Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

So, since it’s been quiet, figured I’d show some books that I got at the Aquino Tank Fest back in July.

Both are really nice books, so as a Canadian and someone who really likes the Leopard tanks, it was a win win.

Has a lot of info if anyone is curious about anything.
Been using it in the Canada Ground Forces tree to help provide info.
(Ask StormRyder, we were able to determine which Centurion Mk Vs Canada had used, just to find out we used two different Mk Vs between Canada and Germany at a similar time)


Wouldn’t surprise me if that were to replace the Indian tank for the lower BR.

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The closest thing to a Canadian Mk V Centurion we have is the Australian Mk 5/1, but that was a battle pass or an event vehicle

It depends; we used both the 5/1(at home) and 5/2(in Europe).

Also isn’t the Aussie 5/1 7.7 well the tank being removed is 8.3


Still think Czechoslovakia is far more viable, especially for early rank stuff.

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That is…very, very historically accurate, worringly.

Edit: i just re-read the message and got what you mean. Niech żyje Polska

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Both the Swedish one and Aussie one are at 7.7 but yea we can’t get both now and the tank at 8.3 is the Indian. So making a permanent 7.7 Centurion could work. Plus would make us understand why they moved the RAM now of all updates. Also it’s a C&P so it would be easier for them. lol


Yea many people don’t know what happened to the Polish part from the Invastion, Warsaw Uprising and the ghetto’s that just the tip of the iceberg.

AGM-45A-1, AGM-45B-2, AGM-45A-3A & AGM-45B-4 ?

AGM-122 Sidearm from Aircraft loading, AV-8B


Credit : Natops Flight Manual Performance Charts Navy Model AV-8B/TAV-8B Aircraft, page 29

At this point I am legitimately sceptical if we will ever see another tech tree. As sad as it is, the most “hype” nations are already represented (other than Ua, whose implementation is out of the question currently). Additionally, assuming Gaijin wants to give every nation a vehicle per patch (funny I know), it increases work load for questionable benefit, incentivising c&p.
On the other hand, subtrees require less effort and guarantee a certain level of investment from players already grinding the host nation, in addition to people excited for representation, so they will probably keep coming.

When players discussed the leaked list


I mean there only do much they can add without the host tree becoming totally unrecognizable.

Like the sub we know off are,

Japan - Thailand, Indonesia and props Singapore (Unconfirmed but Likely)
China - Pakistan, Bangladesh and North Korea (Unconfirmed but Likely)
Germany - Switzerland (Unconfirmed but Likely)
Poland (Unknown for who an in what way)

Like that 8 nations right there


Unconfirmed but Confirmed, but not from Gaijin

I mean Smin said they are for Germany atm iirc

I was Joking more in direction of the leaks )))))

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That could be the best way to implement South Korea, just as a really, really big sub tree of Poland.

The problem is we are both running out of room and that sub-trees are screwed over both the host and the sub.

Sub-trees are easier because Gaijin uses them to add C&P to fix the host tree. Not to give representation to the sub-tree. After all all unique sub-tree vehicles end up as events.

To me, anyone asking for a sub-tree wants ALL unique vehicles as events and wants C&P to buff the host.

It’s why I’ve become completely anti-sub-tree. As you’d be lucky to see one unique TT vehicle out of a nation that had enough for a 5-lined tree if it became a sub-tree.


Itd be damn shame if israel was the last tech tree tbh. What a waste.


I mean the Spit’s wasn’t as those 80mm rockets were fun as hell and would pen king tigers lol

I dont know about Poland.

If it would come as a standalone TT we get less vehicles per nation per update.

Since the total amount of vehicles hasnt gone up with the addition of extra nations.

This could also increase the amount of C&P vehicles as TT additions, while saving the unique ones for events, battlepasses and premiums (basically Hungary, Finland, Taiwan, BeNeLux and Switzerland).