.

Danish drakens should be tech tree, the J35Ö should be the premium.

The XS is fine, it just needs to be moved down and given accurate flight performance- or moved up, given accurate flight performance, countermeasure pods, and RB28/27.