1 more reserve vehicle


This got removed because it was in the wrong section, here it goes again.

I have introduced a friend to the game a while ago and he complained the grind and he was stuck using only 2 vehicles, which limited his playstyle while he was exploring and learning how to play the game. So here I propose an addition of one more reserved vehicle for every nation so new players can increase their diversity of playstyle, explore what they like and to provide a more unique vehicles for newer players.

My knowledge to pre-war to early ww2 vehicles are limited, so any better alternatives for vehicles will be appreciated!! These are what I found to be interesting and unique for each nation.

Please comment your thoughts or suggestions


T4/M1 christie medium

In contrast to the reserve tanks of USA which fires solid shot, this tank is armed with a 12.7mm heavy machine gun. With decent mobility this vehicle will be a slower and heavier equivalent of the M2a2, and with 360 deg turret traverse it will be more versatile compared to the m2a2.



Sdkfz 231 6 rad

In contrast to those slow reserve tanks of germany, this wheeled vehicle will provide decent mobility. Armed with a Kwk30 L/55 short length 20mm autocannon, decent mobility (70hp, 85km/h max, 8.3 ton) and light armour, the 231 can utilise its high speed to reach ambushing areas to frag enemy units, using hit and run tactics.

Vehicle suggestion here → Schwerer Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz.231 (6-Rad) (Magirus M 206 a)



The USSR tree lacks any sort of low tier armoured car in the game, which I believe the BA-10A will bring a unique playstyle to the tree. I suggested it as a reserve vehicle is due to its stats. Armed with the standard soviet 45mm 20K, decent mobility (50hp, 65km/h max, 5.1 ton) and light armour, the playstyle will be similar to the 231, utilising hit and run tactics, storming enemy tanks.


Great Britain:


British ground reserves are all quick and lightly armoured, here I introduce a slower medium tank to improve diversity for the british tree. The A10 is also armed with the 2 pounder, but it differs from other reserves with its mobility (150hp, 26km/h max, 14.3 tons) and armour (30mm up front). The A10 can take a few hits and may even survive stronger guns if it angles a little bit.


A more detailed suggestion here → A10 heavy cruiser (cruiser Mk.II), more armoured but slow



Ok Japan was a tricky one, and I personally haven’t looked into japan much. Here I will suggest the Medium tank of Chi-ni, which contrasts the two light reserve tanks of japan. Armed with a 57mm which fires heat shells of 55mm pen and 25mm armour, this vehicle fits the medium tank narrative perfectly and will fit well in reserve tier


A more detailed suggestion → Type 97 Chi-Ni


Renault AMR ZB 47mm

China will have a tracked light tank with better mobility compared to the slow T-26 , but slower than the quick wheeled M8. This tank is uniquely exported to china from Renault, so it is not the copy paste mostly expected from China’s low tiers. Highly likely armed with a 47mm Schneider with 70mm pen at 30deg, decent mobility (85hp, 64 km/h max, 6 tons) and light armour, excelling in flanking and harassing low tier teams.


A more detailed read of the suggestion → Renault AMR-ZB (gun), WW2 French light tank in china


AS-42 (solothurn S18/1000)

instead of a quick firing autocannon, this unique modification of the AS-42 will be equipped with the anti-tank solothurn rifle. The playstyle will be in between the 20mm and 47mm AS-42, stull utilising its mobility (110hp, 84km/h max, 5.5 tons) as its greatest strength. This version will be lighter compared to the other AS-42s due to a lighter armament.


A more detailed suggestion here → Fiat-SPA AS42 "Sahariana" with Solothurn S-18/1000.


Panhard 178B

France gets a little different treatment here, due to their pre-war tanks being quite un-beginner friendly, I will suggest a side grade from the AMD-35. The 178B will have identical stats to the AMD35, except featuring a 47mm, a different turret and a faster 80 km/h top speed. The 47mm will have less pen and velocity, trading with more post pen damage. This vehicle is similar to the event AMD-35 (SA35), with different turret and characteristics. I have no idea why that thing is at 1.7 as it does badly in its br and should be moved down.


