Panavia Tornado A200C

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Description: The Panavia Tornado A200C is the result of the MLU (Mid Life Uptate) program. But before talk about this version, let’s talk about the history and origin of the Tornado. The Tornado project began on March 26, 1969, when Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands agreed to build a new multi-role fighter-bomber. In 1970, the first two prototypes, P01 (German), flew on August 14 1974, and the British P02 on October 30 of the same year. The first Italian prototype, the P05, flew on October 5 1975. The initial production plan called for a total of 212 aircraft for the RAF, 200 for the Luftwaffe, 112 for the Naval Air Forces and 100 for the AMI. The only country to acquire this aircraft outside the development countryes was Saudia Arabia. In July 2002, the AMI (Italian Air Force) began the “IT Mid Life Uptate” to increase combat efficiency and modernize most aspects of the aircraft and keep it in service until 2025. The plan was to modernize 70% of the Tornado fleet at a maximum cost of 1450 million euros, and the entire conversion project will be completed by 2015. The MLU project was divided into three parts: The first part included the conversion of 18 aircraft to the RET6 (Retro Enabling Task) standard, which introduced new systems such as a new IFF, more secure radio communication systems, a new night vision system and more weapons such as the EGBU 24, GBU 31 and Storm Shadow. Other features included the WSO’s navigation system and the ability to carry new pods such as the Rafael Recce Light and Thales CLDP. in 2003, the first part of the project was started and completed in 2007. The second part, called RET7, involved upgrading 15 more Tornados and was conducted from 2009 to 2011. The final part of the project, called “MLU Full” or RET8, involved upgrading a total of 25 more aircraft (10 IDS and 15 ECR) with the new DASS control system, new radar warning systems and the ability to carry new weapons such as the ATK AGM88-E Harm and the GBU 39/B. This aircraft also participated in several wars, such as the second Gulf War and Operation Odissey against Libya. The anti-aircraft missiles that this aircraft equip the short-range AIM 9L/I-1.

Why it should be in the game: It will be an upgade to the alredy in game Tornado and it will give to Italy another very efficient CAS aircraft. It can replace the Jaguar (never used by the Italian air force) as a nuclear strike aircraft.



Wings Span: 8.60/13.90 m
Leght: 16.70 m
Height: 5.95 m
Weight: 28000 kg
Propulsion: 2x Turbo Uninion RB199
Maximum speed: 2400 km/h
range: 3800 km
Crew: 2 People



2x 27 mm cannons
12x Mk82
12x Mk82 Snakeye
12x Mk83
4x MK84
12x MK20 Rokey
10x BL755
4x GBU16
6x GBU12
4x EBGU16
2x GBU24
2x EGBU24
6x Griffin
5x GBU31
8x GBU39/B
8x GBU39A/B
9x GBU38
Anti Radiation Missile:
4x ATK AGM 88-E Harm
Cruise Missiles:
4x Storm Shadow
4x Casmu SkyShark
Nuclear Bomb:
1x B61
Air to Air Missiles:
2x AIM9L/I-1
Anti Ship Missile:
4x AS 34 Kormoran




Coccarde Tricolori Speciale 10 (RN Publishing) (Riccardo Nicoli)

Italian Aviation Series Tornado IDS/ECR (Aviation collectables company)

Italian Tornado MLU – QRA Aviation – Military Aviation Magazine

Vola il primo Tornado "Basic IT Full MLU" dell'Aeronautica Militare

Altri 15 Tornado MLU per l’Aeronautica Militare/Italian Air Force Orders Fifteen More Tornado MLU

Panavia Tornado - Militarypedia

40 anni del Tornado - 40 years of Tornado - The Aviation

A Ghedi i Tornado dell'Aeronautica Militare celebrano 40 anni di operatività - Aviation Report

Italian Tornado IDS Aircraft Are Flying Anti-Daesh ISR Missions With Enhanced Countermeasures Pod - The Aviationist
SIPRI Arms Transfers Database | SIPRI
Here are some photographs of the Italian Tornado IDS attack planes during their winter air-to-ground training campaign in Sardinia - The Aviationist

Italian Tornadoes with Rafael SPICE GBUs - Aircraft Modern -

Focus On The Tornado IDS With RecceLite II Pod Flying ISR Missions In Support Of Operation Inherent Resolve - The Aviationist

Interesting images show a Tornado IDS carrying eight GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs during test flight - The Aviationist





Screenshot 2023-10-15 233812
Screenshot 2023-12-09 184632




+1 lets hope if it does come it wont be DOA

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+1 italy used it so italy must have it

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It’s not if, it’s when! When Gaijin?

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Im hoping maybe later this year

A200C, Gr4 and ASSTA3.1 would be good for all 3 nations as a filler before Typhoon.


should be added this update, i mean the EGBU-24s are basically paveway IVs


yeah but they are far bigger (they are also being added to the GR4).

not really i mean the Mk.13 paveway ii is basically a british GBU-16 as they’re both 1000lb lol, the EGBU-16 is the same as a paveway 4, just the british 1000lb bomb is chonky and the 'murican one is long and thin

But I had a hunch that after major update " Firebirds " gajin could add Tornado A200C

Tornado A200C located between Tornado A200 (Tornado IDS 1995) and AV-8B+

it should be added this update, i mean it looks a lot like it’s a tornado Gr.4 but with none of the british options and a couple unique ones

Tornado IDS MLU from dev server “Hornet’s Sting” update very good PGM

But lack 500lb Lizard precision strike munitions

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also lacks the maw pods unfortunately

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