Simulator air battles improvement thread

Forgot to mention. I also believe a reversal back to the SP system would be detrimental to the Sim community. There would be a lot of backlash and the community would shrink.

Mig-21SMT/MF/Bis, F-104S, Sea Harrier, F-8E, Mitsubishi F-1, J-7, Mirage F-1, Mirage 3, Viggen; radar on, kill the zombers.

yes, you’re right. but I had already described that above. “that would be a very radical measure now!” but it probably won’t happen. Gaijin himself really wanted to get rid of the SP. regardless of whether we thought it was good or bad.

the long period between the SP deactivation and the introduction of the rotation was the worst time in EC Sim. I think we had the biggest loss of players at that time. the main reason was of course usefull action. but the deactivation of SP also had a very negative effect before the rotation come.

there has been no replacement for the SP system to date! there were only rough emergency measures. the rotation was intended as an emergency measure to improve the bad situation after the SP deactivation. there is no replacement for the SP system. Gaijin never thought about a successor system. the official posts from 2021 show that these were only “early” [cough] ad hoc measures. what the real successor system should be was never announced.
people really believe that what we have now is the “goal” - No! we are still in the middle of the “repair phase” to repair the damage from summer 2021!

it only took them 2 weeks to ruin the mode back then (since the introduction of usefull action). without naming all the measures now. Gaijin have not managed to repair this damage in more than 2 years!

I´m ok I’m fine. I’m just upset about gaijin right now hahahah

I hope you know the difference between bombers and zombes. have fun.

I would like to briefly explain what I meant above in case I have expressed myself wong. I think I have written enough for today :)

in German Army we have a word called “Behelfslösung” or “Behelfsloesung”. this describes exactly what the rotation is in EC Sim. the rotation is not a replacement for the old SP system but only a “Behelfsloesung”. :D

the german army ran out of fuel for the trucks in 1945. so bicycles were used as a “Behelfslösung”. the current german air force had no replacement for the Panavia Tornados for a long time. so the Tornados had to fly as a “Behelfslösung” until they fell apart. now the replacement is finally coming.

Gaijin still owes us an answer as to what kind of “SP replacement” is finally coming!
So good night

Hey so we already have a thread for this.

Im pretty sure that we all agreed that its entierly pointless because no one at Gajijn reads this forum. So youre just preaching to choir.

I believe devs definitely read the forums. Our main issue is that they have to listen to what the majority of the community wants, and currently some tank player complaining about penetration of his shell get’s 10x more views and interaction than any sim thread does, because ground / rb player base vastly outnumber us.

Well you also have to take into account that what we say could be wrong.
The forums are a minority of the players, and dissenting opinions are less common than supporting opinions of the game & its modes.
If you disagree with something you’re more likely to make a statement than if you agree with something.

Like what works for simulator right now: Battle line, air captures, segmented runway damage zones, rotating BR brackets.
Less people will say that than will say opposing opinions even if most players agree with what I just typed.

Also @Lieutenant_Camel, we’re going in circles, I’ve already made and proved my point multiple times you know where I stand

@Schindibee Totally agree.

Then fly your Mig23MF during the 4 days 11.0 is fully downtiered.

I love the BR bracket rotation system, allows for diversity as every 2 days you get different BR’s to fly fully downtiered, every plane gets its days. I much prefer that over the SP system or the shitty matchmaker of RB where some BR’s always get’s up tiers, while others never do… that being said 11.0-11.3 is a freak case… Currently 11.0-11.3 really suffers because the BR isn’t high enough to fit a new bracket for top tier, so until we get 12.7 or 13.0 in the game, 11.0 but mostly 11.3 will continue suffering. There’s not a lot you can do about it without creating a mini bracket which would screw over other BR’s. And 11.7-12.3 jets being VASTLY better than 11.3 jets is more an issue of bad game design / BR compression than an issue of the matchmaker. Every other bracket has a range of 1.0 BR

We should be thankful We don’t have a matchmaker like RB where jets at 11.0-11.3 get’s full up tiers to 12.0-12.3 like 90% of their games…

Bit late to the game here but my 2 cents.

  1. Make the last un-killed aircraft spawn free. I.E. If you are still flying jet/plane X at the end of EC, you get a refund for it’s Spawn cost.

  2. Reduce SPAA accuracy to an actually MEANINGFUL amount when dealing with non-Airfield AA (keep the Airfield AA a legit threat due to Spawn-camp clowns). The SPAA is still overly powerful when ‘defending’ enemy tanks/etc, to the point you really can’t do anything unless you have ATGM to snipe them out first.

BR10.7-11.3 is a weird place.

As an aside: Do something with the Japanese F-4E (both the tree and prem version): Agile Eagle upgrade, bigger bombs, better Aim7s, something.

