In the last few day of the event I noticed more and more players to actually play PvP in sim. I rarely find a lobby where not half the enemy team has 10 kills.
When the juicy meat is coming together, the lions are not far… 😏
Who would not snack some free kills?
However, 80% players are PvE main and I saw some “PvP” F-4 players went to flat spinning at first turn.
I don’t even know how it is possible because F4 has SAS.
F4 players in SIM are either unkillable gods or worse than AI.
Never underestimate how stupid or how good one can be.
That’s in old lobbies, where zombera leave to find a fresh one with no people playing PvE, and the non exploiting playes remain.
In fresh lobbies, normally mainly zombers.
No new lobbies and after 5 min 12 players are on both sides and Play PvP
Where can I find these PvE lobbies? I once took the shitty Halifax into Sim thinking perhaps I’d be able to enjoy it without having 7 fighters up my rear end, but guess what?
Immediately chased by a Bf 109(ofc) and even hitting him with my lousy 7.7mm turret did nothing cause he was able to disintegrate my plane with a couple Minengeschoss.
That was my one and only Sim match, and I don’t plan on playing such a barren, boring mode again. Bombers are just dead in this game I guess.
It’s during events, in rank 6 & 7, but it’s not PvE, it’s just people exploiting rockets on airfields, suiciding in a dive on the airfield with an F-111, F-4, Su25, Su17 …
Bombers in WW2 ranks are of course good targets for fighters. They are slow and easy to intercept. And yes, with 7mm you can’t really defend yourself. Try something with ~ 12.5mm, that’s way more effective. But fighters will always try to attack you. That’s their purpose.
In what altitude did you fly?
Stay super low (treetop level), so you are difficult to see, or super high (above 5000m), so fighters have to climb slowly, can’t catch you or loose interest.
A bomber at 500-2000m is a bright, shining target for every fighter.
I was around 3800-4000m after sideclimbing in my own base. I didn’t expect to see somebody because I was told that Sim is mainly fighters at 2km alt.
Normally yes. 90% are under 3000m and 50% are under 1000m.
Maybe you just had bad luck and met one of the 10%.
I usually try to stay above 10K feet.
The furball is usually on the deck or moving towards it from around 8K feet.
I go hunting for sideclimbing bombers and then dive in at the ball when it gets too close.
You probably just got unlucky
why don’t you make an actually decent PvE mode for those that don’t want to PvP? oh I don’t know… maybe like this one?
How should I do that?
I’m just a game master - I have zero connection to devs! We’re just regular players volunteering to moderate chat and such…
= (
I figured game “master” had a bit more significance, my b.
I just hate how much PvP is forced down your throat, I want to be able to enjoy this game but it’s a headache at the best of times
But it’s a PvP game…
If they add PvE lobbies, rewards will be lower that in the actual PvPvE ones, and people will let PvE lobies empty, and will try to make pacts in the PvPvE ones … so nothing will change.
Or if you keep the same rewards, they’ll make the AI much more deadly … and again, the same would happen.
90% of people asking for PvE don’t want PvE, they want an easy mode for grinding.
PvPvE, everyone seems to forget about that bit
PvE lobbies already somewhat happen because of people having agreements, and i love them since its Free kill galore
No, we don’t forget about it. I for one just don’t feel it necessary to point this out specifically, as basically every game mode has PvE elements, even Naval and to some extent Ground, if one takes into account that the environment plays a significant role as well.