ABC (Argentina, Brazil, Chile) Ground Forces Techtree

+1 would be nice to see these nations represented in the game someday.


Israel is still really lackluster, and I think this would really help them out given there still isn’t a single vehicle in the aviation or ground tree that isn’t Israeli. We really desperately need a sub tree and I think this might be a wonderful fit. Big ol’ +1 from me!


Regarding Israel, it can have solid ground tree even without any foreign vehicles. In the full potential ground tree can have with no problem from rank 1 to top tier 5 branches filled with all kinds of vehicles.

Where Israel really lacks is in air tree, what Israel currently has is pretty much everything it had. What is left is Rank 1 - 3, at Ranks 4 - 8 some aircrafts here and there, and of course continuation with such aircrafts as Sufa, Ra’am, Barak 2020 and Adir.

In general air tree would stay only within 3 branches as it is in game rn.


I already made the ABC aerial tree too, I just have to make the suggestion but just as this tree covers all ranges, I could give Israel several unique aircraft that have a relationship with Israel such as the Argentine Finger/Dagger, the Chilean F-5 and the Pantera and I think Brazil also has some things modernized by Israel although I am not an expert in Brazilian aircraft to mention any now. @VEIO_da_HAVAN I think you could say something about Brazilian planes modernized by Israel.


Excellent suggestion dude. As an alternative to the Latam tree, I fully support this as a sub-tree for Israel.

+100 ABC for Israel


Would love to see that someday <3

(Brazilian F-5 with python 4/5s and Derby/Derby-ERs would be amazing given Israel’s assistance in its upgrade, and a Brazilian Gripen for Israel would be hilarious lmfao.)

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+1 Great suggestion mate! IMO this would present itself as a big contender for the next independent TT to be added. I had made an ABC tech tree proposal in the old forum, glad that someone made a better version of it :D

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F-5EM I believe, if I’m not wrong.

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I think this is basically a more “condensed” version of the LATAM tree proposal. I really like the choice of each vehicle and placement, as it has logical progression.

It’s a +1 for me, though I wonder where would the rest of LATAM go if this were to be chosen over full LATAM proposal?


Premium/Event vehicles (maybe?).

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It’s as you say, it’s more condensed, but I added some vehicles from the 3 countries that were not added in the full Latin tree as those places were left for other Latin countries, for example, in this tree I added some Argentine anti-aircraft, Argentine light vehicles like the VCTP and the VAE and in Chile I added some variants of the Piranha like the one with the AML-90 turret, anti-aircraft such as the M163 Vulcan and some tanks that are considered copies but that help fill spaces such as the AMX-30 or the M60A3 TTS. I also changed the BR of many vehicles after the studies I did, as well as I changed the classification of some vehicles such as the EE-9 (TORC30) which in the Latin tree is anti-aircraft in BR 9.0 and I put it in BR 10.0 as a light tank since I considered it very similar to the German PUMA.


Wayyy too big to be a subtree. Additionally, Argentina has been confirmed to be going to Germany, and Chile alone is a great fit for Israel.

Argentina was denied for Germany by smin himself

In my opinion, new independent tech tree. Or isreal could get 3 countries sub tree

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Smin denied it

Not everything would be added as initially as a subtree. Only the available options are shown here. That’s why it’s called “suggestion.”

Normally an initial batch is added and then you have material to add with each update. As happens with Benelux in France, the Nordic countries in Sweden, the commonwealth countries in the UK or the Baltic countries in Italy.

A “tab” or “page” format has even been suggested to represent the subtrees in the main nations.


I think I also read something about that, that Argentina is not a sub tree of Germany, regarding the sub tree this suggestion is similar to the one of Benelux that was added to France, the suggestion of Benelux planes in the forum is quite big but Gaijin only chose some of the planes, it’s the same for ABC.

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Cause all I know is this

Of all the nations in WT, Israel needs it the most.

Because the rest can have coalition subtrees and Israel, right?

ABC is the best candidate for Israel.


That image you shared is from 2022, they said this recently


All of which are frankly terrible additions to the game that miss the entire point of adding subtrees- to introduce a nation to the game. All are far too large to properly introduce so only a tiny fraction of the sub nations equipment is added, being a total disservice to both that nation and to every nation as it means that other vehicles are now locked to that tree… eventually.

If a tree can’t be fit into a regular and premium line, with a few exceptions such as SPAA, then it’s too big to be a subtree and should be independent or not added at all with vehicles distributed on a case by case basis to their country of origin.
Similarly, subtrees should be added according to political ties rather than simple geographic proximity.