Detailed suggestion here → Panhard 178B, the up-gunned AMD 35


Landsverk L-180 (37mm)

Since there are a lack of wheeled vehicles in low tier Sweden, and the Pbil m40 is not regularly obtainable, I suggest the L-180 as the third Swedish reserve. Armed with a 37mm Bofors and able to fire APDS with 70mm pen at 30 deg which is not as OP as the reserve Swedish tanks, great mobility (180hp, 80km/h max, 7.825 tons) and light armour, this vehicle can bring some variety to Swedish reserve tiers.



Israel is not accessible for starters, so I didnt bother to find a new suitable reserve. But feel free to add one for Israel.

Thank you for reading, if you have any suggestions please feel free to comment! I’d love to hear different unique opinions on this subject. Now it is time to vote

Would you like to a 1 more reserve vehicle for each nation?
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still in the wrong section, they said in the last one that I needs to be submitted as a suggestion

Where do I put this? As suggestions do not allow for more than 1 vehicle.

let me check rq, probably MM/econemy/progress since its related to TT’s and since the vehicles already have suggestions for them

Ill just keep it here till it gets closed again, well technically these are machineries of war

Doesn’t Germany already have 3 reserve vehicles, one of them is just foddered with a normal vehicle?

I don’t have a problem with this but also don’t think it’s quite necessary. BR 1.0 vehicles are like 120SP, it takes a single round to unlock them. And on your first battle you are given a free premium, essentially another reserve vehicle already for the new players.

Yeah, but the main thing is that newbies get destroyed before they can do anything so the little sp is still quite a struggle

yes they do, but I dont want Germany to miss out, so I just added one for them

I do really like the idea since it means that new players can get a full line up of reserve vehicles however i do think there are some better options


  • Chi-I: Japan’s first tank that was completely domestically built, basically a proto I-Go with some characteristics of the Ro-Go and even the Soviet T-28
  • Otsu Gata: Unique Japanese variant of the Char-D1 which includes a more powerful engine and the original 37mm mle.1916 cannon with a Type-11 cannon
  • Another option is to replace the ingame Ha-Go with the Ha-Go Late that swaps the Type-94 37mm with a Type-100 or Type-1 37mm meaning it could use APHE shells that are actually useful

The Chi-Ni isn’t the worst option but i feel like it better suited being in a folder with the Chi-Ha


The AMR ZB is a decent choice for another reserve vehicle for China however there are some other options which include

  • BA-27
  • BA-6
  • BT-5
  • Vickers Mk E Type B


The AS-42 with the Solothurm S-18 cannon may not be the best choice for a reserve since it’s basically a wheeled L3/33. It’s better suited as a separate vehicle in a folder with either the L3 or the AS-42 47

The only other real alternative for a reserve vehicle is the M8 LAC since the Italians did operate them in large numbers

Sweden + Finland

The L-180 with the 37mm Bofors if it was added would most likely be BR 1.3 minimum. Better alternatives for additional Swedish reserves include

  • L-60: Export variant of the L-60 for the Irish Army equipped with a Madsen 20mm autocannon, would function as Sweden’s answer to the Pz-II
  • L-180 and/or L-182 (Lathi): Again both exports of the L-180 for the Irish and Finnish armies, the Irish L-180 like with the L-60 was equipped with a Madsen 20mm though from 1974 all remaining Irish L-180’s that were still in service were modernized with several modifications including a new engine and the original autocannon being replaced with a Hispano Mk.V. The Finnish L-182 was equipped with the Lathi 20mm anti-tank rifle
  • Sweden yet another nation that can get a M8 LAC since they to used them mainly in the Congo


Israel is an interesting case where even though yes they don’t start at Tier I they still need more reserve vehicles. The main issue is that because Israel starts at Tier IV instead of lets say Tier III for example it would make the Israeli line have enough vehicles in the same or the very least 0.3 BR gap to make a complete line. Potential additional reserves (most likely replacing the M-51 in that role) includes the following

  • M-1: Israeli desgination for the M4A1 (76) Sherman
  • M-50 Isherman: Basically the M4 (SA-50) Sherman found in the French TT except the Israeli’s actually used them in service
  • Degem Yud: Unique subvariant of the M-50 with a lowered hull, due to it being a prototype it could be the new potential starter premium
  • PT-76B

Otherwise i don’t have any other problems with the options from the other nations


Those are some great suggestions and vehicles there, thank you for your suggestions.

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why would Germany need 4th reserve??? +1 for the rest, though most are too overpowered or unique. Find more serial versions

Do you have any suggestions? Pls share

Fantastic, i will add.