Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Personally I’d prefer it as squadron, but who knows

Honestly it should be TT its bs Denmark and Norway are “only for premiums” literally killing our TT because of that

The question is. Does the US need both?

Im doubting something like the F-111 will ever come as a premium (too much ground pound power, a premium tornado was a surprise)

It would be a kinda dull event (for the US), to get essentially a C&P of something you’d hope you would already have on your TT.

SQV maybe. But the question is, is there something better for that?

F-111K or RAAF F-111C just makes an interesting option for a future british event aircraft.


I don’t think they ever completed an f111k

Maybe enough for an event vehicle. Its a grey option. The F-111B did exist and enter service and its just a variant of that.

But the suggestion made it through and passed to the devs so one hurdle down at least:

TSR2 though is what Id prefer on our actual TT or as a premium and not as an event

I just wanna see people mald tbh I live for the complaining drama I want the UK to get an F/A-18 in general so bad anyway so I can have 3

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Hehe. Yeah, thats always fun

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But then they claim we are asking the world

even though every main does these thing but it’s only wrong if us brits do it


add this to your list

If the Latam tree-coalition never arrives, this is an excellent option for the Israeli sub-tree (Benelux style)

P/D: ohhh I just saw that you were referring only to Europe

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The F-111C for UK and F-111F for US could work, 111C could carry target pod and harpoon+Popeye missiles and 111F can too.

The issue for me is, which one? Right now, CF-18 is the best and most likely option

Yep, would just be nice to keep the door open for a future event vehicle. We’ve had rather… meh event vehicles of late

HMS Renwon is okay, but the definition of a glass canon

Jaguar IS is unplayable and pointless.

Petard is cool, but a meme tank and is essentially unplayable.

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Bomber line (do you guys even have one past rank 6?) could benefit from that.

Bucanner S2B is Rank 7 and then the Tornado Gr1 is rank 8. Id guess Tornado Gr4 would be high rank 8 or even Rank 9.

Also got things like the TSR2 or Avro Vulcan for our bomber line as well at some point.

Britain is pretty solid in ground attackers. After all, we did have that agreement with the US that we would focus on ground attack and they would help with air defence or something. Britain could very very easily be the strongest CAS nation in game,

I mean, the US has equal CAS than UK in most ways, some better some worse. I think the agreement because UK doesn’t have the budget bandwidth to do both. Either way it worked out well so give UK whatever CAS planes your talking about

B52+Vulcan would be cool

Its mostly Brimstone that puts us WAY ahead. Not a lot, if anything in the US arsenal really comes close, at least not in the voluem that can be carried by aircraft like the Torando Gr4 or harrier Gr9A

yeah, A strategic bomber update would be very cool. Even just for the option to have them as AI targets in Sim.

Don’t worry an equalizer/better brimstone is under development by US, nothing can really compare in amount but newer AGM could compete in overall effectveness

B-52 would be slightly slower, less manueveravility Vulcan with wayyy more bombs

The question for the B52 and Vulcan is what BR to put them at, where they would stand a chance at getting to a target.

Early B-52, with .50 turret at 8.3 air, 8.7 ground, late Vietnam with m61 turret at 8.7 air, 9.0 ground, desert storm/gwot at 9.3 air, 10.3/7 ground could work

Puking rn