J35xs and f5c br are too high and do not stand a chance

f5c has 60 flares a good flight preformance and thats it. it has to fight 20g radar missiles 30g irccm missiles and goes against jets with 4 or more aim9l/r60mk and the su39 with 40g irrcm missile thats way too hard to dodge against a 10.3 jet . the br nerf is not in the slightest justified. the j35xs goes against multiple missile slingers with all aspect locks and radar missiles with 12 flares, it cant even detect the phoenix from an f14 with its rwr and doesnt even get the extra amount of chaff that the other planes did. all in all the br changes to the 2 main income sources of this game are beyond unreasonable and i do not understand after all this uprising you didnt change the br even a little bit lower to test it no it stayed the same for over a month

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F5C is fine with the cracked flight model it has along with the tiny IR signature making most IR missiles struggle to get a lock and hold it AND the cracked damage model letting it survive things it shouldn’t. J35XS should be 10.7-11.0 though.


F-5C is at the perfect BR. It cannot move down otherwise it defeats the point of the decompression and you might as well just undo it.

J35XS is being balanced based upon on its old FM and when combined with no RWR does need to go down, 11.0 would likely be appropraite for it for now. (10.7 in Sim due to the lack of RWR being a more prominant issue)


I definitely agree on the J35XS going down.
Only way I see the F5C going down is if its ahistorical flares get removed (or severely reduced)


It has everything it needs to be at 11.0. The only questionable departments may be the acceleration and avionics, but since it’s a br range filled with a variety of interceptors, doritos and attack planes, you can just set chaos out of the lack of real downsides the F-5C has when compared to most of those types of planes.
The ones i might decompress are the J35XS and MAYBE the Kfir Canard, since both can face Tomcats, the swedish prem does not have an RWR and the Kfir Canard can’t even track some relevant radar bands.

But the F-5C is okay where it is.


I can see where you’re coming from when it relates to the F-5C. It does lack the missiles and top speed that most of it’s contemporaries it faces have, but it has a few major advantages over them. It has an amazingly low IR signature, to the point that even a rear aspect AIM9L will lose track even if the F-5C is afterburning whilst flaring. The guns on the F-5C have a great velocity up until around 0.6km, but they are fast as hell until that point. The flight model isn’t the best in a sustained turn fight, yes, but it’s definitely good enough to last a good couple of turns to get some good guns on target, so that’s mainly a skill issue on your part. Play the F-5C to it’s advantages of low speed handling and turnfighting and stop playing to the enemies’ advantages of superb missile features.

The Saab J35XS, though, should definitely be tiered a little bit lower. 6 RB24Js is a pretty potent armament, especially when paired with an IRST. But 12 total countermeasures in a BR that often gets uptiered into ARH hell? Yeah, it should be 11.0 at the most.

In other words, F-5C can stay right where it is. Saab J35XS should be lower though.


Only Aim-54As which would be fine for it if it had an RWR and even a handful more chaff. But yeah, does look painful without those (was slapping the living hell out of some in Sim the other day in the F3)

So far I’m not seeing any of the weirdos with a massive skill issue who think the F-5C should be 10.3 and try to justify that by saying nobody else went up (you know who you are), but I’ll post this here so everyone can have a civilized conversation ;)


Honestly with regards to the flares, a change I’d make to the F-5C is to change it’s flares from the AN/ALE-40s that it currently has (inherited from the F-5A) to the flare dispenser from the F-5E. But it can’t have no flares, because it’s performance means that it has to stay more or less where it is otherwise it will kind of stomp. Its a bit of a dilemma.

Seriously who at gaijin thought it was a good idea that put the plane with no rwr and 12 flare in that high BR?
If it has X6 9L i can forgive

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no refunds, seethe about it

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J35XS 10.7 or just refound people you scamed.
I have to agree with F5C being at good rank when its not non stop in uptire…I played a few matches with F5E (same fooking plane) and its actually not bad at 11.0
J35XS is disappointing bad since I really wanted to grind Sweeden tech tree and fly Gripen since Im sick of same 3 planes F16/F15/F14…its just boring and stale…

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Use Viggen and buy talisman for cheaper alternatives

I will when Gaijin refunds me J35XS, I would gladly do that. Unil then its crazy to think I will invest in game that punishes me for supporting it with real money

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Good luck with that


I understand that, but they sold me plane in 10.7 not in 11.3, but Im sure you gonna find something to approve this scam behaviour. Anyway thanks for advice to spend more money but I wont.

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Exactly as I predicted… Its oke my man Im not crying about money Im just disappointed Im forced to play certain planes and fooked when try play others…But anyway I will not support the game with money anymore until they start respecting people that acutally are supporting game with their money.
And Im not saying they own us anything except value of our spended money, Im not asking some OP super planes, naaah, just dont scam me for silly 70 euros…

Why should the 5C be an exception. Why not give the J35XS more flares? It didnt have them historically? Who cares, neither did the F5C.

Why not give everything flares? Why is the line drawn at the F5C?

A lot of aircraft moved up as part of the decompress. Most 1 or 2 stops.

Considering the circumstances of the BR change (and not that the J35XS moved up alone) I dont think that is a valid argument.

That being said, be patient… They didnt really balance anything with the decompress only decompressed in a rather “clinical” way. Additional the J35XS got quite a major Flight model change just before the decompress and those changes hadnt yet had time to accumulate data yet.

I strongly suspect next BR change many aircraft will get a review and hopefully a BR change and I fully suspect to see the J35XS on that list to move down to 11.0 (which would be about right for it I reckon). Everyone hopes these changes come sooner rather than later. I know I have mutliple aircraft I want to see BR changed (FRS1, FGR2/FG1, Gr7, Gr1, etc etc)