Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

They could honestly use an F-18, someone suggested a Swiss one which could work

Idk as Europe can house at least 4 tech trees still.

EE = Czechoslovakia, Poland, Bulgaria

Southern EE = Yugoslavia, Albania & Greece

Far EE = Belarus, Ukraine & Baltic States (Unlikely tho)

Iberia = Spain, Portugal and ether Morocco or Brazil

Alpine Union = Switzerland and Austria.

Something that is not my opinion, however, but rather a fact, is that “opinion” and “option” are quite different words.

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Didn’t notice that lmao

Edit : Fixed

Switzerland is a reasonable sub-TT for Germany and that would include their F-18s

But Canada is kinda stupid for them. With the exception of the Leopards, they really dont have anything else in common.

And the C&P would be minimal for the F-18

US (obviously)
Sweden (Via Finland)
Maybe Germany (Via Switzerland)
UK (Maybe Via Canada)

Britain may need the F-18. The question is Typhoon when? If its this year (any of the 3 updates left this year) Then we are fine. If Typhoon is not planned for a year+ then CF-18 would be a good stop-gap. Though Id hope they would add remaining British aircraft like the Harrier GR9A and Tornado Gr4 if the gap was suffecient.

When the choice is between Mig-29 C&P or F-18 C&P. F-18 wins everytime.


I mean I would think we may get the Mig-29 or the Su-30, god that weird to say.

I hope India will be relegated to the rare premium and as such, they wont add something like the Mig-29 or Su-30 as premiums for a long long time yet.

If we get them on our TT. Then our TT is dead

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Yep even though I was mainly joking before as then we didn’t know about India placement. But I got that feeling gaijin will go hey you got the Gripen great we will use that as a spring board to add Indian aircraft now.

As so far we’ve only gotten Indian stuff as Premium or export stuff as event. Fingers crossed its like Norway for Sweden. Premium only. Just doesnt make sense to start throwing soviet stuff onto our main TT.

I think BAE Hawk is a good candidate for one of the 2 upcoming majors and I do strongly suspect a “late” Tornado update.

Germany may need the CAS upgrade (however fairly minimal) that the Tornado ASSTA3.1 would add. Might as well add the Tornado Gr4 and Tornado A200C at the same time. Would be good alongside the F-111C and Su-24. And then that ties us over nicely till Typhoon which I suspect will be December

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Speaking if Norway I bet they would add the F-16A to the Swedish tree as a rank 8 premium.
IIrc Sweden hasn’t got anything else to offer at that rank nor Finland baring the F/A-18

Its a reasonable guess. Either that or something like the Viggen Di as a premium (with or without AMRAAM)

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Part from the E what has Sweden got left, the GN or the Brazilian F-39E & F

I reckon yall could get an Aussie Legacy Hornet

There is a reasonable argument for that to end up on the US TT as an event vehicle as it would be the only thing they could get with ASRAAM (and they need at least one aircraft with good IR missiles :P )


Barrel scraping. I could see the Gripen B or D at some point as a premium. Also Gripen NG for a Gripen E but without the IRIS-T/Meteor

But yeah, Sweden top tier is gunna be rather light


Well id say itd go to the UK since theres so many Aussie vehicles already but I suppose the AIM might make that difficult, (I still think it shouldve been the Marines AIM)

I hope we can get the Sea Gripen/ Gripen Maritime as wel

F111C could be good in US and UK trees, on one hand the whole upgrade was just general dynamics adjusting f111 to RAAF requirements, and US is one of Australia closest allies, on the other hand Australia still has strong ties with the crown.

Could easily go to bith

Considering CF-18 is also there and its no different to the regular F-18 the US can already get its fairly reasonable. Maybe we can trade the F-111C for the F-18 with ASRAAM

Yea which is why I think they would go for the Norwegian F-16A for the premium