Shenyang J-11, J-16, J-15, History, Performance & Discussion

Yeah me too, but i really don’t have any info on the PL-11s

J-10s, J-8(?), JH-7A, potentially others.

Yeah, i hope to see a new line for the J-10s.

I have a feeling that in next update, China will get F-16A MLU with FOX-3 and Su-30MKK/MK2 instead of J-11B. The Chinese Su-30 is not that different from Russian Su-27SM performance wise if their anti-radar / anti-ship missiles are omitted.

They could also double down and give us a full Taiwan update with either the Abrams or the CM34 and the Taiwanese Mirage.

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Do we have a general PLAAF discussion thread? If not i could give it a little bit of time to create it.

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Export variant if Su-30M2

Improve avionics, N-011M Bars passive electronically scanned array radar but equipped domestic chinese optronics including Blue Sky (navigation pod) and FILAT (Forward-Looking Infrared and Laser Attack Targeting)

Domestic chinese avionics, radar, engine and Air-to-Air armament

It’s here:

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Su-30MKK is based off Su-30MK.

Su-30MK2 uses N001VEP Radar.

looks like we’ll have to wait for either j10 or j11b to have a meta fighter. J10 in particular is interesting beacuse it appears to have maneuverability on par with the eurofighters rafales gripen etc

Su30MKK nothing to do with Su30M2, or rather that Su30M2 is a domestic version of SU30MKK/MKI combined. Su30M2 was developed after Su30MKK in late 1990s when Yeltsin’s economic stuff forced all the companies to look for work to survive, and in that situation Su30MKK based off T10-M4 prototype was produced as a transfer of the group originally working on Su35UB. SU30M was a domestic version latter produced for FRAF incorporating SU30MKK and MKI technology. SU30MKK was developed by KnAPPO MKI by Irkutsk, who are not related at this stage and Su30MKI was based off Su27UB. Su30MKI and MKK’s prototypes were 2 separate proposals to Soviet/Russian Airforce of multirole fighter.

Both MKI and MKK were solely developed with the intent of export for certain countries (Su-30MKK id tailored to PLAAF needs)

But the need for a ‘multirole’ fighter was up and both KnAPPO and Irkutsk went for it, so some sources say they simply ‘restarted’ this project and just based their upgrades on different aircrafts and suited them for different nations as Su30M, K for commercial, second K for china or I for india.

Su-30M2 — created on the basis of the Su-30MK2 export fighter, unified in cabin and instruments with the upgraded Su-27SM3…


Su27SM3’s instruments did use Su30MKI technology to improve multirole ability.

not quite possible, it’s the only SARH and IRCCM missile plane. it has it’s job on the TT, so though it’s a bad idea to make it in this place, it can’t move unless someone can take it’s place

No!..The unification of the equipment took place along the line (Su-35S/Su-27SM3/Su-30M2)…Su-30SM-has some equipment developed on the basis of the Indian Su-30MKI contract…
На сколько сильно отстаёт российская авионика и отстаёт ли вообще? Часть вторая. | Армия и технологии | Дзен (

Do India have full ability to maintain the aircrafts or is it a bit dodgy, seeing all the crashes due to maintainence issues?
Also, regarding

Su30K has nothing to do with Su30MKK right? It is just a timeline as Su30MKK was not developed by OIAPO and KnAPPO never produced any Su27UB, and Su30MKK was rather a completely new aircraft.

  1. Индия наладила ремонт истребителей Су-30МКИ (
  2. Not so.! The main thing in the development is the Sukhoi Design Bureau…Komsomolsk and Irkutsk plants are assembly plants …
    It has the most direct relation (only serial aircraft are shown in the diagram)…
    The first Su-30MK appeared in 1993…For several years, the Su-30MK aircraft was not mass-produced, although the IAPO had a full set of design documentation for it, the start of serial production was prevented not only by the absence of a customer, the Russian Ministry of Defense not only did not have the funds for a state order, but also did not really want to purchase this multi-purpose fighter…

  1. When the Su-30MK project for China began in 1999, the Irkutsk plant was busy with an export order for India, so the Sukhoi Design Bureau project was made under the technology of the Komsomolsk Plant…Nevertheless, this is a modification of the “thirty” - the Su-30MKK, which combines some features of the Su-30MKI and Su-35 (Su-27M) aircraft…

But if the KnAPPO never took part in SU27UB or any other double seat development, and their only other double seat aircraft prototype was Su35 UB then that should be what they based Su30MKK on. Also Su30MKK is massively different from what is in the 2 SU30MK, as it has ECM bods rather than wing tip pylons and the double wheel structure was not adapted.