Sim community wishlist - small fixes/changes

I was doing mach 1.18 in a F-104 at 5000 ft and had one of those Sabre-era planes pulling away based on the radar lock. It was similar altitude within visual range and slightly maneuvering on the Denmark map. Those things are sleeper hot rod jets.


It’s worse than that because that cap includes the landing bonus. It’s capped at 80% of the max if you don’t land. Additionally, it’s fairly easy to get about 90% of the cap, but it seems to take a lot more points to push higher than that.

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Yep, I was also hunting Sabres. At Mach 1.3… with an F-16… almost didn’t get them before they would’ve exit the map

  1. i think they should bring back reward RP for winning. look like player fight for nothing now
  2. fix fuel problem. some time its auto change to min fuel or max fuel. My P51D has 90 min fuel and can not fight. lmao
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This must be supported, my last game, almost 2 hours, mig21, I knocked down 11 players, result? 10k XP and 100k lions, without vehicle or premium account, in realistic battles I need 2 games of 10 minutes to achieve the same result, before flying sim was rewarded much more, I think it is the fairest due to its difficulties


The sim community has been asking for these in some way or another similarly for years.


-Separate flare/chaff keybinds with portion control
-Correct Contrail altitudes
-Fuel slider amount
-In game loadout customization
-spawning in hangars and taxi-ing to take-off rather than spawning at end of runaway
-airfield re-work
-Re-working the countries that oppose eachother like seperating NATO from Soviets/China. For example: You want to fly the Taiwanese F16A MLU you’ll be set on NATO. -EDIT- Not as a replacement to the current match make. But an extra option to find historical lobbies.


-Better EC objectives that actually pull you in to doing them, and more of them, especially with bigger EC maps
-Fox 3’s
-Fix cockpit instruments and gauges so they ALL work
-More accurate flight models (climb rates, speed at sea level, drag, correct compression speeds and wing rip speeds, ect, vapor formation under high G, accelerated stalls, mixture control for props correctly implemented, compressor stalls, debri cloud damage, realistic aural tones for missiles and systems, better rotary physics on helicopter’s, ect)
-Rotors cause dopplar shift
-Stationary SAM and radar sights to conduct SEAD near battlefields. More battlefields to conduct CAS at.
-Bigger maps for Air SB and Ground SB, so it’s not so cluttered and easily shot down over friendly airfields (spawn camped)
-Only if done right! (with adding better rotary physics, rotors causing dopplar shift, proper historical airfield defense at the BR and bigger EC maps) add Helicopters for EC, and a Heli BR change so Vietnam era rotary is matched with Vietnam era fixed wing and modern with modern
-Better and more accurate airfield defense (aa guns for World War 2/Korea era, Roland’s for Vietnam era, Pantsir-S1 or Patriots for modern era, ect)
-AI match the historical period (an F86 surveillance plane shouldn’t be going Mach 1.4!


Great suggestions, just 2 notes

As much as I’d like historical accuracy, we also have to be mindful of the fact that USA/NATO has been quite far ahead of soviets for most of history in terms of aviation…

It would also turn most lobbies into very disproportionate matchups, like 8v2 nations and we’re already having issues filling teams in certain 5 nation teams

There’s like a thousand planes in the game, that probably makes 10 thousand gauges for Gaijin to fix, I’d rather have them spend time on other stuff tbh

…then at least add the IFF added recently to some RWR’s in RB.

Several dozens, certainly. A lot of times gauges are used for several models.

Also, not all must be reproduced, but important ones, and important functions.

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Yeah, but considering the more important changes we need in sim to make game-play better, I’d honestly be pretty pissed if I found out Gaijin put a bunch of those simulator man-hours into fixing gauges… Reminds me of when the DayZ developers spent years making the trees look better when the game itself was completely broken

Depends on the gauges: We still have all HUD’s missing a correctly functioning Velocity Vector, and many aircraft having no direction display for their CCRP in Sim…


Definetly want all of these. Though if we get more modern SAM, then we need HARM to be able to effectively counter it. But adds real value to certain aircraft.


