Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion

Yeah, China really, was the punching bag of this update. So bad that even with all of the many other issues around they still managed to stick out…

Let’s hope they’ll be treated better next time.

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German migs are either Polish or east German the Italian ones are from Hungary

They confirmed that indian vehicles would go to the uk, not that you already have an indian sub tt.

The same thing was said by like players from like idk, 50 countries, and for the past two years. Hopefully it does, but its effectively “just hopefully”.

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While not Canada, both India and Romania have been confirmed to be official subnations of their respective trees (Britain and Italy)

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has been confirmed as offical sub trees ( sub trees dont require a full line)

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Nvm your right. Isn’t the gap around the BR of the regular M1 so k1 could go to Japan, they have the type 10, then go to k2, and k1a1 to US in some form.

Speaking of Hungary I wish they would add the rest of the lower tiers of the air tree.

Even tho I horded all the Hungarian stuff through events and BP’s : D

Gonna be a while, since thats where the unique stuff are. A FW 190 F-8 would be effective I guess, but currently with minimal practice I am already dunking heads with the Tu-2 so thats no longer something I want.

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To be fair, it depends if Gaijin will release new MBT such as T-14, AbramsX, etc. ZTZ99A is going to be China’s top MBT for some time. It may be many years before we got any news about Chinese 4th gen MBT.

In the future

China = Pakistan & Bangladesh ?
Isreal = Chile or Columbia ?
Germany = Alpine (Austria & Swiss) & Argentina ?

Not just italy lack aircraft rank I ~ III from Hungary. Now isreal no aircraft rank I ~ III

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Thats not entirely suprising. Besides other nations will have the same problem and i dont see gaijin adding t14 and abrams X and such at 11.7 i assume we will see those tanks at least a few years from bow but gaijin does love their power creep.

Argentina was denied for germany and might actually go to isreal

Even though Chile would be better for Israel It would be a shame for Argentina as they have so many stuff from rank 1 to 3 being wasted.

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Does the new amphibious tank count as 4th gen MBT?

that i honestly doubt

whats its name?

Unknown. Only handful of pictures are available

and so were Austria and Switzerland

It isn’t even sure if israel gets a subtree at all. They could get one or not, but people forget that israel is a special case with no tier 1-3 and needing to play other nations first to unlock the tree