Sim Rewards are absolutely unaccaptable

Rewards had cheeky breeky nerf again. Seems like score rewards to reach cap were reduced. Before update kill would grant 600 score. Now it gives 450.


I wonder if this might be related to the BR thingy?

I cannot find it right now, but I remember seeing a thread/discussion that showed that score gets reduced significantly for kills on planes and tanks below your BR, and given some brackets being rather wide and ability to take undertiered planes - it might be the cause of it.

Edit: Found it! WT score, SL and RP reward calculation method - Google Documenten

However, this is not to disagree with improved rewards. Useful Actions as implemented seems like a very dumb mechanic, given possibly long stretches of nothing but CAS/bombing and then rapid pvp activity seems the norm (as a new player to low BR prop air sim).

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Captura de pantalla (2232)
This is just absurd, -90k???

yeah, rewards are total shit, but we are so little people we can’t do a proper complain, so it will continue to be shit

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Gaijin should just decrease spawn costs, remove that “usefull actions” system and just cap base bombing and AI hunting instead. That way botters would get nothing more than they already do and regular players can actually play AirSim without fear of getting no RP and losing a lot of SL. But that wouldn’t make Gaijin any money would it? So not very necessary.

Gaijin is actually pushing players to do PvE so they wont be losing SL and actually get some good amounts of RP easily. And then punish those who wants to actually play the game as it should.


Sim economy is such a thing

For destroying 4 AA in ground combat give 76 points. If I have a Jaguar with two guided bombs or a Mirage 2000D-R1 with three, how can I make the minimum activity of 500 points to get the maximum reward? There are a lot of aircraft with a limited number (2 or 3) of guided bombs/missiles that have no chance of making enough points. Even if they destroy tanks - 2*135 points, they still won’t have the required activity.

Yeah sim is unplayable trash, only use for this gamemode is farming events. RP and SL gain is much lower than ARB and the mode is very unbalanced


Unfortunately it’s the only mode where you come somewhat close to flying an aircraft.


It’s a shame they give more rewards for rocketing an airfield than for precision strike :(

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It’s not just an embarrassment, it’s a gameplay disaster. There is no direct correlation between skill/effort and reward (except for shooting down planes).
And it helps turn the game from a meaningful action that enhances a player’s individual skills into a mindless grind. Monotonous actions for the purpose of accumulating RP, no joy, no thought, no analysis of one’s own actions, no real progress in skill.

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I’m prop tier, but the rewards for boat kills are imo the worst.

Boats have complex damage models, and can be surprisingly tanky even to direct dive bomb hits, and they travel in convoys with some insane AA screens.

You miraclously get a kill.

It’s barely worth anything.

I am yet to get a carrier kill, but I can’t imagine it’s sufficiently rewarded for its value.

It saddens me, as naval aviation is what inspired me to come back to warthunder and it doesn’t exist in air RB, and feels actively discouraged in sim.

I want my midway reenactment.


Remove the cap (which is higher on USSR aircraft than others, but nobody pay too much attention to that) and also remove mouse and keyboard as a control option for sim.
You’d solve a LOT of problems in sim that way. No mouse+keyboard option makes it a lot harder for people to abuse the mode.

What do you mean by cap and it being higher for ruzzia?

So you want to lock an entire gamemode behind essentially a pay-wall?

Also, why is M+K a problem? If anything those with a HOTAS have the biggest advantage.

its the same for all nations. I have no idea what you are on about here.

M+K players shall have the right to play, like everyone else. They are in a disadvantage anyway.

Just remove this stupid cap and fix this airfield rocketing bs by reducing the points per rocket.

It can’t be that after 2 fast kills you don’t get anything for the next 10 Min.

Or just finish the 15 min. useless action timeframe when we land.
It would “motivate”/force players to rtb more often, but at least we would be rewarded for our actions, the risk and the spawn costs

At it’s very core, the economy of Sim is designed to encourage players to survive and less so min-max actions. Take-off, complete an objective, RTB safely. In that regard it works well. But it has 2 flaws. 1) its possible to be too succesful and so a lot of actions go unrewarded and 2) its possible to do well, but die and get nothing for your actions. its in these 2 areas it fails and needs adjustment, but for the most part, I dont think the economy is “bad”. Any improvement though also has to mitigate people exploiting the gamemode anymore than they do currently.

the solution I came up with (and I really really need to work on a proper flushed out suggestion for it) is a hybrid system.

Certain actions:

  • Players kills
  • Destroying a base
  • Sinking naval targets
  • Completing/participating in objectives

would reward a partial, but immediate reward, ontop of also giving activity time that would generate as it does now. That way, it doesnt matter how much you do in a given time-period, you earn something. (though it would be less than you’d get in RB as you are still earning SL/RP from activity time)

Other actions such as:

  • Damaging bases or AF
  • Individual PvE kills (air or ground)

would just reward activity time much as it does now.

I would also have landing succesful give more reward in someway. perhaps just complete the 15 minute section. But perhaps only if its past 8-10 minutse just so that it cant be exploited.

Also, Id make activity time far less… ambiguous, have a nice clear bar or something on the map screen that tells you what your current activity score is. That way you know better when to RTB or when to be aggressive.


How do people abuse SB ? I only play with HOTAS, it’s just curiosity …

Only answer I could come up with is that M+K is used by botters

Lots of good suggestions on how to fix Sim rewards and generally improve Sim but Gaijin just doesn’t seem to care about improving Sim only kicking Sim in the back of the head with nerfs until it’s lying in a muddy puddle crying it’s eyes out. If the gamemode is anything but RB then Gaijin doesn’t want anything to do with it anymore. I won’t be surprised that in the future, to stop botters, Gaijin adds a GE cost to your repair cost just to scrape out the last remaining fun out of the mode.

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