Saab J35XS can't be on 11.3 while J35D is on 10.3

Before BR changes/nerfs this plane was not in it’s best shape but is was still playable , after changes it is just unplayable.
While having only rear aspect missiles and no RWR it constantly faces radar missiles and all-aspect facing missiles that just bully this plane into burning debris.

  • rocket grind was fixed(nerfed) so only way to play this aircraft is to fight mig-23’s, F4’s ,F14.

All this on 11.3 while it’s analog J35D is on 10.3 and only difference is that J35XS has 2 more missiles and 1 less gun
Each 11.3 plane(exept for Kfir) has ability to engage targets infront of it with either radar or all aspect missiles
There is no way J35XS deserves to be on 11.3 with it’s RB24J .It’s BR in air-rb should be lowered or it should be buffed to be equal to it’s foes on it’s BR

This plane still can have a decent game but before it is slapped 30 times with radar missiles


I nearly bought that vehicle, I’m so glad I didn’t. Because not long after I thought about it, it got that horrible FM nerf and then went up a massive margin in BR. Lmao I feel so bad for all those people trying to grind with it and getting Aim-54’d without having an RWR lol


Tbf the swedish air tree has had a pretty consistent record of being 90% garbage and the remaining 10% consists of 5 decent vehicles. Them simply executing the J35’s just brings back the balance so theres nothing wrong with these changes.

Expect a new swedish premium at 10.3 to replace the J35XS.

Nah, itll be the austrian j35 with four missiles at 11.3

I still have fun in this vehicle and the Kfir Canard but I believe both are ranked slightly too high in BR.

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Gaijin messing up balancing once again. You’re completley right man, but as long as those bafoons at gaijin refuse to use even the slightest of common sense to balance a plane we won’t have any changes 😭


You forgot that the 35D has no countermeasure dispensers.

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I mean most of the community is in agreement the 35JX suffers in its current BR. But the 35D is exactly where it needs to be. No countermeasures, no RWR, 4 missiles is pretty on point for that BR. the JX just being brought to 11 or 10.7 would make it fun to play again without being horrendously sweatie to be play .

Imma be real that doesnt dicate a full 1.0 BR difference lol

Iirc all-aspect, too.

Well… T-2 is 9.7 and F-5C is 11.0 now.

The F5C also has a UFO flight model and a usable CMs count, whereas the J35XS has 6 flare drops total. That is not comparable, and is essentially the same as having no countermeasures when in the lobbies it faces at 11.3.

I thought the J35XS had single drop countermeasures, meaning 12 counts of countermeasures

If hes using the other flare/chaff types then that makes sense. Id probably keep both incase i got an uptier

If it does, it must be a recent change as when I used it last, it was dumping 2x flares at a time or 1x flare/1x chaff. Either way, 12 total CMs is not enough for 11.3 BR

Mig 23M and MF bith only have 12 cm, though idk they’re br after the changes

The 23M has a decent flight model, an RWR and a variety of competitive missiles including r23r/t and r60m. Its loadout is the reason for its BR. The 21MF is 10.7, which is reasonable.

J35XS should be 13.7 its like so broken and OP.

Not referring to the 21 mf, rather the mig 23M and MF since they’re migs eith worse FM than the ML/MLA and MLD.