Sim community wishlist - small fixes/changes

Sim does not get a lot of love from the devs. Given the small playerbase it wont be their top priority in terms of spending. However theres a few glaring issues that would require relatively little work to solve. So heres what im thinking, we make a list of all current issues in sim with suggested fixes. That we then can present to Gajijn in hopes of getting some attention. We could also include improvements/changes. For this to have any chance of working, i have come up with some ground rules for what we should be focusing on. But do correct me if you think im wrong.

  • Prioritize the most pressing issues and small changes that would have a big positive impact.

  • Suggested changes should require little work(money) to implement.

  • Suggested changes should only affect sim gamemodes.

  • Suggested changes have to be unanimously accepted by the whole community.

Essentially we want a list of items that the devs could justify putting time on. Think of small and simple things that would drastically improve sim battles for relatively little effort.

To have some structure please try using the following format or something close to it.


  • (insert issue)


  • (insert cause to issue)


  • (insert suggested solution)

If you think this is stupid or have a better way of structuring this thread dont hesitate to DM me, i would appreciete all and any help.

This is meant to be for all types of sim battles.


I hope this meet most of your requirements

rendering problems(most I see are in low quality, but Im not sure if this is exclusive to low graphics). Being specific: dots(planes) that twinkle being enemy player planes, and condensation trails being rendered suddently, at once, indicating precisely where the plane came from(its literaly a huge trail that sometimes even gets from the af to the plane at the middle of the map, showing if the dot is friendly or enemy)

Cause: rendering problems( I think?)

Solution: rendering fix( ill edit this comment later to show screenshots of the issue)


Not exactly what i had in mind. Im thinking things surrounding gameplay, but i have to admit that ive noticed the same issues with visual inconsistencies and just general graphical weirdness. Like for example seeing a plane clearly off in the distance, but when you zoom in that small dot gets infinitly smaller. My uneducated guess would be that this isnt a simple fix, but hey i could be wrong. Thanks for sharing!


they can reduce the repair cost a bit and increase the RP and SL reward. It’s a huge help even for beginner sim players and I’d rather play the game if I like it and wouldn’t be sad that it’s impossible to develop. and the sim is very difficult and time consuming to play through. When he was 4 years old, he was my favorite because he gave the rewards well. Now a full sim equals a full realistic battle, which is sad.



Lack of era appropriate content


SB EC just reskins the gamemode every few EC brackets, but ultimately the gamemode does not change. You may get different Attackers/Bombers spawning, by they spawn in the same place at the same alt and take the same routes. Same for Convoys, Battlefields, Carrier, etc.

This means that Top tier can feel stagnated as you are performing operations/sorties in a high speed, advanced aircraft but completing missions designed for a Bi-plane/Interwar aircraft.

Laser guided weapons have really limited value, and most of hte gamemode is sub 10k ft.


Add new objectives/missions and update old ones (such as increasing the spawn alt of the bombers) as the BR increases and retire ones that are not appropriate anymore. So that playing in a Tornado Gr1 doesnt have an air of Deja vu when also playing in a Fairey Swordfish.

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Air Sim EC


  1. Nation settings in battles.
  2. Revise AI units.
  3. Settings of self-created battles.


  1. the current nation settings are unacceptable. These nation settings were created in August 2021 as a short-term interim solution as part of the restructuring of EC with Usefull Action. Gaijin never cared again.

  2. the first problem leads directly to the second problem. Gaijin did not adjust the AI units after changing the nation settings. We have pure chaos. For example, Soviet recons on the US side and vice versa. or we have 70s AI tanks in rank IV.

  3. I could write a long novel here. We all know how difficult it can be to start a battle in the lobby. and how annoying it is when a battle ends after 5 minutes because the enemy team leaves the battle.


  1. my suggestion: WW2 nation settings (Axis vs Alliies) on WW2 maps and Cold War nation settings (NATO vs. communist states) on larger cold war maps.
    Similar to the Sim tank battles. but also with the possibility of engaging fewer nations in a battle.
    The dividing line between WW2 and Cold War scenarios should be around the transition from the probs to the jets.

  2. just put a little more effort into the AI units and adapt them!

  3. Increase the number of official battles. the possibility of starting battles 1 vs 1. Let the battles last longer if a team leaves the battle. so that new players can join.


Some ideas I mentioned elsewhere:

  1. Spawns vulnerable to Airborne ATGMs.

    Issue: Helicopters with ATGMs are able to hit spawn areas before ground units are able to disperse.

    Cause: Helipads are close to the battlefield and modern ATGMs has huge range.

    Solution: Helicopters starting with engines off same as the aircrafts. Simple change in battle settings.

  2. Pantsir-S1

    Issue: Pantsir-S1 outclasses any NATO SAM system by good margin denying NATO airforce large portion of the battlefield airspace.

