Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

they got the T-50 and KF-21 though

Slam Eagle is sort of pointless bc a USAF one is just as capable of using them

two planes doesn’t make a tree. Also the kf21 is basically an f35 but Korean flavor. both of those could be added as event vehicles or premiums for the U.S.

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i hate when people say it looks like f35, hence its copy paste and should go to US, imo instead of thailand korea couldve been japanese subtree

Yeah, there are some vehicles worth adding, but you have to admit most potential subtrees for the US or Russia would just be 90% US and Russian vehicles anyways, the whole point of a subtree is to add something you don’t already get really, either some missing functionally like CAS for Japan through Thailand, or just Variety that nations like Britain, Italy, France, and Sweden kind of lack. The US has plenty of capability and plenty of variety already, and any potential subtree is only going to be a drop in the ocean for you.


Korea ground has a lot of potential for unique vehicles at all BRs, whether we’re talking about just SK or a united NK and SK tree. It’s far more than just the K2.

The same actually goes for Israel, it’s just that Gaijin has focused on the Magach and its variants over many of the unusual and unique vehicles that could be added.

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I’m guessing the F-16, F-15, F-14, F/A-18 isn’t enough lol

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It effectively is a worse f35 but korean from all public information.

but need JSOW equipped strike eagles, which are only in service with singapore in their Boeing F-15SG. also, if gaijin is difficult about giving SLAM-ER to US F-15E’s, we would need the F-15K just to use our own weapons on our jets. also, there are foreign operated/US designed and made vehicles that would be good vehicles to keep us going until game ready for the stuff in US service, like F-16E before F-16C PoBIT, and F-15SA before F-15EX.

Well considering almost all tech trees will get some form of F-16, F-15 and F-18, you can’t really blame US players for wanting something that is unique to their tech tree.

i hope at least most of the advanced eagle series aircraft remain exclusive to US (F-15SA, QA, EX)

israel will be getting the F-15IA maybe but it doesnt actually exist yet

You can, it’s called stop being a major exporter, there done. lol


What a terrible argument for a video game.

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So C&P isn’t a valid argument then ok got it


That’s kind of the big tension with subtrees though, right?

Do subtrees exist to give nations existing vehicles that they wouldn’t normally have access to?

Or do they exist to allow nations with unique vehicles to be represented under the banner of a related nation when they may not have enough vehicles to stand on their own as an independent tech tree?

Gaijin’s answer to both is probably “yes,” but it seems like most players want it to be one or the other. It comes off feeling inconsistent, and the sheer amount of copy and pasted vehicles does start to eat away at the identity of a tech tree, in my opinion. But I’m also a player that thinks it’s OK for some nations to be weak at certain BRs or vehicle types if that reflects their doctrine at the time, so maybe I’m the wrong person to ask


Greece is a potential option for a US subtree, though it would piss of the French

im not asking for gripens and rafales though am i? just more variants of US jets, that are NOT domestic modifications, but US designed aircraft

what do they have other than modernized phantoms (which are pretty cool granted) though?

I mean, for stuff that the US doesn’t have, Mirage 2000, Rafale, a unique Leopard 2A6, and then there is like you said the hyper modernized phantom, and they also have F-16Cs upgraded to the 16V standard and the Block 52+ which I don’t believe the US have?

I mean if you’re asking for a sub for the US then that means most things from that nation, as I say you can’t pick and choose what the US will get.

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Like this one?



In general I’d say original nations should receive all of their own serviced, tested and offered weapons on their aircraft, while export vehicles should themselves be limited to weapons the specific nation used/tested.

This would most of the time mean that the nation of origin gets the largest weapon selection, which seems like a fair trade off for the aircraft by itself being more common.