J35XS and J37C can not & should not be the same br

Lets see why:

  • j35xs do not have radar missiles / j37c has radar missiles
  • j35xs do not have rws / j37c has rws
  • j35xs has non pd very bad radar / j37c has pd&tws radar
  • j35xs has bad gun placement / j37c has VERY GOOD gun placement
  • j35xs and j37c has nearly the same speed
  • j37c bleeds less speed in turns
  • j37c has quadruple the amount of countermeasures

    Just why?

I agree the ja 37 c should move up.

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that would be better, at least it gives the j35xs users some comfort xD

J35 should be moved down


They aren’t the same BR though. But i would agree that they are still to close in BR.
But the entire 2 top tiers need even more decompression than what we got because the JA37C going up means that it would be the same BR as JA37D so then that needs to go up and then both of them are to high compared to what they will face.

all three?

they are? both of them are 11.3

The XS

Oh, sorry, i was looking at Arcade BR in game (the wiki is also not updated with the newest changes).

Then yes, i wholeheartedly agree with this post. 11.3 is bonkers for the J35XS


watch when gaijin gonna fix this by moving JA37C up.

J35xs really doesnt deserve to be at 11.3 by a long shot.

The J35XS dogfights better than the J37C with vastly better energy retention currently.
J37C is hard to compare to others cause all Phantoms fly better than it.

j35xs dogfight capability is limited to 1 turn only, j37c also turn 1 time and runs out of energy. Just because it turns better doesnt overcome the technological limitations. J37C is vastly superior to j35xs in every regard.

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No!1!1 you cant nerf my premium plane!1!1

J35XS has a 0.42 oswalds efficiency number, it has one of the worst energy retentions of any plane at its br range

u know a plane is in a terrible state when it still struggles against many fighters it sees in a downtier

f5c is unbeatable if not in perfect position.

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and the J-7E just absolutely dogwalks you in every regard, if they don’t let you kill them in a head on you may as well just J out

@Rootsyl Energy retention is best showed by sustained turn rate:

J35XS with 6 minutes of AB time: 12.5 degrees per second.

J37C with 6 minutes of AB time and no radar missiles: 11.1 degrees per second.

“Make the J37C 2200kg of fuel!” Sure, then it loses due to running out of fuel in 3 minutes while also being worse at retaining energy.

“Instructor makes sustained turns harder.” Yes, and J35 will still perform better.
A & D, or left-hand equivalents, are your friend for making sustained turns in air RB easier.

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i straight up do not believe your testing, even then your point is moot because the JA37C can at least kill other planes at its battle rating with radar missiles in the front aspect, the JA35XS has literally no tools to deal with vastly superior planes at a lower BR like the J-7E, it just gets crushed


lol The sincere autistic man… you can hop on Discord at any time and I can stream it.
Besides J35XS hating trim settings, I use trim settings for all aircraft in War Thunder to get the results. J35XS I couldn’t cause it would not trim correctly at all, probably a bug, so I screenshot when I held it for more than 3 seconds on a speed. Worst case I was climbing a little while gaining slight speed which drops the turn rate down.
Besides, 9Js are among the best 11.3 missiles in the game for fighter platforms.

Oh, and J-7E for your pleasure: 13.9 degrees per second with its fuel tank equipped.

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