PVE Lobbies in SIM EC

Agree. But people asking for PvE are not asking for better AI, better dynamic campaign, etc … BTW, those things would be cool in PvPvE too.

I am

Yes, but you are almost alone, people asking for PvE is mainly this, except that in the forum they are not that honest:



‘I’m not asking I’m merely saying IF

I read the old post and, OMG, after two Game Masters told you that exclusively PvE is not against TOS one year ago, you are still concerning about this “problem”.

I try to summarize that your point is: some players know a PvE lobby and they join to do PvE. They should be penalized.

Now my point: Are PvE lobbies wrong? (Here I mean a lobby that everyone SILENTLY doing PvE, no tk/talking about PvE in chat/telling position to enemy) They are definitely not wrong at all. Imagine a bunch of players who got tired and only want to do bombing. They just fly straightly to bases or airfields. How should this be considered botting/farming?

Your another point: PvE lobbies are very different from normal lobbies, for example players wont react even if the enemy is in close range.

This point is a bit ridiculous. Why should the player react if he find the enemies NOT going to attack him? In air RB I’ve seen two attackers in different teams rushing towards the base and didn’t react to each other even the distance between them is smaller than 1km. So you think that this kind of gameplay is illegal and a player must “do something” if he find an enemy in range?

You try to draw analogy between PvE lobbies and “two players capping the point in turn in GRB”. These two are very different. The “capping point” gameplay is very rare and strange in Ground RB. Everyone in both team will find something wrong if this happen. In contrast, PvE (bombing bases/ground attacking) occurs in nearly every AB battle. Just consider the amount of bombers and attackers rushing to get a base each game.

Anyways if you don’t like those lobbies, you can get in yourself, hunt the bombers and they will either be killed by you or do something to defense themselves. Some guys will get rage in chat, start TK and they get reported by you. Now that you don’t even play high tier Sim (at least 1 year ago). What you are doing now is interpreting legal ways of gameplay as prohibited ones.

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Pure PVE lobbies and ones asking for them are against game rules.

There is a difference between coincidence and collusion.

It is not against the ToS to drop bombs on bases

It is not against the ToS to drop bombs on bases whilst employing tactics like terrain masking and smart routing to totally avoid the enemy team

It is not against the ToS to drop bombs on bases whilst employing tactics like terrain masking and smart routing to totally avoid the enemy team in a lobby full of people who happen to be doing the same.

Asking for a PvE only lobby is technically against ToS but can be a grey area if everyone just ignores them and continues doing what they were doing before, including those items above. In that instance, only those explicitly that opt in should be punished (and even then, if all they’ve done is say, “whatever, already just bombing”, its not really all that bad) and everyone who just ignored them and continued doing what they were doing before should never be punished.

On a side note. There is also something called chivalry. From time to time, i’ve let someone go instead of getting a PvP kill because i’ve felt kinda bad for a guy. Like a stock Su-25 struggling to get far in a proper intense, full-uptier PvP match whilst I was flying a Tornado F3 or the Su-25 that I had inadvertly practically spawn-killed 2x in a Tornado Gr1 just because the bases I was bombing were near the AF. Chivalry is also not against the ToS

Enforcing a PvE only lobby through the use of TKs, Insults, Threats, reports, etc is 100% against the ToS and they deserve everything thrown at them.


Everyone agrees that “asking for PvE lobby” is against the rule.

“Pure PvE lobby”, which everyone silently do PvE without planning PvE in global chat, is not. (Confirmed by Game Master in the comment 23) Some guys like FlyingDocter think some of “Pure PvE lobbies” is against the rule. Now we are talking about this kind of lobby.

What happens if you join a “coincidentally” PvE lobby and start hunting bombers?

Why do you ask this? If the bombers play well, they won’t die. If they play bad, you get a free kill. If they rage and tell you this is PvE room, they violate the rule.

Usually. Absolutely nothing. I personally prefer having something to evade whilst bombing in a Tornado Gr1. Free base kills can be a bit boring.

Worse case scenario. People quit and the match ends because the entire team left.

If they start giving you hassle. Report them

It’s easy, you are free to ignore the PvP part of a PvPvE lobby, but if you try to enforce PvE to other players, it’s against the TOS.

Also, if you give info to enemy team about a teammate that is doing PvP, that’s not PvE anymore neither.

PVE lobbies are great for farming SL. You can easily shoot down the PVE guys.

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Also, it is really funny for seeing “PvE” mains complain in [All] chat.

I have tons of screenshots of them ranting, including gamer words on my hard drive lmao

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Only bad thing about these lobbies is when your teammates try to team kill you for not following their imaginary rules.

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That’s blatantly incorrect because the fact of demanding others play PvE IS against the ToS, AND especially with the screenshot above the post you made, it’s making it abundantly clear that the true issue, is still there…

Sometimes play “PvE”(base bombing, killing ground units, killing AI planes) because attackers in ARB basically impossible to help my teammates. Also, wiping AAAs actually help teammates because current SPAA is insane as hell.

However, I will switch to PvP if someone tried to kill me. Killing dumb players who is on fighters with my A-7E is really fun.

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Nothing wrong with that. As long as you don’t do it in a obnoxious way (J out after seeing players and stuff).

It’s not what people got an issue with.

What an issue is taken with is people demanding to be immune to interception/hunting and colluding to teamkill you because you broke the truce and the like.


And my issue is the thought that people just mindlessly go into these rooms, benefitting from the passive play in there because people silently agree to do nothing against others.

That’s the reason it gets me niffed when moderators gatekeep the mere mentioning of it, to protect thier gamemode.

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I know.

Team kills is actually problem, but most PvE players aren’t that good at PvP so I don’t see much of a problem wiping them out even my teammates tells my position in [All] chat.

ofc, it DOESN’T mean telling teammates position in the chat should be allowed.