    Cause: 2012 Patsir-S1 Significantly newer system then any other NATO SAM system like 1989 ADATS, 2007 ITO90M, 1990 FlaRakRad therefore not surprisingly superior almost in every aspect by good margin.

    Solution: Rise the SP cost of the Pantsir-S1 to 300SP (ADATS level) it would at least tone down presence of the system by a notch.

  3. Disproportional amount of air power in ground battles

    Issue: There is to much air units in ground battles

    Cause: Particularly helicopters are very effective and relatively cheap to spawn as result there can be more unit in air then on ground.

    Solution: Rise the SP cost of flying units to 500+SP so they can’t be used more then once in battle.


Ok here are some of my mine.


  • In ground SB 3rd person view in spectator mode can be used to gain an unfair advantage.


  • If working together with another player where one is spectating the other in 3rd person view, you can peek around corners and over walls and relay that information to your friend.


  • Disable 3rd person view for spectators in ground SB.


  • In ground SB bushes(decorative, placed on tanks) give players an extreme unfair advantage.


  • A crucial element of any contact /engagement is telling friendly apart from foe.The main way of doing this is identifying what type of tank you are looking at. A tank completely covered in bushes makes this task impossible.


  • Disable decorative bushes in ground SB


  • In ground SB. Low populated games (6 vs 6) offers extremely poor gameplay.


  • Lack of balance in form of vehicle types(air/ground ratio), map size, game mode and number of vehicles in each players lineup.


  • Increase the minimum required amount of players for a game

  • Alternatively: Put low populated games on small maps.


  • Minimaps in AIR SB lack markings for a distance scale. Making it impossible to judge distances.


  • Add Scale markings for all AIR SB maps. Clarification, marking showing size of one grid square.


  • Add 2 new radio callouts for “Reporting my position” and “Requesting position of friendly forces”. Each with their own unique map marker.
    Clarification: Right now the sim community uses the radio call out “Follow me” as a means to both, report their own current position and to request nearby friendlies to do the same. This solution works ok but since its so heavily used it would be a great addition to have dedicated radio callouts.


  • Low player numbers in Simulator battles.


  • Lack of attention from the devs, general upkeep and quality assurance. This leading to parts of the simulator experience feeling unfinished or even broken. For a new player trying out any of the sim gamemodes chances are that they will have a first impression that is very negative. Making it very unlikely for them to return.


  • Give the sim gamemodes some love and attention!


  • Low player numbers in Simulator battles.


  • Lack of attention from the devs, general upkeep and quality assurance. This leading to parts of the simulator experience feeling unfinished or even broken. For a new player trying out any of the sim gamemodes chances are that they will have a first impression that is very negative. Making it very unlikely for them to return.


  • Give the sim gamemodes some love and attention!

Then, dig up all 5 years old posts about ground sim rotation all is in. I will not waste more time in it, it’s not MY JOB.

Im sorry but i dont understand what youre trying to say

Edit; also i dont know why you even responded to the thread.

He says that 5 years ago there were already a lot of posts with wishes. the wishes are still relevant today. because everything was ignored by Gaijin.

Oh well fair enough i guess.

Air Sim EC


  1. ai bomber formation flying to middle of map and then flying around in pointless circles until shot down.

  2. DD escorts sailing flat out and immediately leaving behind cargo ships.


  1. Breaking something that had worked well for years.

  2. Breaking something that had worked well for years.

Fix (should be close to zero cost/time/effort)

  1. Revert to previous ai bomber logic: enter map, fly to a base, drop bombs, return.

  2. Revert to previous naval convoy settings: all ships sail at same speed… it’s not rocket science.


Genuine question: does gaijin even look at the sim forum?

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Does Gaijin even look at the forum?

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I actually don’t mind the bombers not leaving the map so fast. 🤷‍♂️

It gives us time to complete the task.

Yeah but omg the fucking bombers that fly in a circle just above the surface at mach69 are so annoying. And they stay until they get shot down, clearly broken.

I would say that’s its own problem.

I’ve ran into it myself in jet tiers, where the dang bombers are faster than many of the jets of the same BR range. Especially when it comes to stock planes.

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Though their flight path, especially the attackers/bombers that attack naval targets and bob up and down are a pain in the arse to engage.

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the community managers are supposed to build a bridge between players and developers. but the community managers are hardly ever seen here at Sim.

the developers themselves sit in a high ivory tower. in other games, it’s common for the developers to go to the forums and communicate directly with the community.

all we can do is write down our wishes and hope that someone might read them.

if we are lucky there are good sim changes in the changelog of the next update. if we are unlucky everything stays as it is or it gets worse because of new anti abuse measures.