Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Eh, A-10 is great plane and I love it in wt, but for me I mostly got gun kills, not missile kills. Missile only works on lobotomized players or flareless

I was thinking that the 12B should come with R-73 and R-27R/T and not ER/T.

Israel is a BIG unknown.

My best bet is that it won’t get a subtree this year, even though it’s the nation that needs it most.

According to some credible leaks from last year, Gaijin seems to have a ton of Tiran’s planned for this year. How exciting! 🥲

I mean they shouldnt. Theres no political combination they can make that isnt absolutely toxic.

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There is a re-workable solution


Select Earth,

Then select regions,

and finally choose nations,

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If you are interested, add your vote/comment

I agree, even with Chile, current relations are not good. I was very excited about Israel, but sometimes I think it should have been an american sub-tree…

@mausewaffe made a post about reworking subtree. Stuff like Turkey or Israel would be a good fit, they operate heavily modified or unique western designs but lacks systematic lineups.

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So with the vehicles finally on the live hows 14.0 for the F18 players?

Anyone hoping for decompression lol

It’s one of the most hellish stock grinds for a jet that I have ever done lol.

I have both 14.0 currently and was gonna spade the Fin (get the worse version over first, then smooth sailing with the US model) but it has a worse stock grind since all the modules cost more RP then the US model. Idk i may just sit it out cause the Finnish F18 is worthless in air rb. Ill stick to my F-15E or C for the time lol

Since there won’t be any real news for a while, here is a fake leak list that I made for you all to laugh at.

This list is NOT REAL. It is FAKE and I made it.

EDIT: I forgot China LOL… just imagine like, a ZTQ-15 or something idk
fake list 4-1-2
fake list 4-2-2
Fake list 4-3


Some japan love nice 🫡


100% fake, imagine gaijin starting a new type of vehicles with an open beta lmao
On a more serious note, i would kill for subs right now. I’m so done playing cruisers against BB 24/7 and would really appreciate a way to make battleship players life hell


No danish vehicles, L

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no fv101, I am sad.

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No CROWS-J Stryker A1 :(

Yes, it’s hard to balance. But it’s still really cool and I really like them and LAV-25

Finally grinded both the 14.0 Hornets, for the current BVR and WVR meta the US hornet has been a lot better just cause HMD allows for defending and attacking while also helping with some of those mountain maps where people just pop up.


In a gunfight the F-18C will outperform the F/A-18C because it weighs 580kg less

Makes me wonder how’ll they’ll handle when the STR gets buffed. Too bad they are atrocious at 14.0 lol

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Hand cracked turrets should not be affected by battery

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Gunners in WT suffer from electrolyte deficiency, so they use the battery to get electrolytes lol. This is why gunners become weak when the battery dies.