Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

WELCOME to the War Thunder - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion Thread!

Here you can discuss everything related to the upcoming major update, including rumors, data mines, and dev blogs.

However, please AVOID these types of discussions:

Wishlisting. Some examples:

  • “I want the F-22 next update!”
  • “Gaijin where are these vehicles!!!” <lists 10 vehicles they want in the game>

There’s a separate thread for this here

Vehicle spec discussions, such as armour, ammo, ordnance, guns, data sheets, performance. Some examples:

  • “I hope for these vehicles, they will balance the game. They have XYZ ordnance and will counter the XYZ!”
  • 2 page discussions about what type of ammo a new tank in a dev blog will get. Now this is fine for the most part since a vehicle in the dev blog is part of the next update, however it can escalate into completely other discussions so do be careful!

There’s plenty of threads for these discussions here.

Bug reports, issues, suggestions, feedback for dev-server or testing. Some examples:

  • “Abrams is missing its thermals. However that’s not meant to be as it had this historically. Smin fix this!!!”
  • “This thing is bugged on the dev server, devs please fix it!”

You can make a bug report here and suggestion here. When the dev server is up, use the DEV Server Section for feedback.

Not avoiding these example discussions will mean your post is likely to be hidden by a moderator. Any continuation after that might mean you get a warning.

You must remember that this is the most popular and active thread on the forum. Its aim is to put all of the next update’s information in one place so it can be discussed amongst the community. Other discussions like outlined in the examples above can be discussed in proper forum sections. Often official Gaijin members will respond on this thread so do be sure to remain respectful! Otherwise they may just stop. Please also remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions on what may be coming. If you follow the forum rules, you’ll be okay!

Please use the Storm Warning Thread to discuss the “Storm Warning” Major Update. Complaining here won’t solve anything and is considered off-topic.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: What is this thread about?

  • This thread is exclusively about the upcoming major update and potential / confirmed content in said update.

Q: Will you add… (insert thing here)?

  • We’re not developers.

Q: Where did the giant list on the OP go?

  • It was severely out of date and was removed for this rumor roundup. A resource to look at rumored vehicles will be added back here soon.

Q: Where did my post go?

  • Off-Topic comments will often be removed to keep this thread readable and on topic. No need to be alarmed or comment if your post disappears. If you are concerned, contact a Forum Moderator or Senior Forum Moderator privately.

Please remember to keep on-topic and respect each other.
Thank you!


Welcome all!
Please remember that this is NOT a thread to discuss the new update in.


Hello. Next update will have UFOs.


Did you hear about the Polish sound technician? Well, there was a Czech one, too.


Hello there!

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So… civilian airliners? especially in account of latest events


What do you guys think? Is there any chance that next update low tier hungarian air coming?


low IMO.

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I really wish Gaijin would show the sources that they used to implement vehicles


That or maybe. Just maybe the flying dorito

*Opens the SAAB aircraft catalog *


So… Swiss F-18 next update?


Hopefully not.

I'm telling you I think it coming next update.

But yeah you have an list to choose from for flying doritos.