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I ahve thread for PvE related imrpovements for SB as well. So feel free to take some of the ideas from that:

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We have two rotations where the MF ist top-dog at EC8 with its 11.0 BR. So you can chose when to fly it.

I understand it however for 11.3 (just one rotation at EC8) its a bit worse, and obviously 11.7 only sees EC9 exclusively and suffers accordingly…

this is the first time I have to agree with you. hurray.

the many EC players who have played EC for years and who haven’t played since the introduction of usefull action are missing here. if you haven’t played for 2 weeks, you can’t write here. there are only people left here who somehow accept a badly programmed, half-finished, loveless mode. (including me = self-criticism).
the voices and opinions of the old hares with years of sim experience are missing. maybe the opinion picture here would shift completely?!

The main problem with having to wait is that I’m not always in the mood to fly the same jet a few days after waiting for the BR rotation to come back, thus limiting what I can fly when I want to fly it.

If I want to fly the 23MF, but the current BR rotation has 11.0 in a bad spot, I’d have to wait at least 2 days (if I catch the rotation when it starts) to play that jet again. That’s not really engaging, and my time will most likely be taken up by something else other than War Thunder.

It’s even worse for the F-4S (and the 4J by extension), I refuse to fly it out most of the time because three of its rotations are top tier based, and it’s just not super competitive at top tier outside of radar missiles.

I’m hoping that if we do get a 12.7 - 13.0 BR cap, 11.3 isn’t just left to fight through it like 10.3 was fighting 11.7 before the rotations.

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I mean if you insist on only flying one 11.0 aircraft, sure it can get annoying. That’s why it’s ideal to have a good lineup, if you have a 9.7, 10.7, 11.0, 11.3 and top tier jet that you enjoy flying, you will have plenty of options every day to fly?

for example

When BR’s are 8.7-9.7, 10.0-11.0 and 11.3-12.3
I’ll fly my 9.7 Mig19, 11.0 Viggen, and any of my top tier 12.0-12.3 jets.

When BR’s switch to 8.3-9.3, 9.7-10.7 and 11.0-12.3
I’ll fly my 9.3 Hunter, 10.7 AJ Viggen and J35 Draken - and any of my top tier 12.0-12.3 jets.

In any of the rotations you’ll still have a plane for each tier to fly, unless you only own like one premium, in which case - why are you complaining when you haven’t even unlocked the tech tree?

I do have other planes, the thing is what I want to fly and what I can fly are both very different. Sure, I could fly the MiG-21MF, the CL-13 Mk 5, the MiG-15bis, but I don’t really want to fly those at the moment, I’d have liked to fly the MiG-23MF so I can finish spading it.

yeah, like I said

pro’s outweigh the cons.

I can guarantee your stock grind would be slower with a SP system where you’d have to collect a bunch of SP each time you flew it out. Be happy we can fly whatever we want, whenever we want. And yes, as I already said, 11.0-11.3 in particular is suffering right now. That will end when 12.7-13.0 gets introduced.

SP has its pros and cons, and yes maybe my grind would be a bit slower with it. I think the true solution here for 11.3 planes is, as you mentioned, 12.7 - 13.0, provided that Gaijin actually raises the BRs to accommodate it instead of leaving it until it gets really bad like they did before. Knowing how Gaijin has treated sim in the past, I am skeptical that they’ll actually remember to change the BRs, or they’ll just bring in the F-15 and Su-27 at 12.3 anyway (hopefully they’re smart enough to see how bad of an idea that is.)

Either way, here’s hoping 12.7 - 13.0 solves the weird spot that 11.0 and 11.3 are in…

I’m sure the MiG-23 being one of the best BR 11.0 Jets in the game has nothing to do with it.

The Rotation(s) is very interesting but is also the only way to get to have quite a bit of fun using the Kurnass 2000 while not having to fight 4th Gens all of the time.

As for the MiG-23 when it’s BR Cap 11.0 or 11.3, I ‘believe’ the only real change is you have to be aware of the Stray Kurnass 2000 and that’s about it at 11.3 in terms of a dogfight. Leaving only a few days when it’s 9.7-10.7 that the MiG-23 is really outclassed.

Everyone has some great ideas however one idea that would be cool is adding Airborne early warning and control “AWACS” which has actual proper voice line communication, telling you the altitude in both Metric and Imperial systems depending on your in-game options. This means that if you’re using Imperial, metric, or Imperial. It will swap the voice lines for this. This means if there is a surveillance plane it will tell you the location, and altitude if it’s nearby or within rough proximity. It may also be possible for it to call in several AI planes to intercept you as it makes a retreat from the battlefield.