  1. strv122/L2A7 is difficult to kill, and its actual room division should be at 12.7

  2. The actual performance of Chinese ground vehicles is too poor


The 1.122 and L2A7 not only have better frontal armor than Soviet tanks, but also have dispersed member positions, and if they only carry 16 shells, they can completely eliminate the ammunition rack weakness of the chassis. It has a fuel tank on its side that can completely absorb shell fragments, and now it has added an anti collapse lining. So much so that the unfairness brought by these two tanks is even worse than that of hackers

  1. In the game, China’s ground vehicles have all the shortcomings of Soviet and NATO tanks, such as explosive ammunition racks, huge bodies, inability to shoot backwards, poor pitch angles, poor 7.1 second loading speed, worst shell penetration, and slower turret ring speeds than other camps. And what did it only get? A maneuverability that does not bring any advantages. So Gaijin competed with vehicles like the 99A and 122, BVM, and felt that there was no problem with it. They had never experienced games they made themselves. TOR is the same. They went crazy and placed this thing on the 11.7 BR, and its air defense efficiency is not even as good as the 9.3 arrow’s 10M. And the Type 83 howitzer, until now it can only have one unrealistic 5KG TNT howitzer. VT4 is the same, all Chinese vehicles will always be made into uncompetitive products at the beginning of their release


  1. Keep the chassis ammunition racks of 122 and L2A7, at least ensuring that shooting from the side can partially destroy these tanks and increase their weight. Prohibit Sweden, Germany, and the Soviet Union from being in the same camp.

  2. TOR is not worth staying at 11.7, and 99A is also not worth staying at 11.7. Fix the data of VT4 and Type 83 howitzers based on the evidence provided by the player. The Type 96 tank also has a reverse speed of 10KM, why is the 96A only 6KM? When the player pointed this out, gaijin surprisingly asked the player to provide evidence that the transmissions of these two tanks were the same, which was extremely ridiculous

You say that; however, I go into these matches and see a single MiG-29 wiping the floor with F-16 and F-15s. The Soviet missiles peroform significantly better.

I’ve also spawned to have MiG-29s firing missiles at me while stationary outside the range of the AA. Someone told me it was my fault here in the forum. I didn’t tell them it didn’t matter which base I spawned at, they just kept chasing me down at take off.

The thing is the planes aren’t quite accurate to their historical representations… Separation of nations wouldn’t be that big of a deal.

Small fix:
Repair IFF in Simulation.

The issue is that IFF doesn’t always work appropriately. I can see a jet in SRC as single pips at low distances. This tells me that it’s an enemy jet. I switch to SRC and shoot it down… Turns out it’s a friendly.

This issue seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes the planes at high alt just don’t show up at all.

So I guess this is just fix radar in sim please. I don’t have the issues in RB, so the whole issue is strange.

Lol, did you completely miss the months before Air superiority update when the F16’s was completely dominating top tier and USA had a 100% win rate in sim? It was nearly impossible to lose a dogfight to a Mig29

The Mig29 has not even remotely ‘wiped the floor’ with anyone since its nerf last summer. Especially not now, and the F15 is significantly better

The AIM9M is currently the best missile in sim, R27ER’s are good on paper, but are quite literally rendered useless if you stay below 20 meters altitude. The only one getting killed by them are people purposely flying high because the current low-flying meta is boring, or people who are just bad at the game which is like 90% of the player base in sim rn

Had it the other day in the Gripen, with an enemy Su-27 showing as friendly and I reacted as if it was a friendly locking me up for some reason. But nope, was hostile.

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You can say that stuff but from the time I’ve put in that’s not at all what I’ve observed. The last few months it’s been predominantly Russian teams that are winning when I play. The F-16 and F-15 pilots are getting wiped.

It’s cost me somewhere around half a million in the last month. I always check both radar sources before commiting to firing. I’ve gotten a lot more cautious and try to make visual IDs now which isn’t going well. Most people are able to shoot me down well before I can make visual ID.

I checked your stats and you’ve pretty much only flown the 11.3 F4 in sim for 16 battles, rest is some props? What have you observed?

PD to SRC bug has been around for years, many a TK in the FGR2. So yeah, IFF could just do with some TLC. (though radars feel somewhat broken altogether at the moment. Gripen is nearly unusable due to its radar)