Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

WELCOME to the War Thunder - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion Thread!

Here you can discuss everything related to the upcoming major update, including rumors, data mines, and dev blogs.

However, please AVOID these types of discussions:

Wishlisting. Some examples:

  • “I want the F-22 next update!”
  • “Gaijin where are these vehicles!!!” <lists 10 vehicles they want in the game>

There’s a separate thread for this here

Vehicle spec discussions, such as armour, ammo, ordnance, guns, data sheets, performance. Some examples:

  • “I hope for these vehicles, they will balance the game. They have XYZ ordnance and will counter the XYZ!”
  • 2 page discussions about what type of ammo a new tank in a dev blog will get. Now this is fine for the most part since a vehicle in the dev blog is part of the next update, however it can escalate into completely other discussions so do be careful!

There’s plenty of threads for these discussions here.

Bug reports, issues, suggestions, feedback for dev-server or testing. Some examples:

  • “Abrams is missing its thermals. However that’s not meant to be as it had this historically. Smin fix this!!!”
  • “This thing is bugged on the dev server, devs please fix it!”

You can make a bug report here and suggestion here. When the dev server is up, use the DEV Server Section for feedback.

Not avoiding these example discussions will mean your post is likely to be hidden by a moderator. Any continuation after that might mean you get a warning.

You must remember that this is the most popular and active thread on the forum. Its aim is to put all of the next update’s information in one place so it can be discussed amongst the community. Other discussions like outlined in the examples above can be discussed in proper forum sections. Often official Gaijin members will respond on this thread so do be sure to remain respectful! Otherwise they may just stop. Please also remember that everyone is entitled to their own opinions on what may be coming. If you follow the forum rules, you’ll be okay!

Please use the Seek & Destroy Thread to discuss the “Seek & Destroy” Major Update. Complaining here won’t solve anything and is considered off-topic.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click to reveal

Q: What is this thread about?

  • This thread is about the upcoming major update and future content.

Q: Will you add… (insert thing here)?

  • No. We are not developers, just nosy players.

Q: Why isn’t (insert vehicle) on the list?

  • Either because there is no evidence that this vehicle may be added, or because no one told me that there is such evidence.

Q: Why is (vehicle/feature) on the Denied list?

  • Because said feature or vehicle was denied by Gaijin developers or their representatives at some point in the past.

Q: Where did my post go?

  • Off-Topic comments will often be removed to keep this thread readable and on topic. No need to be alarmed or comment if your post disappears. If you are concerned, contact a Forum Moderator or Senior Forum Moderator privately.

Q: What if I don’t want to read all the comments to find out what will come?

  • Read the OP. It will remain frequently updated with new information as it comes in.

General overview of stuff collected over time (Updated frequently)

Click to reveal

Warning: This list has been updated, but I may have missed some things. If you notice a problem or have an addition to make, please send me a PM. I may not see your mentions on the thread itself!

Feedback: In addition to what I wrote above, I am looking for feedback on the usefulness of the list below. Since it does not get carried over to the next parts, do you find it useful still? Is this worth keeping around? Please let me know via PM.

Items that have been confirmed officially by Gaijin will have confirmed preceding them.


Click to reveal


United States


Russia / Soviet Union

Great Britain







  • empty :(

Ground Forces

Click to reveal


  • Regenerative steering - Source
  • Time fused shells - Source 1 / Source 2
  • Damage model of wheeled vehicles for damage to suspension and wheels - Source
  • Single player ground campaign in the works - Source
  • New Japan map - Source

United States


Russia / Soviet Union

Great Britain







  • empty :(


Click to reveal


  • New naval game modes - Source
  • Texture updates for PT boats’ 37mm M4. - Source
  • turret_130mm_bl109a_twin and turret_305mm_sm31_triple? - used on “Stalingrad” class Heavy Cruiser - Source

United States


Russia / Soviet Union

  • Stalingrad - Source
  • “9M39 Igla on MPK pr.12412 currently WIP, to receive feature in a future update”

Great Britain

  • Fairmile D (601) (“bigcaptain”) - Source
  • Fairmile D (617) (“bigcaptain”) - Source



  • confirmed Plans for the Chinese navy - Source


  • MS74 Serie 2a (Torpedoboat) - Source
  • Sparviero (P 420) (art) - Source


  • empty :(


Click to reveal


  • empty :(

United States


Russia / Soviet Union

Great Britain

  • empty :(


  • empty :(


  • empty :(


  • empty :(


  • empty :(


  • empty :(


  • empty :(


Click to reveal


  • Submarines unclear - Q&A so far said either “not now” or “not yet”. Submarines might come eventually since they were in April Fools 2018.
  • Submarines might be in the works due to this evidence: - Source 1 / Source 2 / Source 3


Click to reveal


Nations & Sub Trees

  • New playable nation(s) SoonTM - Source
  • More sub trees coming, no details on release time - Source
  • Poland may be in the works, but no specific plans - Source


Click to reveal

Generally unclear

  • empty :(

Please remember to keep on-topic and respect each other.
Thank you!


This topic was automatically opened after 49 minutes.

When is next update 😡

I’ve been waiting too long it’s been a few seconds since this topic opened


And we’re live. Get in the queue you lot.

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chancing fate I see


@Firestarter well looking at the plane currently, looks like aim9Ls basic for SHAR indeed.

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As expected, the namer is a bit incomplete, the side skirts provide more armor against heat than hull armor


so is this for the update thats now coming and not seek and destroy?


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My Xbox still says there is no update

Gripen C got hit
12 of its CM are unusable
It cannot select uneven number of CMs, it even cannot fully controll the amount of CM it gets, and they can be used ony in double pops.


Damn, Vextra was supposed to pen 488mm with the F2, but they only give it F1… I guess 488mm was too high for 9.7, but 361mm for 9.7 is really sad now…

Also funny the French tax on the Belgium Spitfire: 5072 repair cost stock in UK TT, but 6812 for France xD


French coastal next update ?


Did you hear about the Polish sound technician? Well, there was a Czech one, too.

No fixes for Merkava’s armor, I assume, then?

1 Like

maybe they’ll fix it in our dream

and here we are again

what are our expectations this time? French Coastal will probably be the theme

I knew ARH would come reduced in some way when server went live. The effective range of all was brought down. I can see why but I cannot offer an opinion yet on if it’s the right decision. I rather liked the intense long range battle of not knowing if the RWR is deceiving you etc.