No Air RB Rework or Air RB EC on the 2024 Roadmap

War Thunder has been furball management from 2012 to present.
Not just dogfights, and R-27ER/AIM-7 doesn’t change the fact it’s furball management, which still isn’t dogfights only.
Same happens in enduring confrontation, it’s all furball management.

People dislike the Gripen because it’s the best at managing furballs, with Mirage 4000 in 2nd.

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i dont know how you play sim (which is the only EC gamemode for planes currently excluding Naval EC) , but things like BVR is a lot more common in Sim because there are also less players per match and no markers

Same as everyone else.
BVR is still furball management, either your stopping someone from getting to the furball, or you’re killing someone in the furball itself, or fleeing the furball.
Welcome to air combat. :)

You can easily get in an 11.7 game with $1400 worth of premiums in the lobby. Money is not an object when it comes to experimenting with new gamemodes. Gaijin could hire three rookie devs for a week and pay their wages with less than a day’s sales, easily.

The reason they don’t experiment with new modes is because it could threaten their bottom line.

Again, development takes time.
They are developing new systems, they just aren’t talking about it.

think there is somthing you dont understand about air combat. Seems like you definition is N ammount of planes in X ammount of range is a furball. With X-> infinite

While normally you distiguish between BVR and WVR in air combat, especially talking about modern planes such as we see at higher tiers.

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From Gaijin Entertainment news pages and forum posts.
They’re overhauling the AI which will give them far easier development of maps and modes once they finish.
They’re just not talking about it 24/7 cause they’d be saying the same thing every day until it’s completed.


The biggest changes needed for the mode are those to make nonfighters and multirole loadouts useful in Air RB. They are the missing flavor the mode has lacked for years.

A dogfight can happen literally over any piece of dirt or water ingame with minimal change to the results unless its a high altitude map like that one Arcade map.

But as things stand right now, games instantly end the moment the last plane dies, regardless of the ground situation. I don’t know about you, but that looks like the source of the problem - nonfighters aren’t ABLE to matter even if they survive the initial merge except when someone is camping on their runway or in low earth orbit. The TDM continuous ticket bleed will end the round whether said nonfighters did absolutely nothing or blew up nearly everything they could.

Anyone else make this connection on how nonfighters are irrelevant currently?

Ground units not being spread out, minibase flak sometimes covering ground units, red enemy markers, and shared spotting all add insult to injury, but the ticket setup itself is the root of the mess IMHO.


Can you kindly share a link to this?


It looks like they want to keep ARB as a deathmatch for fighters. In that case they should completely remove AI in this mode in my opinion.

A new mode is probably in test as it was passed to devs : DCS inspired PvE mode for air battles

This new mode will be PvE coop for air. It looks promizing. Lets hope they dont screw this like the heli coop mode which is an absolute failure in every aspect! Maps are wayyyy too large, objectives are ridiculous…

One thing I dont understand is why they don’t organize CDK contests in creating maps or missions and let the community work for the game.

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It would be step in right direction that PvE mode however it wont be a solution.

It is obvious warthunder is PvP focused game and everyone knows PvE mode will be just subpar “Chill mode” type of deal with meaningless rewards and not valid for any type of progression in game. Same as Heli PvE where rewards are joke even after revamps to PvE economy.

I will keep saying that RB EC is the best solution to most of our problems. Because you will have combination of chill gameplay, sensible rewards, some PvP action and overall skill needed to defend yourself. While having PvE elements in there.


plus you have a reason to fly planes that arent dedicated Air supiriority fighters or Dogfight Aircraft… Strike Aircraft like the su25 / a10 / a7 / jaguar etc. all have a place in ARB EC unlike the normal ARB deathmatches


I totally agree.

I also asked for an AR EC for 2024 in “collecting your ideas” thread.

But I cannot see any of that in the roadmap…


Have you tried making a suggestion ?

Well I was waiting for 16v16 to be gone before I returned to the game, but it looks like I’ll be waiting a while.

I have no interest in call of duty with planes, its just as lame as GRB is now.


Yeah I’m not playing until 16v16 is gone


Several times. We dont even get a response. It’s very weird that Gaijin is completely silent on this issue.


Still waiting for a source on this.

It’s on the old forum as well as news pages. I don’t keep links, and I’m busy.

Well it happened that I sent a suggestion and they didn’t say anything but it was implemented a few weeks later.