Definitely not happy with this update, or any of the recent updates really.
The core gamemodes are in dire need of reworks and additional depth.
Most maps need to be overhauled and new maps should be created with gameplay in mind first.
High to top tier ARB needs maps with more complex terrain and natural cover.
Trees on most of the air maps still need to be adjusted to no longer be unrealistically tall.
Having some more arcade-y maps with complex terrain would be a real treat. Following the terrain can be a lot of fun and doing CQC is a lot more thrilling when there are chasms, mountains and large rock formations to maneuver around.
There is also a severe lack of ocean-side maps in high/top tier ARB and the few ones we have do not feature any ships. Even without more AShMs being introduced, carriers and AI ships should appear on more maps and while the ocean-side maps would obviously lack complex terrain, they do allow people to do sea skimming.
High tier ground maps need to be designed with two important factors in mind. First, they should have a minimum size and a good amount of terrain around the spawns and second, they shouldn’t limit the ability to monitor the skies too much (no more maps like Sweden and Advance to Rhine).
Ideally ground maps also shouldn’t be completely surrounded by hills and mountains. Valley maps tend to offer way too much cover for CAS.
ARB EC should definitely make a return.
There should be more map objectives and they should have a bigger impact. Bombers and Strike aircraft should be able to make meaningful contributions to their teams efforts towards victory.
Enable airfield destruction at all BRs, denying the enemy their ability to refuel and rearm would be the ultimate goal for bombers and attackers.
Get rid of base respawns, add additional hidden base spawns around the maps, increase the healthpool of the four main bases and reintroduce the base AAs. The ticket drain caused by the destruction of a main base should be increased accordingly.
There should be enough AI and bombing targets on every map to completely drain the tickets, but the ticket values of the different targets should be redistributed to properly reflect the effort required to destroy each target.
Further it would be nice to see Heli PvE to get more polished with better BR progression.
They should work on a subtree rework.
They absolutely need to work on BR decompression and they should reconsider the way they balance the BRs of bomber and bomber-like attacker aircraft. The BRs of vehicles should never be based on average income.
The BRs of bombers and bomber-like attackers should almost entirely depend on their armament and characteristics. Average player performance should only matter if the plane massively over- or underperforms.
If a bomber or attacker just earns too much SL/RP on average per match the reward multiplier for that bomber or attacker should be adjusted, not the BR.
Finally, AI gunners could use a rework. The AA gunners on ships definitely need to be rebalanced to be less oppressive.
The gunners on planes on the other hand deserve some buffs. Obviously they shouldn’t be buffed to the point that would turn them into snipers, but they should get a little bit more range and there should be a way to pre-aim them and to designate a target for them.