Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Imma be honest , India shouldve never been a subtree for UK
I am pretty sure 90% of the UK mains and 90% of the Indians both dont want it, not to mention the other nation mains (esp russians and french) seeing a major amount of vehicles go into the tech tree which already has a lot of its own meta stuff

GB just cant be called GB anymore, its literally just a all in one nation, This makes gamemodes like sim very less enjoyable

Not to mention the fact india has A LOT of unique vehicles, and out of those, the latest 2 addition were copy paste slop, (OSA and Strela), instead of those gaijin couldve added SAMAR or TRISHUL anti air systems of india

There isnt even space in the UK tech tree to provide india a dedicated sub tree line, they already had south africa, what was the point adding another subtree there

It should atleast get enough representation to have atleast 1 line

They could do 1 of the 3 following stuff for india :-

  1. Put India in Israel , not as a subtree but rather as a combined tree, as both of these tree have similar amount of unique vehicles. Now someone may ask, How is israel and india related, israel actually provided india a lot of defence equipment, from air to ground, air to air munitions (rampage, spice, popeye, I Derby ER) along with air defence systems (Barak 8, SPYDER) and countless avionics and radars along with helmet mounted displays, some of these systems i mentioned were join ventures. Israel even managed to put a r73 on a Indian mirage and also did upgraded a lot of indian tanks. There isnt any other empty tech tree which india could go in other than israel, and also india is prob one of the best nations israel could receive. They might even manage to add vehicles before rank 4 in israel making it a full fledged tech tree and also make a very huge naval tree. Now I KNOW india is a UK subtree but vehicles can be still moved, in past italy was in germany before they made its own tt, in past israeli vehicles were in UK and USA before they moved it, same can be done here and even for the next idea

  2. Making India a subtree :- Many might say it would be copy paste slop, but its not as many people claim it to be, here is a good ground forces tech tree suggestion which i will link here :- Major Update Concept/Pitch - "Call of Mahabharata" - The Indian Nation & Ground Tree

  3. Giving 6th line for UK to incorprate a subtree line :- prob the sloppiest idea of all, but requires little effort and gaijin can do it


I feel it can pull some, it’s not that fast, unlike PL-5. I think the fin’s aoa or other things are limiting it

yeah, on the python 3 and PL-8, but the PL-8B has a stronger motor, so it turns less straight off the rail

The video Q&A " Answering Your Questions / War Thunder ", on the official YT channel.

Hunters plural, there 's a second unused one in the files.

That was in the long-term leak from gszabi 's private source, so it seems possible. Not in the nearest of terms though.


You are a godsend, thank you

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There is one other thing that could work:

Well, it does keep India a sub-tree it also gives it the full space of a tech-tree, along with making it you don’t need to grind the host or sub tree if you just want to play one of the nations.


This vehicle its way to cool… better add another linx for germany.

good idea but imo if the make a full fledged nation / subtree for india instead of being hidden within folders, gaijin could potentially attract a huge portion of indian playerbase just like they did with china, still a very good idea, one doubt that this will cause still a problem in sim matchmaking


There are a few ideas about more distinct nation based matchmaking for sim specifically, but I believe that would be better off in a separate suggestion, which would probably have to wait until a rework is implemented.

I could suggest it now, but that would result in nations like Jordan having only one vehicle currently which would be a pain. And unless a rework is done, limiting it to nations with their independent trees changes nothing in the current system, where the only nations that have dedicated trees are already separated by matchmaker.


There are issues with Sim matchmaking, but fighting like for like aircraft doesn’t have to be one, if you’re playing Russia, so long as you know India is on the opposing team, that should be enough, Russia and India could very well be in conflict, same with Russia and China, the issue is that you don’t know who you’re fighting, you only have a list of potential nations you could be fighting, but if you went into sim and could see for a fact that you as Russia are up against India, both sides are able to actually consider that.

The unrealistic thing isn’t that you have Russian aircraft against foreign operated Russian aircraft, it’s that as Russia, you don’t actually know who you’re fighting.

Less overall team variety in sim games would be a good place to start, you don’t need every match to be 5 v 5 or 6 v 4 nations, you could have, at least for now, 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 nation matches, though sim’s smaller player base may then make that an issue as well


but K1 tanks would be nice, interesting sidegrade to abrams

The entire air tree would be copy paste though. he’s right in that respect.

they got the T-50 and KF-21 though

Slam Eagle is sort of pointless bc a USAF one is just as capable of using them

two planes doesn’t make a tree. Also the kf21 is basically an f35 but Korean flavor. both of those could be added as event vehicles or premiums for the U.S.

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i hate when people say it looks like f35, hence its copy paste and should go to US, imo instead of thailand korea couldve been japanese subtree

Yeah, there are some vehicles worth adding, but you have to admit most potential subtrees for the US or Russia would just be 90% US and Russian vehicles anyways, the whole point of a subtree is to add something you don’t already get really, either some missing functionally like CAS for Japan through Thailand, or just Variety that nations like Britain, Italy, France, and Sweden kind of lack. The US has plenty of capability and plenty of variety already, and any potential subtree is only going to be a drop in the ocean for you.


Korea ground has a lot of potential for unique vehicles at all BRs, whether we’re talking about just SK or a united NK and SK tree. It’s far more than just the K2.

The same actually goes for Israel, it’s just that Gaijin has focused on the Magach and its variants over many of the unusual and unique vehicles that could be added.

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I’m guessing the F-16, F-15, F-14, F/A-18 isn’t enough lol

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It effectively is a worse f35 but korean from all public information.

but need JSOW equipped strike eagles, which are only in service with singapore in their Boeing F-15SG. also, if gaijin is difficult about giving SLAM-ER to US F-15E’s, we would need the F-15K just to use our own weapons on our jets. also, there are foreign operated/US designed and made vehicles that would be good vehicles to keep us going until game ready for the stuff in US service, like F-16E before F-16C PoBIT, and F-15SA before F-15EX.