Support for a No CAS Game option for GRB Poll

So many posts being made about CAS issues in varying BRs and there always has been.My proposal is a separate game of GRB with no CAS.No interference with the current GRB game at all just another GRB game with Zero CAS for those who want to concentrate on a ground based game.

So Keep GRB as it is and bring in a new GRB game with no CAS and copy night battles with a No CAS option

The game might give the same choice as the Night vision option does.
Would you support it ?

  • 1 No to a No CAS Game Option
  • 2 Yes to a No CAS Game Option
0 voters

Sounds great, no more getting killed just because You are good


I think that as option to play without the air as with night battles, could give developers a lot of information, such as:

a) at what B.R. people prefer to play with/without air
b) at what maps such scenario changes outcome
c) in what modes such scenario changes outcome


I think it could be very interesting and see a return to the game for those who left after being frustrated by has potential to be segway between GRB and SIM with little work to do.

A player can still play standard GRB as they always have and have the added bonus of their game not being nerfed by none flyers complaining.


A thought just occurred to me
If they ever do make a roadmap for 2024 and ask for feedback
We SHOULD give feedback regarding the domination of CAS in GRB



I think that what they did with night battles, could be done with air in Ground RB. Nothing bad will come from just giving people free choice.


Just have “no fly” weather every once in a while.


I voted YES because I think this brings more peace to the community until the devs are willing to rethink the CAS situation (for me it is not bad or good).


It is hard to get people motivated .This poll has 38 viewers and 13 only voters currently .I do appreciate not everyone plays GRB.I think polls are a good way to show real feeling rather than a debate descending into a slanging match.My suggestion is done with sympathy to Gaijins developers and is unbiased in either direction as I like to play CAS and support a no CAS version of GRB.

My suggestion does not ask anybody to give anything up or make any sacrifice as far as I can see.Maybe the game makers will see the Poll.

Good idea . I am trying not interfere with the current GRB situation where possible.However if Gaijin say they are not interested in a new GRB version then maybe they could section off one day a week for no CAS in GRB but that is not what the poll is about ,I must stress my suggestion does not interfere with the current GRB set up.


Wise and fair.Respect to you.


I’m amazed that there are people who don’t want to give people more freedom of choice when it comes down to gameplay. I would like to know the reason for answearing ‘no’ but at the moment we can only guess.


I have to agree as I have stated that I propose keeping the current mode of GRB as it is and making an addition.

I can only imagine players fear a fractured player base. I think it will breathe new life into a possibly stale game and see more players rather than less.Let’s try to round up all those players who left the game.


And what You mean by that?

Is this poll redundant then? How many polls shall we make, another ten?

This previous poll seems put together with more thought so not sure what this one is for as I believe the previous entails GRB too.


If you do that for GRB then you GAB has to add this mode, as well but even then, only issue I see with it is people venting frustrations rather than welcoming the feature that sets it above/apart from WoT’s, honestly I enjoy having to deal with CAS, it makes it more interesting and more fun when you survive that CAS.


Another thread… Like, come on…

There’s a revised poll that’s been up for months…


I knew you would pop up 😆



I think you need to check your responses to people opposing you to be frank, the last interaction I just stumbled upon was genuinely rude…

People are very very rude to me, are you the new forum moderator? I was not criticysing you but youjust had to do it

I think you think too many are rude to you, when they’re just being straight with you…

I think you doth protest too much.

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