No Air RB Rework or Air RB EC on the 2024 Roadmap

You just named meta planes.

F-5E is the most meta plane in the BR bracket.

If we look at an area a map covers and compare that to IRL, again show me a 16v16 dogfight in 131x131km since the 150s in History

128x128km is a large distance, and is far larger than real life combat areas.
Again, Vietnam was already mentioned.

oh then lets go further: Sea Harrier early, Jaguar GR 1A, F-104G, F-2(if you know how to play it right) all non “meta” planes that are still able to not get entirley trashed

still waiting for a specific dogfight. Vietnam mostly had 2v2 dogfights largest one beeing probably OP Bolo with a 28v8-9

So just like Mig-29 9.12, F-16ADF, and F-14B.

i would argue that the performance gap between them and a gripen per example is bigger than between a Jaguar GR.1A and a Mig-21MF
we already have quite the large gap between a gripen and a Su-27 which again has a gap (if a smaller one) to a F-15A

The AI overhaul isn’t required for EC. I mean we have Sim EC and they technically could copy paste it into RB in the events tab.

However you’re prolly right with regards to what could be taking so long, if they are considering an EC mode in the future.

AI would likely be the biggest time-vampire when it comes to development and a revamped AI system would be nice for EC.

16 vs 16 has really been a disaster and again thats a pretty common opinion as shown in several polls before. 16 v 16 for the non-EC maps is just dumb for RB. Its prolly fine for AB.

For the EC maps we have, 16 vs 16 could work but they really need to add airfields and spread out AI targets to make it work.

RB at the upper tiers is just a ripoff of AB right now with the 16 v 16 missile spam.

Whether you wanna say its realistic or not realistic is beside the point although id air on the side of not realistic.

The point is just that it isn’t working well and that can be seen within your match outcomes. A balanced game has a balanced match. 80% of games i play at the upper tiers are complete team wipes, ending with a 10 v 1. This is just not feasible nor healthy for the game.

The simplest solution would be to adjust team size by map. The EC maps can remain 16 v 16 with the changes i said above but the non-EC maps need a reduction. Maybe thats 12 v 12 or 10 v 10. Idk but 16 v 16 as a blanket team size across all Air RB maps is not workimg at all.

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They only recently put non-EC maps back in rotation.
Old Afghanistan is a hit with players.
It’s nice not being on a 100x100km+ map for once.

And no, top BR air RB is sim in third person & a more ergonomic control method.

Are we talking about the same game mode here?

Non-EC maps have been in the rotation. It was about 2 years ago when they put the EC maps into the Air RB rotation…

with markers, only one airfield, less spacing between bomb bases, no multiple POIs (convoys, multiple ground battle areas) , which makes it Air RB…


No, they were removed from rotation in favor of a 5 1xx by 1xxkm map rotation for a long time.
They removed Port Novo, old Afghan, etc from rotation which made top BR large maps exclusively with the odd time of getting City cause they kept that out of all the smaller maps for some reason.

I believe there are a bunch of non-EC maps that have been in the upper tier rotation for a while but i cant name them specifically.

EC is not the majority at top tier thats for sure

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First. Add RB EC across the board at all BR ranges. Just copy paste it from Sim for now and later down the line improve it. Pure and simple current Air RB support only and only fighters. There is not a place for attackers, bombers, interceptors or anything else other then fighters.

Second rename current AAB and ARB into Arcade Dogfight and Realistic Dogfight. Keep the mode mostly how it is. You dont have a lot of time to play full EC game and you worry you wont do much? Not a problem here is quick in and out 5-25min match.

Third overall change in some way the horrible system of 15 minute rewards from Sim EC. Already Sim EC gives less rewards then ARB per hour. What I propose to avoid abuse and zombing yet again? First no player made rooms, rooms are made automatically you join one available or system creates one for you. So you wont fight entire lobbies of squadrons or botters. They cant control where they join and if you try to rejoin “Oh sorry you are placed into exactly same EC room until it ends you wont join other one because we cant trust you”. Keep the take off landing reward hostage situation just add to it if you get shot down by player or AI jet you get your landing rewards as well. So if you get shot down by AA on AF like zombers were doing - nope you get part of your rewards only.

Ta dah everyone happy. Those who want to just play quick dogfight in and out here is gamemode for you. Those who want to play RB EC and play tactically, enjoy flying bombers, attackers, interceptors and other type of aircrafts other then fighters here is game mode for you.
Purely simple EC is the one thing that is missing from this game and yeah I play sim to spade my bombers/attackers because ARB is bad for those class of aircraft. One example? I took A-6E Tram all the way to the enemy airfield, avoiding all the patrolling jets at altitude to do what? To do SEAD mission with laser bombs against airfield AA. Yeah because I could and it was a blast.

You need to take into account that people who started playing this game 11 years ago are now way older. I was 23 when started playing and yes I mainly was into quick fast gameplay. Now I’m 34 and I dont enjoy twitch shooters, I want slower pace gameplay, something more tactical. This is why a lot of community especially those who are older want RB EC, because our taste of gameplay changed compared to back in the day.

Gajin just add it. Really all we ask for now is you just copy paste it from sim for now. Just let us enjoy it and yes we will accept 15 minute rewards for now. Just give us mode we want to play.


Operation Mole Cricket 19 (90 vs 100) 1982
Air Battle of El Mansoura (160 vs 62) 1973
Black Thursday (136 vs 30) 1951

These three are all top 10 air battles in history. Oh and look at that, they took place after 1950.

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lol Your opinion is very minority.
Sorry, but air RB isn’t a dogfight gamemode.

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depends on BR doesn’t it?

Idk what game you’re playing but certainly not War Thunder is my guess.

The vast majority of matches devolve into dogfight range fights. Anything from 1v1s to 8v8 furballs in which missiles are being slung in all directions and gunfire rips the sky apart.

For the most part it is accepted that unless you have R-27s, specifically thr ER/ET variants, and Phoenix missiles, at top tier, you do not go anywhere near high altitude. BVR tends to go hand in hand with high altitude combat, bevause thinner air = less air resistance = more range for missiles/sticks.

Step down to 11.3 and you have R-24, AIM-7F, Skyflash SuperTEMP, Super 530D (somewhat?) which all have very capable killing ranges. More often than not however, it is unusual to see these aircraft go to higher altitudes with those missiles.

That is 11.3 and above.
Considering that the game ranges from 1.0 to 12.7, yeah I’d disagree with your hot take. It still very definitely matters on who has the Dogfight capability and who has the tools to make it work. BVR weapons, while in game, make a very small minority of weapons used and strategies deployed, because no one likes the risk of getting slapped so early on, and the rewards aren’t enough to make it worthwhile, seeing as no one has a counter to a Phoenix or a Russian Stick of Doom other than to get low, chaff and notch.

Why do you think people despise fighting the Gripen so much?
Why do you think Americans are so angry about the suggestion the F-15 should go up in BR?
The meta, the majority of the game, is still decided by capability in close quarters.

This is why people do not flock to play the Tornado F.3. Very capable airframe, capable of fantastic results with Skyslug SuperMiss (sorry), but absolutely dogwater in any sort of close combat.

Why do you think that no one plays it?