Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion


Yep, this the more realistic way of looking at it.

Everyone has their own opinion on how it should be but this is the most accurate way of predicting Gaijin’s next step.

I’d like trees without a single dominant nation but thats not gonna happen. Expecting both Koreas to join the Chinas is more realistic imo. Not saying it’s right, just saying it’s more likely?


can I see an example? note I said

so a nation having the same variant as the US but from a separate country doesnt count

Who does that contain again ?

Casually ignores the amount of times where pre-existing premiums and event vehicles didn’t exclude independent trees from beint added.
But hey, I guess we just don’t understand it 😁

I’d like this


Expect that Italy has two subs already China has Zero

France and Italy got added before sub-trees were even a thing.

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How does italy even have 2? They only have hungary as a sub tt…

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I am very pessimistic about how gaijin treats the whole tree. Recently, the MLU got hit with a nerf, reducing 30 flares, instead of getting what it should: amraams, AIM-9Ms, sniper-XR and paveways, a kit that it arrived in Taiwan with. There are still dozens of reports about how the ZTZ99A is badly modelled, its firepower and protection being horribly depicted, and on top of that the J-11A OCU which does not have PL12 and has an entirety of 1 DL for its ARH missiles. The TOR was also only good for like 2 patches when they introduced the pantsir.

In the context of a subtree likely only some of the member nations similar to what was done for Britain with commonwealth.

But full members are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.


They have Romania which has been not only confirmed a ton of times by now but even premiums transferred over.

He 112, the Duck ect

The romanian sub tt isnt in game, that would be like saying that the uk already have the canadian sub tt and the indian sub tt…

Was a bit unclear what you meant, but if that is what you meant you are right, except for maybe some MiG in Italy and Germany

we do have india they confirmed it lol


Yeah, China really, was the punching bag of this update. So bad that even with all of the many other issues around they still managed to stick out…

Let’s hope they’ll be treated better next time.

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German migs are either Polish or east German the Italian ones are from Hungary

They confirmed that indian vehicles would go to the uk, not that you already have an indian sub tt.

The same thing was said by like players from like idk, 50 countries, and for the past two years. Hopefully it does, but its effectively “just hopefully”.

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While not Canada, both India and Romania have been confirmed to be official subnations of their respective trees (Britain and Italy)

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