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that could work but like people have said SK lacks good mbts they kinda jump from the M48s to the K1s, its why I think they would make a great sub tree for japan, the M48 would fill out a gap in the 7.0 to 8.0 area where they lack an mbt and the K1s would help their top tier between 10.3 with the stock K1 and then 11.7 with up to the K2

and what evidence points to it going to the US?

The K2 has ~850mm LOS on main turret armor belt. Even if it is only B-tech, which presumably it isnt, that would equate to protection thats enough to be 3BM42 or even 120mm DM33-proof. If they are able to fully realize what they have learnt on the T-80U and leopard, id say it would result to around 550mm resistance against long rod penetrators. This is already a number that is noticably better than the merkava currently and possibly IRL.

That is the thing. Looking at recent sub trees, why would you expect the K1 and K2 in a SK sub tree?

They operate T-72M1s and T-80U, so do you really trust Gaijin to not just add those over the K1 and K2?

Hong Kong?

You didnt specify which J20 so
Im pretty sure the allies captured a good number of these(RE.2000)


That is the main thing, unless you have hard protection values or know the composite layout and materials, anything is possible.

What evidence points to it going to China, or becoming an independent tree or going to Japan? If we are going by existing evidence Sweden stands a better chance because of already having vidadr (don’t forget it’s Dimitri’s fav tree)

Just like they kept the Leopards to the German tree or the T-90 to the russian tree…oh wait.

And don’t be too suprised if we’ll see the M1A2T in the chinese tree when they add or have added the SEPv3 to the US tree.

I don’t really understand why not. Koreas under Japan i can sense the issues but why not under China?
Genuine question, not being rhetorical.

Sweden only got it because Norway uses South korean modified vehicles. The base Vidar model doesnt have thermals or laser rangefinder. That was an addition made by the Norwegians.

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I mean, we got the Hungarian 2A7 because Italy lacked a good MBT, france got 2 F16s, honestly I think they would add the K1 and K2, there more likely to add it in a sub tree for japan then they would be for the US or someone else

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Well, what I meant that it would arguably be better than B-tech. SK does have the privilege to study both abrams and soviet designs.

China honestly doesnt need a subtree. If youve ever looked at their vehicle list of prototype and production vehicles they have a ton of really cool vehicles just waiting to be added.

I mean, if we are going to ignore the entire involvement of china in the korean war on the opposite side, it could happen.

But that is quite an important part in SK history I would guess. Just like ww2 is an important part of our (the netherlands) history.

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tbh im gonna laugh when I see american mains explode over that but alas we can hope it wont happen

A fixed ariete would be adequate, honestly the HU isnt that needed. Well, fixed leclercs, CR2s and ZTZ99A would also be good, instead of L2A7NL, L2A6M CAN and idk L2SG.

NK to PRC, SK to ROC?
PRC and ROC are already armed to the teeth for eachother. NK and SK too. I’d say it fits perfectly.
“China” tree is two Chinas.

Fair enough

Hopefully, they give k1a1 to both US and Japan so Japan can fill out their tree and we can get the fancy hydropneumatic suspension.