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I would like to suggest the Schwerer Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz. 231 (6-Rad) (Magirus M 206 a)
One of the early pre war heavy reconnaissence armored cars, with a nice look and usable armarment against other light targets.
After the start of the secrit rearmarment of the German Army, the search for a cheap Armored Truck for reconaissence was searched for. The WaPrüf. 6 with the Company Deutsche Eisenwerke AG developed a 3 Part armored hull for a open marked cross contry usable Truck. The Truck in mind was a 6 wheeled, double axis at the back and front steered Truck in the 1,5 ton class. Which was tested and put into production by the Reichswehr in 1932 and used in the war.
Over time 3 different, but very similar vehicles were build with the armor:
Daimler-Benz G3 a / p
Büssig-NAG G31 p
and the (which i am suggesting)
Magirus M 206 a
Until 1937 123 of the 231 and 232 were build and additional 28 of the 263 type were build.
I have choosen the Magirus M 206 a based version as from a game perspective it has the greatest stats of the 3, while they look overall similar, with the exception (visibly) that the frontal fenders are longer on the Magirus M 206 a.
Further pros over the others are (while at a slightly greater weight) a 70 Ps 6 Cylinder S 88 engine (the others are only 68 and 60 Ps)
with 62 km/h forwards and backwards (there are a frontal and backwards driver with their own steering) while the rest are 70 km/h forwards but only 52 and 32 km/h backwards) but with 6 Ton it still has the 2nd highest Hp/Weight ratio.
It will give a fast playstilye with the proven 2 cm KwK 30 L/50 as allready seen on the Pz II Ausf. C but with a bigger faster vehicle, that is only proove against against small caliber MGs and only survives by speed, firepower and having a 2nd driver in the back. It will show the early beginning of reamarment and development of Heavy armored cars followed by the 222 and 234 series allready in game.
The Gun:
2 cm KwK 30 L/50
200 Rounds, 280 Rpm, 10 round mags.
-12° to +20° (+26°(?)) 360° travers at 25°/sec and higher.
And 2x Mg 13 with 1300 rounds (1x Coax and 1x AA Mg) (Later replaced by Mg 34)
(Mg 13 had 25 round mags and later 75 round drums and the Mg 34 50 round drums and later 250 round belts.)
Pzgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (ApI-T) 0,148kg 800m/s 0g 37mm/10m
Pzgr. L'Spur zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,148 kg 800m/s 2,4g Pent 35mm/10m
NOTE: It does NOT have a fuze, the filler is for self destruction, in game it would also explode upon impact when shattering, like the japanese 30mm Aphe.
Pzgr. 40 L`Spur. o.Zerl. (HVAP-T) 0,100kg 1050m/s 62g core 12mm 50mm/10m
Pzsprgr. L'Spur m.Zerl. (Aphe-T Sd) 0,121 kg 900m/s 3,6g Pent 33mm/10m
(This last picture is an adaption for the Mg151/20 and uses a different shorter tracer, which results in it beeing also a bit lighter)

Sprgr. L`Spur. o.Zerl. (Hefi-T) 0,120kg 900m/s 6,2g Pent (10,54g) 5mm/10m
Sprgr. Erd. o.L'Spur. o.Zerl. (Hef) 0,120kg 900m/s 11g Pent (18,7g)
Coundnt find the correct drawing, but they are basically the same as the Brsprgr. O.Lspur just with pure Pent instead of H.5 and Zink. (See actual cut away below)
The Vehicle:
Crew: 4 (Driver, Gunner, Loader/Commander, Backwards Driver)
Speed: 62 km/h (front and back) (Some state up to 85 km/h and 62 is offroad)
Engine: 70 Ps 6 Cylinder S 88 Engine
Weight: 6 Ton (Max battle weight 8,3 tons)
Length/Width/Height: 5,9 m / 2,2 m / 2,9 m
Frontal flatter plates 14,5 mm other steeper plates 8-10 mm
Turret 14,5 mm all round (?)
The Encyclopedia of Weapons of World War II
Paner Commander: The Memoirs of Hans von Luck
Munition der 2 cm KwK