Sim Rewards are absolutely unaccaptable


what are you talking about this is perfectly balanced and working as intented.

if you dont have both premium account and a premium vehicle good luck making any money when not playing like a bot and actually doing stuff.


And still some people say the game is not pay2win, pay2play, etc XD

Also some planes stock suck so much, that even playing like a bot it’s difficult to spade them … takes so long !!!

Yes, something that doesn’t incentivate players to remain 13mins in the airfield if they make the actions in 2 mins

Had a short sortie in the Su22MK3 yesterday, capped the useless action bullshit 3 times and got ~17.900 SL every time.
Had to spawn 3 times for 14.500 SL (2 deaths in 50 min. with this brick seems not to much), so net gain after almost an hour was ~15k SL… One more death and it would be zero.

Thanks for nothing!

I should just remove this crap from my harddrive…


Its sad that the sim community isnt big enough to bomb the shit out of gaijin on steam so they finaly take some action to fix this BS… Years with this aweful system…


So far what i have saw, for non premium aircraft with BR above of 9.3 its harder to have profitable matches, even if you have completed a lot of the objectives.

The respawn cost is too high for the rewards we get, but also we dont get any payback if someone TK us (quite common at higher tiers with decent IR missiles).


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The key ingredient is to not die. Therefore just nab one base or one player kill then RUN to friendly airspace until rewards accrue. Rinse and repeat.

Thrilling gaming experience though


pick one.

Though Sim as well Heli PvE works for me, listening to podcasts/music and to some extent with beer instead sweating my ass off like in ARB/GRB.

You could optimize even more and don’t forget to include premium account + premium aircraft (specially at 10.3 or above as you can reach the cap faster) + boosters. Doing that, you could research a 400k RP aircraft, like the F16s, in a matter of a few hours (including the SL needed for purchase and training).
But even with that it is still way lower than what you could get in other modes like Sim CA, time wise.

Imho, you should be able to progress without so much problem no matter to which play mode you want to play and or the way you want to play in a decent match (a few kills/objectives with a few deaths). At least for me, it gives me more incentive to invest in the game than if it feels like it’s a requirement.


I don’t know what Air RB you play, it you dont get 47k rp for bombing a single base or getting two kills. That is more like a 4 to 6 base game with a talisman/premium.

Keep in mind you can also respawn in Sim but not Air RB. That makes a difference is rewards to be expected because Air RB gets more rewards because of the lack of respawn.

There is no way you’re defending the lack of rewards in SIM, the gamemode that is the hardest to play out of every gamemode there is. It should be the most rewarding too, with NO caps.

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First, I was pointing out that he is 100 percent wrong about getting 1 base destroy or 2 kills in Air RB and getting 47k rp for it. Not a thing in the slightest bit. It takes a premium plane (or talisman) bombing 4 to 6 bases in a 20+ minute game to get rewards that high in Air RB.

Second, I was pointing out that Air RB’s spawn mechanics are different than Sim’s respawn mechanics, and that difference means Air RB earns more rewards per action because of the lack of respawn. Comparing Sim to Air RB is inaccurate because there is no repspawning in Air RB and Sim doesn’t give rewards for singular actions like Air RB. I wasn’t defending Sim’s lack of rewards, I was making a correction to an innacurate comparison. Air RB does earn more rewards per action because there is no respawning. Comparing it to Sim, which has respawns, is not a fair comparison for either side since they share much different mechanics.

Third, Sim is the most rewarding game type that holds respawns by a longshot. Play a game of Air arcade and see what destroying a base or hitting the airfield earns you. Better yet, I’ll save you the time. You get almost nothing. For Sim, problems arise when players don’t stay alive long enough to earn the maximum rewards. Kamakazi airfield bombing has become a norm for some reason, and then people complain they don’t get any rewards. Just like rp gained by “time played” in Ground/Air RB makes a massive difference, the time spent alive in your aircraft makes the difference in rewards for Sim.

I didn’t play the most Sim games when I had my Flight Sim gear, but the amount of players asking “PVE Only” and verbally abusing players that go for PVP kills is sad. I mostly played top tier, and the players that wanted to be left alone to farm rp/sl for hours without being attacked by other players were some of the worst players I’ve encountered on Warthunder.

I don’t think you are aware of how the ‘useful action’ works. It is the worst system they implemented since capping the events every 2 days…

When you hit the max rewards, you CAN’T earn any more within that time period.

That shouldn’t be a thing in a grind-to-progress game like War Thunder.

I honestly don’t mind arcade being the lowest rewarding gamemode, since… well, it is arcade, its easy to jump into, its easy to fly, you got CCIP on both bombs and guns, so it would make sense that you shouldn’t be getting a ton for playing the ‘easiest’ gamemode there is, while comparing to sim, you dont get anything to help you out, besides your MK.1 eyeball and maybe a radar that doesn’t work properly in higher tiers.

Everything that is activily capping your progression is the most toxic thing a F2P company can do, if they want our money they should make a game that is actually working as intended, instead of relying on blocking players from progressing and hoping they would buy a premium pack.

If everything was working properly, if everything wasn’t trying to block our progression in a free to play grind game, then I would argue that they would make more money from happy players, wanting to support the company because they’re doing a good job for their playerbase, versus the current money grabbing system.

I do agree with some of your points, but I hope we agree that the fact that SIM isn’t the most rewarding per hour, per kill, per action based purely on the difficulty on the gamemode is absurd.


Yes, that’s what they are encouraging

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If nothing changed, the useful action cap is 1000 ( maybe need check again, but 99% sure it is)

Its 800

It should also be noted that not only are the rewards too low but the ‘max reward for useful actions’ only works out to be about 92% of what it should be.

Every game and every plane loses EIGHT percent… I have over 2000 sim games, that is an insane amount of lost reward…

(for Heli PVE it’s nearly 20% :p)

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Why don’t they make aircraft on the AF not give out rp and sl. And restrict the useful actions to pve actions and give out rewards as normal to pvp actions?
Also reduce the rewards for Kills/damage in gunner view.

Seems like a better fix for zombers and ABusers.

