J35xs is trash

Dude the j35xs is I think the worst premium pack to buy whoever is thinking about it, Don’t do it. It’s easily trash the only thing going for it is the turn rate which is amazing but got super nerfed and you’ll be flying 300kmh in a dogfight after 2 turns it’s absurd the missles are aim 9j’s which are pretty good but flare resistance equals 0 and the br? 11.3 bro you’re facing f14 with radar missles but you basically can’t even take any chaff cause then you’ll have practially no flares like what? and also good thing to mention is that it doesn’t have rwr like cmon mid missles no rwr no flares 11.3? it sure WAS a great jet before but now grinding top tier sweden is the most painful thing i experienced in 2k hours of this game not to mention that even the tornado has aim 9l which is supposed to be a strike aircraft? like bro give it bombs at least to make rp cause this shitty ass airplane is not playable at all and again for anyone thinking playing sweden please buy something else if u want to or wait for a new pack with a plane or for it to get buffed you’ll regret it trust me save your 70$ and wait till something new gets added for example please do not buy it.


Its over BRed. Between decompress and some recent changes, it got hammered quite hard. Its not alone in getting a wierd new battle rating after the decompress but it is likely the only premium that is truly suffering at the moment as a result.

Hopefully BR change in a few weeks, and with that it can move down to 11.0 or maybe even 10.7 (really depends on its FM for that) but until then. Not a lot you can do unfortunately.


Yea dude I know I just wanted to spread the info to NOT buy this thing rn I hope either the buff it in any way that it will be usable again or lower the br cause I’ve been checking and the average kd with this thing is 0.4?? like what ik not many people play sweden I mostly wanted to play it for their awesome tanks but got hooked into air and ended up with the j35 which we both know is unplayable I Really hope they do something about it Im just trying to spread it as much as I can so maybe they’ll notice

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There has been about a dozen threads in the past week about the J35XS (also a lot of people complaining about the F-5C but thats just a skill issue)


Yeah along with Kfir Canard, which both can be 11.0

And it finally got what it deserves. No more bullying and ‘seal clubbing’


Yep, Sea Harrier FRS1 (SQV) is on my list, should be 11.0 not 11.3.

and yeah, F-5C is finally at the BR it should have always been at.


Oh, forgot about these. It’s just 9.7 harrier with AIM-9L’s

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Sea Harrier FRS1e (2x Aim-9L) went from 10.3 to 10.7. A perfectly reasonable change for the decompress

Sea Harrier FRS1 (4x Aim-9L) went from 10.7 to 11.3. Made absolutely no sense and is totally brutal to play at 11.3.

Though Harriers would be fine at that BR if modeled properly, but that is a discussion for another topic


I agree, it’s so frustraing playing on these planes at 11.3 due to constant uptiers.


Only gunna get worse if they add a load more premiums there before fixing BRs. and I feel some are going to be an uphill fight to get them to even look at (like the TT tornados to be the same BR as the premium/event tornados, despite being identical aircraft in air modes)


For the RB24J I recommend using your IRST, not only is it all aspect (doesn’t make your missiles all aspect tho) but it can also give you a little bit more flare resistance that you may need. The thing really needs 11.0 though.


Yea I’ve been tho but when I came back to wt saw the decompression I decided to play with the J35XS I really just thought I was trash at the game Ik i’m not the best I started watching some videos and got a lil better but that still doesn’t justify the 11.3 I think I named everything wrong with the aircraft in my post 11.0 would be better but idk they messed up a lot of aircraft in the decompression same with the harriers but I feel like the J35’s all of them are especially trash now even tho they were really good before the swedish air tree is just Pain

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Just get to the Viggen and everything will be better man, I believe in you :)

Thanks But it’s actually almost unplayable i get 1-2 kills maybe in like 5 games Ik there are some really good players who do good with it but the grind is actually so slow and boring that I think I’d rather wait till they either buff it or change it’s br

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Not my F5E lmao, radar gunsight and even better engines all they did was move my competition back up .3 so its ez wins rn. Been playing with some buds around 11.0 and the matchmaker has been pretty good.

Yeah but no nation should be garbage until you get to a single vehicle? Is that not just poor design? If a nation is so frustrating to play? I mean sweden is essentially scorched esrth for many players from 7.7-10.7 and thats if they are good enough to play the AJ37 in constant 11.7 matches. Just saying its a mid tree and if a nation only has one decent plane thats a serious gameplay fault. Though maybe its just my opinion.

Probably why there are no people who play the actual air TT and just the prem XS

Ah yes, a very high IQ answer and response to a post 👍


There is a few things in the Swedish Id be interested in playing at some point, but even just nuking through it with a premium looks pretty rough at the moment and grinding france instead :D

France has been pretty fun, just started research on the hunter and im looking to see how the extra engine power fairs compared to the rest of the hunter i own at 9.0 (british sufferfest hunter nightmares.)

Sweden is pretty much meh imo all the way through unless you play the T18’s, J29A, JA37C and the gripen C

Everything else is pretty shit, i find mobility to be better then pure head on fighters with nothing else to offer.


Yeah it’s kinda a bad situation but unfortunately that’s the situation the Swedish Air Force was in for a while :/

Once I finish France I alr have Sweden props grinder out so off I go to jets lol